노인학대 개입에 관한 연구

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노인학대|Elder Abuse|Intervention Strategy|인구사회학|학대 유형
Although the issue of elder abuse remained publicly hidden until 1990's in Korea, it has recently received increased attention by service providers and researchers. As we experience the graying of the Korean population, elder abuse becomes one of the most important issues in the contemporary society.
The purpose of this study is to investigate differences in the perception of elder abuse among service providers, local government officials, and so on and develop intervention strategies to prevent various types of elder abuse cases.
The methodology employs a range of different approaches to the investigation of elder abuse, including documentary analysis, surveys of service providers and case studies.
In general, vignettes or scenarios are regarded as a valuable technique for collecting people's perceptions, beliefs, opinions and attitudes about specific situation. Thus this study used a questionnaire containing 12 scenarios on elder abuse. Each scenario required a response of either strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree on hypothetical elder abuse situation.
Of the 300 questionnaires that were distributed, 206 were returned. The responses to the questions were then analyzed by way of statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and factor analysis.
The results of the survey are as follows. First, according to factor analysis, the respondents perceived elder abuse as two types. One is intentional elder abuse and the other is unintentional elder abuse. Second, there are significant differences in the perception of elder abuse among respondents according to gender, age, job, health status, economic status. Third, the existence of elder person(s) in the family influences the perception of elder abuse. Fourth, whether a respondent had taken Welfare for the Age at the time of university education, whether or not a respondent had taken Elder Abuse at the time of university student, whether or not a respondent knows mandatory reporting laws, at least in part, influences the perception of elder abuse. To conclude, the most significant types of elder abuse are physical abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, economic abuse and neglect.
In addition, according to the results of case studies, there is a urgent need to develop intervention strategies to prevent elder abuse. Accordingly, intervention strategies are explored and presented on the basis of various types of elder abuse, characteristics of abuser and abused, and the process of intervention.
A number of recommendations are made, including enhancing education and public relation about elder abuse for the medical professionals.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Intervention Strategy of the Elder Abuse
Alternative Author(s)
Bang, Hee-myung
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 행정학
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구 목적 = 1
제2절 연구 범위 및 방법 = 3
1. 연구 범위 = 3
2. 연구 방법 = 4
제2장 이론적 배경 = 5
제1절 노인학대의 정의와 유형 = 5
1. 정의 = 5
2. 유형 = 8
3. 피해자와 가해자의 특성 = 15
제2절 노인학대의 개입 = 18
1. 노인학대의 신고 = 18
2. 개입 의의 = 21
3. 개입 모델 = 22
제3절 노인학대의 개입방법과 과정 = 35
1. 개입방법 = 35
2. 개입과정 = 45
제4절 연구분석 틀 = 53
제3장 노인학대 인식도 조사 = 55
제1절 조사 설계 = 55
1. 조사대상자 및 조사도구 = 55
2. 자료 수집 및 분석 = 57
제2절 조사 결과 = 57
1. 인구사회학적 특성 = 57
2. 유형별 인식도 = 64
3. 신고의무제에 대한 인식도 = 95
4. 조사 결과 요약 = 100
제4장 사례 분석 = 101
제1절 노인학대 사례 = 101
1. 사례 선정 = 101
2. 자료 수집 = 101
3. 분석 모형 = 102
제2절 유형별 사례 분석 = 103
1. 신체적 학대 = 103
2. 언어·정서적 학대 = 111
3. 경제적 학대 = 118
4. 방임 학대 = 122
5. 사례 분석 요약 = 125
제5장 논의 = 130
제1절 노인학대 개입전략의 모색 = 130
제2절 개입전략 = 131
1. 유형별 개입전략 = 132
2. 피해자와 가해자의 특성에 따른 개입전략 = 142
3. 개입과정별 개입전략 = 148
제6장 결론 = 153
제1절 연구 요약 = 153
제2절 제언 = 156
제3절 후속연구 방향 = 160
참고문헌 = 162
부록 = 185
조선대학교 대학원
방희명. (2007). 노인학대 개입에 관한 연구.
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2007-11-13
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