資金洗濯에 관한 韓?中?日의 刑事司法的 硏究
- Author(s)
- 전수영
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Abstract
- Globalism in economy and society that has been rapidly progressed in 1990s makes international movement of people, things, money and information easy based on progress of information and communication technology and development of vehicles centering on the Internet service. However, it caused crimes internationalized. Currently, delivery of weapons or drugs and conspiracy with foreigners including departure and arrival of criminals become easier. The profits obtained through crimes are quickly moved beyond the national boundaries and laundered. Korea and China, Japan which have kept good security conditions for such a long time have a new face of crimes according to changing social conditions of globalism. In Particular, money Laundering is getting serious along with liberation of capital movement. Money Laundering which is called as the dark side of economical globalization is becoming a serious threat by making national financial and banking system confused.
As seen in many profit - oriented crime, one of the main motives that criminals venture to commit crimes is to obtain financial profit through illegal crimes. Actually, with globalism of each area in our society, crimes are densely organized to search for more profit and the area of activity is getting expanded internationally. Huge amount of illegal profits obtained through crimes are disguised as legal through a process of money laundering and become management fund of criminal groups or a source of new crimes.
In addition, money laundering produces new crimes and as well incorporates illegal profit into legal economy, which have many bad influences on society such as obstruction economic activities and distorting economical order.
Thus, as money laundering is transnational, to overcome it, we need international cooperation. So, active efforts for international balance are progressing in each country. Such movement is based on the recognition that only countermeasures of specific countries do not make a great contribution to elimination of the problem. Criminals will find out countries or areas whose regulations are weak and commit crimes with a use of weak system as a loophole. Or they may use such places as a safe haven to conceal illegal profits or use them as a refuse. In that meaning, as a countermeasure against current crimes based on transnational or no-boundary, a problem, " how safe haven or refuges can be eliminated in the world" is suggested as an important strategy.
Korea, to cope with the international and national demands against money laundering such as restriction of criminal profits, enacted the criminal profit secretion restriction and punishment law and the specific business information report and use law in 2001, and established Korea Financial Intelligence Unit. Foreign institutions have great influences on the process of its legislation. However, as Korea and China, Japan had low social recognition on necessity of money laundering prevention and as well and showed negative attitude to the legislative process, money laundering system has not exercised its function fully yet and produced many problems.
Therefore, this study is to look out a future task centering on comparison of Korean legal system with Chinese, Japanese on money laundering system that is recognized as the most effective means to demonstrate the proposition of criminal policy as follows: Crimes do not pay.
This study aims at presenting future lookout by analysing current problems in money laundering in Korea and Japan and intends to use bibliographical research effectively. Therefore, it collects various data on money laundering, organized crimes, drug crimes, terrorism, seizure system, which will be actively used to obtain the purpose of the study.
