토양컬럼을 이용한 도금공장 유출수의 질소와 인 제거
- Author(s)
- 임병갑
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- A laboratory experiment was performed to investigate the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from plating factory effluent using the soil column. Soil, wasted oyster shell and denitrifying activated sludge were used as a supporting media of the soil column. The experimental results were obtained as follows.
In the nitrification experiment, removal efficiencies of NH₄-N were 74.5%, 83.7%, 88.6% for the soil column packed with soil, waste oyster shell(10% ~ 20%) at HRT of 48 hours, respectively. The addition of 20% of waste oyster shell to the soil accelerated nitrification in the soil column. The number of nitrifiers was approximately in a level of about 4.9 × 105 MPN/g ㆍ soil(Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria number) in the soil column mixed with waste oyster shell(20%).
The T-P removal was obtained 29.7%, 32.1%, 34.5% in the nitrification soil column packed with only soil, waste oyster shell(10%), and waste oyster shell(20%), respectively.
In the denitrification experiment, removal efficiencies of T-N were 63.2%, 71.2%, 74.2% for the soil column packed with soil, denitrifying activated sludge(10%) and denitrifying activated sludge(20%) at HRT of 72 hours, respectively. The addition of 20% of denitrifying activated sludge to the soil accelerated denitrification in the soil column. The number of denitrifiers was approximately in a level of about 4.9 × 106 MPN/g ㆍ soil(Denitrification bacteria number) in the soil column mixed with denitrifying activated sludge(20%). The T-P removal was obtained 41.9%, 40.2%, 39.1% in the denitrification soil column packed with only soil, denitrifying activated sludge(10%), and denitrifying activated sludge(20%), respectively.
In the continued experiment, the T-N removal was 81.4% and 77.8% at 72 and 48 hours of HRT and the T-P removal was 85% and 31.7% at 72 and 48 hours of HRT in soil column, respectively. The simultaneous removal of ammonia nitrogen and organic matter occurred in soil column.
- Alternative Title
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Plating Factory Effluent by Soil Column
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lim, Byung Gab
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 환경공학과
- Advisor
- 鄭京勳
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
- List of tables = ⅳ
List of figures = ⅴ
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 = 3
1. 토양의 특성 = 3
2. 토양 처리법 = 8
1) 토양처리법의 역사 = 8
2) 토양처리법의 개요 = 9
3. 처리기구 = 14
1) 토양의 유기물 제거 = 14
2) 토양의 영양염류의 제거 = 15
4. 도금의 원리 = 18
1) 구리 도금 = 18
2) 크롬 도금 = 19
3) 시안화 아연 도금 = 19
5. 도금 폐수 특성 = 22
1) 도금폐수의 발생 특성 = 22
2) 도금 공정 폐수의 조성 = 25
6. 도금폐수의 처리 방법 = 28
1) 도금폐수 처리방법 = 28
2) 시안계 폐수 = 29
3) 크롬계 폐수처리 = 30
7. 도금폐수의 고도처리 = 31
1) 질소 제거 = 31
2) 인 제거 = 33
Ⅲ. 실험장치 및 방법 = 37
1. 실험재료 = 37
1) 토양 = 37
2) 폐굴껍질(Waste Oyster Shell) = 37
3) 활성슬러지 = 38
4) 유입수 = 38
2. 실험장치 = 39
1) 질산화 토양컬럼 = 39
2) 탈질 토양컬럼 = 40
3) 연속식 토양컬럼 = 41
3. 분석방법 = 42
Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰 = 44
1. 토양과 굴껍질의 이화학적 특징 = 44
2. 질산화에 미치는 폐굴껍질의 영향 = 46
1) 첨가제에 따른 질산화 = 46
2) 질산화 토양컬럼의 인과 pH의 변화 = 49
3) 질산화 토양컬럼의 암모니아 산화세균 증식 = 52
3. 활성슬러지 첨가에 따른 탈질에 미치는 영향 = 54
1) 활성슬러지 첨가에 따른 탈질화 = 54
2) 탈질 토양컬럼의 인과 pH의 변화 = 58
3) 탈질 토양컬럼의 탈질세균 증식 = 60
4. 토양컬럼을 이용한 연속처리 = 62
1) 연속식 토양컬럼의 질소 변화 = 62
2) 연속식 토양컬럼의 인 변화 = 66
3) 연속식 토양컬럼의 유기물과 pH의 변화 = 67
4) 연속식 토양컬럼의 암모니아 산화세균과 탈질세균 = 69
Ⅴ. 결론 = 71
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 임병갑. (2006). 토양컬럼을 이용한 도금공장 유출수의 질소와 인 제거.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6753
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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