기체크로마토그래피를 이용한 잔류농약 동시다성분 분석법
- Author(s)
- 원영준
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Keyword
- 기체크로마토그래피|잔류농약|동시다성분|Gas Chromatography|Residual Pesticides
- Abstract
- The simultaneous determination of residual pesticides was developed using a gas chromatography method. In this study, a simple and reliable methodology was improved to detect 175 kinds of residual pesticides in soybean sample by using a liquid-liquid extraction procedure and chromatographic analysis by GC-electron-capture and GC-nitrogen- phosphorus detection. The 175 kinds of residual pesticides was classified in 4 groups(STD #1~STD #4) according to the chemical structure, column type, resolution and senstivity.
In case of STD #1, we confirmed that 53 pesticides separated from high temperature and large molecular weight including Pyrethroids. Especially, Pyrethroid pesticides was separated multi-peak. Cypermethrin's 4th peak overlapped Flucythrinate's 1st peak and Fenvalerate's 2nd peak was not separated Fluvalinate's 1st peak. We connected 2 columns(SPB-608, 30 m × 0.25 ㎜ × 0.25 ㎛) and separated 45 pesticides of STD #4. In this study, we used a very simple cleanup with open column(length:30 ㎝, I.D.:15 ㎜) and also, we determined that the combination of different solvents, hexane:methylene chloride(1:1), tert-butylmethylether:hexane(9:1) and acetone:methylene chloride(1:9). The sample(soybean) which used recovery experiment was not detected all pesticides. The recovery tests were ranged from 70.6% to 119.7%. The relative standard deviation(R.S.D. %) was lower than 5.5% in all cases. The limits of detection(LOD) was lower than the maximum residue levels established by Korean legislations.
This developed method was applied satisfactory to the determination of the 175 kinds of residual pesticides with good reproducibility and accuracy and makes it a powerful multiclass, multiresidue approach to pesticide analysis of foods.
- Alternative Title
- Determination of Simultaneous Analytical Method of Residual Pesticides by Gas Chromatography
- Alternative Author(s)
- Won, young-jun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품의약학과
- Advisor
- 이명렬
- Awarded Date
- 2007-08
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론 = 1
제2장 재료 및 방법 = 4
제1절 재료 = 4
1. 농약 표준품 및 시약 = 4
2. 시험용 재료 = 4
제2절 G.C를 이용한 농약 동시 다성분 분석 = 5
1. 농약 성분(표준품)의 유형별 분류 : STD #1~ STD #4 = 5
2. 표준용액의 제조 = 6
3. GC 분석방법 : STD #1~ STD #4 = 6
제3절 농산물의 잔류농약 모니터링 적용 = 19
1. 대두 시료의 추출 및 정제 = 19
2. 상추 등 채소류 시료의 추출 및 정제 = 20
3. 대두의 농약성분 회수율 검증 = 25
제3장 실험결과 및 고찰 = 26
제1절 농약 표준품의 동시다성분 분석 = 26
1. 농약 성분(표준품)의 유형별 분류 : STD #1~ STD #4 = 26
2. 농약 성분(표준품)의 유형별 G.C 분석 특성 : STD #1~ STD #4 = 27
3. 농약(표준품) 검출한계 = 41
4. Florisil chromatography에서 용매별 정제 효과 = 41
5. 대두의 농약성분 회수율 = 42
제2절 농산물의 잔류농약 모니터링 = 63
1. 상추 등 채소류 모니터링 = 63
제4장 요약 = 69
참고문헌 = 71
Appendix = 74
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 원영준. (2007). 기체크로마토그래피를 이용한 잔류농약 동시다성분 분석법.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6861
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2007-11-13
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