運轉代行서비스 利用 中 事故로인한 被害者 및 利用者保護에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 송종선
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- 1 cadillac of General Motors purchased by Kojong Emperor in 1903 became the first car in Korea. Car industry made rapid progress after that and reached to the extent that number of car possession is about 15.4 million cars and total number of premium is 8500 billion won in 2005. However, Korea society has faced with new service called proxy driving service, resulting in substantial risk, but has failed to effectively solve the problems from this new service.
As more drinkers have recently used proxy driving service, issue of where the responsibility lies in terms of legal responsibility has rapidly grown. Fortunately, it may not cause big problem if the proxy driver is insured, but the issue of responsibility limit amount and the extra charge of premium still engendered a lot of controversy. Bigger problem occurs when the proxy driver drove without insurance and caused an accident. If the proxy driver agent affords to support, there will be no big problem. But it is general that most proxy driver has low limit amount even if he is insured, and even worse, most proxy drivers are not insured, causing big problem in this society. To relieve such problem, it is stipulated through recent revision of article to insure the accident against the object from the insurance of the client for the accident during the driving of proxy agent without insurance, resulting in making up for the weak points of the victim protection. However, it cannot avoid criticism that the essential problem of idea of insurance profit was seriously damaged, and revision of article ignored the side effects that might generate lots of illegal proxy drivers if such revision is supported by supplementation in terms of policy and institutions. In this regard, this thesis performed analytical examination on the problem of essential contents of liability insurance, responsibility of proxy driver during driving and inadequate law; and based on this, analyzed the contents of article recently revised. This study aimed to point out the problem of liability for reparation related to proxy driving and to present the improvement methods. In particular, this thesis carried out analytical study and comparative study in order to present the detailed alternative of improvement methods for liability compensation insurance of proxy driver that fits the Korean situation through legal and institutional analysis related to Japanese proxy driving that is similar to Korea in terms of law and social environment.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Protection of Users and Victims with the Accident by Agency for Driving
- Alternative Author(s)
- Song, Jong Sun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 김재형
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
제1장 序論 = 1
제1절 硏究의 目的 = 1
제2절 硏究의 範圍 = 3
제2장 運轉代行과 責任保險 = 5
제1절 責任保險制度의 槪觀 = 5
1. 責任保險의 槪念 = 5
2. 責任保險의 發達 = 15
제2절 責任保險契約의 內用 = 21
1. 保險의 目的 = 21
2. 被保險利益과 保險價額 = 22
3. 危險과 保險事故 = 23
제3절 責任保險契約의 效果 = 26
1. 保險者의 義務 = 26
2. 被保險者의 義務 = 36
제3장 運轉代行과 運行者責任 = 40
제1절 自動車損害賠償保障法 = 40
1. 自賠法上의 運行 = 40
2. 外國事例를 基礎로 한 ‘運行’의 槪念 = 41
제2절 運轉代行中 事故에 대한 責任關契 = 48
1. 待人賠償Ⅰ의 責任 = 48
2. 待人賠償Ⅱ의 責任 = 61
3. 運轉代行중 事故로 인한 物的損害에 대한 責任 = 65
제3절 自動車保險에서 被保險者의 範圍 = 67
1. 損害保險契約의 被保險者 = 67
2. 自動車保險 賠償責任條項 = 67
3. 自動車保險 標準約款의 改定 = 72
제4장 運轉代行業의 問題點 및 改選方案 = 76
제1절 法制未備에 대한 問題點 및 改選方案 = 76
1. 法制未備에 대한 問題點 = 76
2. 法制未備에 대한 改選方案 = 76
제2절 運行者責任에 대한 問題點 및 改選方案 = 78
1. 運行者責任에 대한 問題點 = 78
2. 運行者責任에 대한 改選方案 = 79
제3절 運轉代行과 自動車保險간의 問題點 및 改選方案 = 80
1. 運轉代行과 自動車保險간의 問題點 = 80
2. 運轉代行과 自動車保險간의 改選方案 = 81
제5장 結論 = 82
■ 參考文獻 = 84
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 송종선. (2006). 運轉代行서비스 利用 中 事故로인한 被害者 및 利用者保護에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6676
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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