Organized crimes, drug crimes and terrorism that are derived from money laundering are transnational and characteristic, which is the worst problem in criminal law system worldwide. The seizure system which is designed to deprive of high profits obtained through such recognition, this study is to make a comparative analysis targeting all the bibliographies that are available such as theses and books on money laundering including current law systems of countries with the Continental Law System such as Germany and Swiss and AngloAmerican Law System.
In particular, this study focuses on analysis on Korean and Chinese, Japanese countermeasures against money laundering and uses 40 recommendations of FATF which become a basic system to cope with money laundering worldwide as an analytical tool.
Finally it is hoped that this study will be a small foundation to overcome problems of current law system on money laundering and speculate future tasks.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Criminal Matters on Money Laundering of Korea, China, Japan
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目次 = i
第1章 序論 = 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 5
第2章 資金洗濯의 意義와 法的 規制 = 7
第1節 資金洗濯의 意義 = 7
1. 槪念 = 7
2. 前提犯罪와 資金洗濯의 關係 = 8
가. 藥物犯罪 = 9
나. 組織犯罪 = 10
다. 테러리즘 = 12
3. 資金洗濯의 特性 = 13
가. 資金洗濯의 段階 = 14
나. 資金洗濯의 主要手法 = 17
第2節 資金洗濯의 犯罪化 = 25
1. 資金洗濯防止를 위한 規範創出의 背景 = 25
가. 資金洗濯을 犯罪化하려는 國際動向 = 25
나. 關聯 環境 및 資金洗濯手法變化 = 27
2. 資金洗濯 犯罪化의 刑事政策的 意義 = 29
가. 沒收의 實效性 確保 = 29
나. 組織犯罪에 대한 實質的 對策 = 30
다. 正常的인 經濟에 미치는 害惡의 除去 = 31
第3節 資金洗濯의 法的 規制 = 31
1. 資金洗濯防止 努力과 關聯한 國際的 協約 = 32
가. 資金洗濯 防止에 관한 國際機構 = 32
나. 資金洗濯防止를 위한 國際協約 = 35
2. 刑事司法共助의 對象으로서 資金洗濯規制 = 39
가. 國際刑事司法共助의 一般原則 = 39
나. 새로운 國際司法共助의 對象으로서의 資金洗濯規制 = 42
다. 資金洗濯規制와 關聯하여 再檢討되어할 刑事司法共助의 一般原則 = 43
第3章 韓·中·日 의 資金洗濯에 關한 法的 規制 = 50
第1節 序說 = 50
第2節 韓國의 資金洗濯犯罪의 法的 規制 = 51
1. 資金洗濯犯罪의 現況 = 51
가. 資金洗濯의 特徵 = 52
나. 1990年代의 資金洗濯 = 53
다. 最近의 資金洗濯 動向 = 54
2. 資金洗濯에 關한 法的 規制 = 55
가. 沿革 = 55
나. 現行 資金洗濯防止制度의 槪要 = 57
다. 資金洗濯防止에 관한 法律 = 66
라. 資金洗濯規制에 따른 問題點 = 73
3. 國際刑事司法共助政策의 檢討 = 79
가. 國際刑事司法共助法 = 79
나. 國際協力體制로서 國際刑事警察機構 = 84
第3節 中國의 資金洗濯犯罪의 法的 規制 = 85
1. 資金洗濯犯罪의 現況 = 85
가. 資金洗濯의 意味 = 86
나. 資金洗濯方式 特徵 = 87
다. 資金洗濯의 前提犯罪로서 腐敗犯罪 = 89
라. 效率的인 資金洗濯의 監督統制 및 調査處理의 低調 = 89
2. 資金洗濯에 關한 法的 規制 = 90
가. 刑事法的 規制 = 90
나. 行政法的 規制 = 92
다. 資金洗濯의 最近 動向 = 93
라. 資金洗濯規制에 따른 問題點 = 96
3. 國際刑事司法共助政策의 檢討 = 101
가. 資金洗濯의 現況과 國際刑事司法共助와의 關聯性 = 101
나. 韓·中 兩國의 國際的 組織犯罪 團束에 관한 狹義의 國際刑事司法共助 = 102
第4節 日本의 資金洗濯犯罪의 法的 規制 = 106
1. 資金洗濯犯罪의 現況 = 106
가. 資金洗濯의 特徵 = 107
나. 藥物犯罪 = 109
다. 地下銀行 = 110
라. 暴力團 = 111
2. 資金洗濯에 關한 法的 規制 = 112
가. 犯罪收益 規制의 槪要 = 112
나. 痲藥類特例法에 있어서의 資金洗濯規制 = 114
다. 組織犯罪處罰法에 있어서의 資金洗濯 = 124
3. 國際刑事司法共助政策의 檢討 = 131
가. 資金洗濯의 現況과 國際刑事司法共助와의 關聯性 = 131
나. 國際刑事司法共助에 關한 法律 = 132
다. 外國搜査機關등과의 協力體制 = 133
第5節 資金洗濯에 關한 韓·中·日 比較 = 136
1. 韓·中·日 法制度의 比較 = 136
가. 資金洗濯槪念의 整備 = 137
나. 前提犯罪의 擴大 = 139
다. 새로운 類型의 資金洗濯에의 對應 = 140
라. 沒收制度의 改善 = 141
2. 韓·中·日의 國際的 協力活動 比較 = 142
가. 主要 國際機構 關聯 活動 = 142
나. 韓·中·日 FIU와의 情報交換 등을 위한 MOU 締結 = 144
3. 小結 = 145
第4章 資金洗濯 防止를 위한 韓·中·日間 刑事司法共助方案 = 149
第1節 韓·中·日 司法共助의 必要性 = 149
1. 序說 = 149
2. 韓·中·日 連繫 國際共助搜査事例 = 150
가. 搜査槪要 = 150
나. 搜査進行狀況 = 151
다. 事件分析 = 154
第2節 國際 警察共助方案 = 156
1. 序說 = 156
가. 國際 警察共助의 現況 = 156
나. 韓·中·日 國際 警察共助의 問題點 = 158
다. 國際資金洗濯犯罪 搜査의 限界 = 161
2. 國際警察能力 및 刑事司法共助의 活性化 = 162
가. 國際 警察共助 搜査 活性化 方案 = 162
나. 國際 警察協力의 活性化 = 165
다. 犯罪人引渡 및 國際刑事司法共助의 强化 = 167
라. 海外 警察駐在官 派遣 增加 = 168
마. 國際犯罪 關聯法規의 改正 및 補完 = 168
第3節 새로운 證據方式으로서의 FIU間 情報共有方案 = 169
1. 序說 = 169
2. 資金洗濯犯罪와 FIU의 關係 = 170
가. FIU의 性格 = 170
나. FIU를 통한 情報共有의 必要性 = 172
3. 韓·中·日 FIU 相互間 行政協力과 刑事上 適用問題 = 174
가. 韓·中·日 FIU 相互間 行政協力의 根據 = 174
나. 韓·中·日 FIU 相互間 行政協力의 刑事節次上 適用問題 = 175
4. 國際司法共助 一般原則의 行政協力에의 適用問題 = 176
第4節 雙方可罰主義 緩和方案 = 178
1. 序說 = 178
가. 雙方可罰王義(principle of double criminality) 意味 = 178
나. 雙方可罰主義 緩和 必要性 = 179
2. 資金洗濯犯罪와 雙方可罰主義의 關係 = 183
가. 資金洗濯 規制와 關聯하여 發生하는 管轄權問題 = 183
나. 資金洗濯犯罪와 管轄權 問題 = 186
다. 前提犯罪와 雙方可罰主義 適用問題 = 189
3. 韓·中·日 資金洗濯犯罪에 關한 搜査官轄權 決定問題 = 191
第5章 結論 = 192
參考文獻 = 195
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 전수영. (2007). 資金洗濯에 관한 韓?中?日의 刑事司法的 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6801
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