전남지역 전통가옥의 마루배치유형에 관한 연구 : 홑집형 가옥을 중심으로

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This study is to examine the characteristics of floor through actual measurement and analysis with “一??letter type private houses with single wing which are typical traditional house in Jeonnam region. For this research, it classifies layout types of floor based on location, inside, outside, connection with outside and openness of the floor, divides types classified into three areas of west, east and north areas of Jeonnam region, examines distribution of each type and regional characteristics and results of examining architectural characteristics of the floor in Jeonnam region are as follows.
First, houses with single wing examined in this study were total 225 and by the number of rooms, four-rooms houses were most (115 houses), followed by 5 rooms (55 houses), 3 rooms (45 houses) and 6 rooms (8 houses), and it was found that four-room houses with“一”letter type house with single wing were most.
Second, according to types of floor by the number of rooms, central type of floor with three rooms was found at 11 houses and biased-type of floor with three rooms was at 36 houses. Thus it was assumed that there were many types with floor located at the plane step and houses with floor were just four and biased-type without floor at three-room houses was common. Central type of floor with four rooms were found at 36 houses, biased type of floor was at 60 houses and separate type of floor at 21 houses. So biased-type was common like three-room houses. 7 houses with central type of floor, 32 houses with biased type of floor and 14 houses with separate type of floor showed floor and it was confirmed that floor was found mainly at biased and separate types.
But, central type of floor with five rooms were found at 31 houses, biased type of floor was at 20 houses and separate type of floor at 3 houses, and houses with floor were 21 at central type of floor, 18 at biased type of floor and 3 at separate type of floor. So it was found that five-room houses had mostly floors. Although the number of six-room houses was small, distribution rate of floor types was similar to five-room houses and had the floor.
Therefore, it seemed that difference in the type of floor by increase of room was related to presence or absence of floor and at houses with rooms over 5, central floor was added as a compulsory factor and wooden verandah before the floor was built and played the central role of residence. Also room-centered central and biased types were composed as a main floor layout at three- and four-room houses, but some four-room houses and five-room house had central and biased types of floor and it was judged that their features were related to the scale of houses.
Third, considering composition of floor by types and of each room by regions, features of floor at southwest areas showed biased type at coastal region, but separate type of floor was most at island regions and floor used for storage at these regions was mostly located at the step rather than at the center. Openness by composition of floor and each room showed mainly frontal · side openness or frontal and both sides openness types rather than one side openness and of these types, frontal and both sides openness were most. Opening type of floor toward room and outside was frequently found, but Yeonggwang region showed closed floor type. In southeast areas, biased type with three wooden verandahs was mostly found and frontal·side opening types were found a lot. Floor was connected with main room, circular flow system within main room was mainly found and movable type to kitchen through verandah was found a lot. In mountainous region of north, back or side verandah layout types were found, floor was connected with one room and that connected with outside was little.
Therefore, differences in location and composition of floor were found even in relatively narrow regional ranges of Jeonnam such as southwest, southeast and mountainous inland areas and these differences influenced connections with other dwelling spaces like main room and kitchen and flow and it was considered that types of using dwelling spaces were different.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Maru Layout Types of Traditional Houses in Jeonnam Province
Alternative Author(s)
Jeong, Seong Kyun
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 건축공학과
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Table Of Contents
1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1
1.2. 연구내용 및 방법 = 2
2. 마루에 대한 이론적 고찰
2.1. 선행연구 고찰 = 6
2.2. 마루의 기원 및 전래 = 14
2.2.1. 마루의 기원 = 14
2.2.2. 마루의 전래 = 16
2.3. 마루의 정의 및 종류 = 21
2.3.1. 마루의 정의 = 21
2.3.2. 마루의 종류 = 22
3. 전라남도 홑집형 안채 마루의 특성
3.1. 조사개요 = 31
3.2. 칸수별 마루 구성 형태의 특징 = 32
3.2.1. 3칸 홑집의 마루 = 33
3.2.2. 4칸형 홑집의 마루구성 유형 = 49
3.2.3. 5칸형 마루 = 91
3.2.4. 6칸형 마루 = 119
3.3. 마루유형의 지역별 특징 = 125
3.3.1. 서남부 지역 = 125
3.3.2. 동남부 지역 = 131
3.3.3. 북부산간 지역 = 133
4. 결론
■참고 문헌
조선대학교 대학원
정성균. (2006). 전남지역 전통가옥의 마루배치유형에 관한 연구 : 홑집형 가옥을 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-09-10
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