更生保護制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 문일섭
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Keyword
- 更生保護制度|갱생보호제도|Compulsory After Care System|Rehabilitation System|유권
- Abstract
- With a high-tech industry society and conspicuous trend toward two generation family system, our society has been experiencing a breakdown of public morals and the values relevant to traditional family system. In addition, crimes have been increasing in number. However, we are facing its side-effects and an expansion of discontent of the underprivileged.
In the rapidly changing society, criminals' ages are becoming lower and especially offenders who are in middle age are increasing. Moreover, the released prisoners are commit a second offense. Therefore, the criminal policy focuses on the crime prevention and rehabilitation of offenders.
Recently, the study on the repetition of an offense and their rehabilitation have been conducted. The vicious circle of crime proves that correction and the social protection policy for released prisoners may be ineffective. And Our Correction System realize the limitations of cure prisoner of a crime habit.
Therefore the recent trends for prevention of re-offending is going from the institutional detention to community treatment, which is the development of the probation system. The national probation system is very important to protect the released prisoners. It is natural that the rehabilitation system is a fundamental of criminal policy and a special deterrence against recidivism in crime prevention system. In addition, it is settled down as the most traditional social protection step of community treatment.
Also, Second chapter explain at length of the rehabilitation's theory and rehabilitation system.
Third chapter compared the USA and Japan's rehabilitation system with our country rehabilitation system
Fourth chapter to start with, I would be interested in knowing where each of our rehabilitation of Correction System and Rehabilitation System
Fifth chapter is an accurate grasp of the problems of Korean rehabilitation system and parole system.
Sixth chapter reach a conclusion as follow;
The purpose of this study is creation of sound social climate through the prevention of reconviction by released prisoners and seeking for the role of the rehabilitation system in order to give effective supports to them. Also, to examine the relationship between prevention of re-offending and rehabilitation system in details, and to investigate the realities and problems of rehabilitation for released prisoners. Also, to find a way to revitalize rehabilitation system by analyzing critically the directions and programs of the Korea Rehabilitation Agencies. More over, the welfare enhancement of discharged prisoners should be an important part in social welfare, criminal policy and correction services because it has great benefits for both discharged prisoners themselves and society. And the successful management of these programs, it is important to make best use of community resources and to manage the conflicts with local residents effectively in our nation.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Rehabilitation System : Focus on the Compulsory After Care System
- Alternative Author(s)
- Moon, Il-Seob
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 문정민
- Awarded Date
- 2007-08
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 序論 = 1
제1절 硏究의 目的 = 1
제2절 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 3
제2장 更生保護制度의 一般的 考察 = 6
제1절 更生保護의 槪念 = 6
Ⅰ. 更生保護의 意義 = 6
Ⅱ. 沿革 = 7
Ⅲ. 法的 性質 = 11
Ⅳ. 任意的·有權的 更生保護制度의 差異 = 13
제2절 更生保護制度의 必要性 = 16
Ⅰ. 更生保護의 理念과 目的 = 16
Ⅱ. 更生保護制度의 必要性 = 23
1. 矯正處遇의 現實的 限界 = 23
2. 社會內處遇制度의 必要性 = 24
3. 更生保護制度의 必要性 = 25
제3절 更生保護와 犯罪豫防 = 26
Ⅰ. 出所者의 環境과 社會支持網 = 26
Ⅱ. 更生保護와 犯罪豫防의 關聯性 = 27
제3장 美國·日本과 우리나라의 更生保護制度 = 31
제1절 美國·日本의 更生保護制度 = 32
Ⅰ. 美國의 更生保護制度 = 32
1. 受刑者의 社會復歸 = 32
2. 受刑者에 대한 職業敎育 = 41
3. 有權的 更生保護制度 = 48
4. 任意的 更生保護制度 = 50
5. Halfway House = 50
Ⅱ. 日本의 更生保護制度 = 51
1. 沿革 = 51
2. 社會內處遇 = 53
3. 更生保護機關 = 55
4. 更生保護法의 制定 = 58
제2절 우리나라의 更生保護制度 = 59
Ⅰ. 更生保護機關 = 59
Ⅱ. 更生保護對象者 및 保護節次 = 61
1. 更生保護對象者 = 61
2. 保護節次 = 61
Ⅲ. 更生保護의 方法 = 62
1. 宿食提供 = 62
2. 保護實施 = 63
제4장 犯罪者의 更生保護現況 = 66
제1절 收容機關의 更生保護 = 66
Ⅰ. 職業敎育을 통한 支援 = 66
1. 受刑者 說問調査 結果 分析 = 66
2. 職業敎育과 그 成果 = 74
Ⅱ. 情神敎育을 통한 支援 = 83
1. 敎誨活動 프로그램 = 83
2. 社會關係 回復프로그램 = 84
제2절 更生機關의 保護 = 86
Ⅰ. 更生機關 = 87
1. 公團의 經營革新 = 87
2. 組織 改編 = 87
3. 更生保護事業 財源擴充 = 88
Ⅱ. 公團의 更生保護 現況 = 88
1. 更生保護事業 現況 = 88
2. 生活館 擴充 및 現代化 = 89
3. 就業斡旋 機能의 擴大·强化 = 90
제5장 更生保護의 問題點과 改善方案 = 91
제1절 任意的 更生保護制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 91
Ⅰ. 任意的 更生保護制度의 問題点 = 91
1. 任意的 更生保護의 趣旨 = 91
2. 現行更生保護의 運營實態 = 92
Ⅱ. 有權的 更生保護附 假釋放制의 導入 = 98
1. 論議의 背景 = 98
2. 現行 假釋放制度의 意義와 運營現況 = 102
3. 有權的 更生保護制度의 導入必要性과 豫想效果 = 107
제2절 更生保護事業의 問題點과 改善方案 = 110
Ⅰ. 關聯法規의 問題點과 改善方案 = 110
1. 問題點 = 110
2. 改善方案 = 112
Ⅱ. 更生保護公團 運營의 問題點과 改善方案 = 116
1. 問題點 = 116
2. 改善方案 = 118
제3절 職業敎育의 問題點과 改善方案 = 122
Ⅰ. 職業敎育의 問題點 = 123
1. 現代的 職業과 맞지 않는 職業敎育 = 123
2. 職業訓鍊 네트워크 未構築 = 123
3. 就業斡旋 프로그램 = 124
Ⅱ. 改善方案 = 124
1. 適性과 時代에 맞는 職業敎育 = 124
2. 職業敎育 네트워크 構築 = 126
3. 職業訓鍊 및 就業斡旋 프로그램의 强化 = 133
제6장 結論 = 135
參考文獻 = 139
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 문일섭. (2007). 更生保護制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6848
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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