中國 罰金刑制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

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The monetary penalty, as one of the public penalties against crimes, will be imposed primarily on those criminal negligences or misdemeanors who may not be punished by imprisonment.
In view of criminal policies, the monetary penalty is deemed effective in that the problems arising from short term imprisonment would be solved with less labor and facility operation costs for prisons. Thus, various ways are being explored to correct and educate the criminals instead of imprisoning them and thereby, help them return to the society.
With such basic conception in mind, this study was aimed at reviewing the problems and conditions of the current monetary penalty system and thereupon, suggesting some reform measures to improve the system.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows;
The first chapter introduces the purpose, scope and methods of the study by emphasizing that the monetary penalty system cannot be everything replacing the imprisonment but that it is being relied on more and more. Then the first chapter discusses that the monetary penalty system needs to be reformed due to its problems.
The second chapter describes monetary penalty system may have also been facilitated by the perception that imprisonment of those misdemeanor or negligent criminals would backfire more seriously for the society. And compare China with Korea monetary penalty system.
The third chapter discusses the conditions and problems of monetary penalty system in China.
First of all, the contents and potential problems of our current monetary penalty system are examined and then, the current provisions of Criminal Code regarding the monetary penalties are specified as option for imprisonment, but many crimes are not subject to monetary penalty.
On the other hand, since China Criminal Code specifies the upper limit of monetary penalty only, judge cannot but impose the monetary penalty within these limits, not taking into consideration defenders' financial capacity . The result may be inequality of punishing effects between have and have not, which means that the principle of equal punishing effects cannot be maintained with the China current monetary penalty system.
The fourth chapter, discusses the possible reform measures of China monetary penalty system. Above all, this chapter suggests the reform measures such as expansion of monetary penalty system, introduction of daily collections for poor criminals, improvement of optional penal servitude, introduction of penal social service system, suspension of collection, extended or installment payment of penalty, reinforcement of legal entity punishment, diversion of some penalties into fines, and other measures improving the collection of penalties.
