胸膜滲出의 有無에 따른 쯔쯔가무시症 患者間의 比校
- Author(s)
- 권세훈
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- Background : Scrub typhus is a potentially fatal infectious disease caused by the organism Orientia tsutsugamushi. Clinical manifestations are fever, skin rash, eschar and varying degree of respiratory distress. The pleural effusion in scrub typhus is rare and secondary to the destruction of vascular endothelium. Because the respiratory symptoms are generally mild and the scrub typhus with pleural effusion is rare than that with interstitial pneumonia, It is not common that the comment of the characteristic of scrub typhus with pleural effusion. So we studied the comparison of scrub typhus patients between with pleural effusion and without pleural effusion.
Methods : Subject choice planed to begin at 2003 and ends at 2006 in internal medicine department of Chosun university hospital. 109 patients were included. Many hematologic, serologic markers in scrub typhus and chest X-ray were checked.
Result : In statistical significance, the ESR value of patients with pleural effusion are higher than those without pleural effusion in scrub typhus.
Conclusions : We conclude that the ESR has a statistical significance in comparing patients between with pleural effusion and without pleural effusion in scrub typhus.
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- Embargo2008-09-01
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