In particular, this chapter, analyzes the operation of monetary penalty system including collection of penalty and thereby, suggests the ways to imporve the collection procedures and management. Furthermore, introduction of delay interest and prepayment of monetary penalty is discussed.
The last chapter concludes the study by emphasizing the need to reform the monetary penalty system in China and summing up the reform measures.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Reform Measures of Monetary Penalty System in China
Alternative Author(s)
Xuan, Song He
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
第 1 章 序論 = 1
第 1 節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第 2 節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 2
第 2 章 韓國과 中國의 罰金刑制度 = 4
第 1 節 罰金刑制度의 槪要 = 4
Ⅰ. 罰金刑의 槪念 = 4
1. 罰金의 意義·沿革 = 4
2. 罰金의 刑事政策的 意義 = 5
Ⅱ. 罰金의 法的 性質 = 6
Ⅲ. 罰金刑制度의 長短點 = 6
1. 長點 = 6
2. 短點 = 12
3. 差異点 = 15
Ⅳ. 罰金刑의 重要性과 活用의 必要性 = 17
第 2 節 韓國의 罰金刑制度 = 18
Ⅰ. 罰金刑의 意義와 沿革 = 18
1. 罰金刑의 意義 = 18
2. 罰金刑의 沿革 = 19
Ⅱ. 罰金刑의 地位·適用範圍와 方式 = 19
1. 地位 = 19
2. 適用範圍 = 20
3. 適用方式 = 22
Ⅲ. 罰金刑의 量定 = 23
1. 罰金額의 立法方式 = 24
2. 罰金額數에 관한 問題 = 24
3. 總額罰金刑 制度에 관한 問題 = 25
4. 靑少年에 대한 罰金刑 = 26
5. 法人에 대한 罰金刑 = 28
Ⅳ. 罰金의 宣告, 執行 및 時效 = 30
第 3 節 中國의 罰金刑制度 = 32
Ⅰ. 罰金刑의 槪念 = 32
1. 意義 = 32
2. 特徵 = 33
3. 屬性 = 35
Ⅱ. 罰金刑의 沿革 = 37
Ⅲ. 罰金刑의 地位 = 47
Ⅳ. 罰金刑의 適用範圍 = 47
Ⅴ. 罰金刑의 適用方式 = 48
Ⅵ. 罰金額數의 決定方法 = 51
Ⅶ. 罰金刑의 量定 = 52
Ⅷ. 罰金刑의 納付, 執行 및 時效 = 52
第 4 節 韓ㆍ中 罰金刑制度의 比較 = 54
Ⅰ. 韓ㆍ中 罰金刑制度의 共通點 = 54
Ⅱ. 韓ㆍ中 罰金刑制度의 差異點 = 54
第 3 章 中國 罰金刑制度의 問題點 = 60
第 1 節 實定法 體系上의 問題 = 60
Ⅰ. 自由刑 爲主의 刑罰體系 問題 = 60
Ⅱ. 附加刑的 性格의 罰金刑 問題 = 61
1. 罰金刑의 獨立地位 確保 不可能 = 61
2. 輕微한 犯罪의 適用 不能 = 63
3. 法人犯罪의 罰金刑地位의 問題 = 64
第 2 節 罰金刑 適用의 問題 = 64
Ⅰ. 罰金刑 適用의 理論上 問題 = 64
Ⅱ. 罰金刑의 適用上의 問題 = 68
1. 輕罪·過失犯罪의 罰金刑 缺如 = 68
2. 必要的 倂科主義 = 69
第 3 節 罰金刑 量定上의 問題 = 72
Ⅰ. 量定의 基本原則上 問題 = 72
1. 相異한 刑罰效果의 招來 = 73
2. 刑量과 責任의 不調和 = 74
Ⅱ. 責任과 罰金刑量의 不一致 = 75
1. 無限罰金額 = 75
2. 倍比罰金制의 最高 制限幅의 缺如 = 77
3. 不利한 體系 및 額數의 不均衡 = 79
第 4 節 罰金刑 執行에 관한 問題 = 80
Ⅰ. 執行의 主體에 관한 問題 = 81
Ⅱ. 執行猶豫制度와 時效制度의 不認定 = 81
Ⅲ. 換刑制度의 缺如 = 82
Ⅳ. 其他 納付制度에 관한 問題 = 84
第 4 章 中國 罰金刑制度의 改善方案 = 86
第 1 節 罰金刑의 地位體系 是正 = 86
Ⅰ. 罰金刑 追加 및 擴大 = 86
Ⅱ. 罰金刑의 主刑 地位確保 = 88
1. 長點 = 89
2. 短點 = 92
第 2 節 罰金刑 適用의 改善方案 = 93
Ⅰ. 刑罰理論에 附合한 罰金刑 適用 = 93
1. 外國의 事例 = 94
2. 罰金刑 適用의 原則 = 95
3. 小結 = 96
Ⅱ. 罰金刑 適用範圍의 擴大 = 96
1. 輕罪의 罰金刑 適用 = 96
2. 過失犯罪에 罰金刑 適用 = 97
3. 罰金刑의 適用方式 = 98
第 3 節 罰金刑 量定의 改善方案 = 100
Ⅰ. 量定의 基本原則 改善 = 100
1. 總額 罰金制 = 100
2. 日數罰金制(Tagessatzsystem) = 101
3. 定期罰金刑制度 = 105
4. 最低勞動報酬 혹은 月 勞賃收入 혹은 其他收入 罰金制 = 106
5. 美國의 量刑指針 = 106
5. 小結 = 107
Ⅱ. 不合理한 體系 및 額數의 不均衡 是正 = 108
第 4 節 罰金刑 執行의 改善方案 = 109
Ⅰ. 執行主體의 專門化 = 110
1. 法院에 의한 執行 = 110
2. 檢察에 의한 執行 = 110
3. 專任稅務官에 의한 執行 = 110
4. 小結 = 110
Ⅱ. 執行猶豫制度와 時效制度의 導入 = 111
1. 罰金刑의 執行猶豫制度 導入 = 111
2. 罰金刑의 時效制度 導入 = 116
Ⅲ. 罰金未納에 따른 制裁制度 = 116
1. 換刑 處罰 = 117
2. 社會奉仕命令으로의 代替制度 = 120
3. 小結 = 122
Ⅳ. 其他 關聯問題의 解決 = 124
1. 罰金受刑人의 死亡에 따른 執行問題 = 124
2. 民事賠償優先原則에 관한 修正 = 126
3. 延納, 假納制度 등의 導入 = 126
第 5 章 結論 = 128
附錄 1 = 132
附錄 2 = 140
附錄 3 = 141
附錄 4 = 144
參考文獻 = 145
조선대학교 대학원
현송학. (2006). 中國 罰金刑制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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