수동형 태그 기반 RFID 리더기의 수신부 모듈 감도 개선
- Author(s)
- 이승학
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- The Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) system is a sort of Automatic Identification. Using a reader, transponder and antenna etc, it identifies the information of transponder by means of a contactless reading and radio frequency.
In this paper, we propose a new RFID Module based on Passive tag(operating in range of 908.5 ~ 914MHz) to break through the problems of the existing system, which uses a circulator to keep a direction of power flowing in the reader's receiver regularly. Also it adopts a Low Noise Amplifier(LNA) in front of receiver to eliminate non-wanted noise power mixed with signal power. Using the Surface Acoustic Wave(SAW) filter, instead of LC resonance filter, it is possible that it can improve the sensitivity of receiver largely filtering a wanted frequency and reducing many noisy sources generated generally by white noises.
We have simulated with Advanced Designed System-2004A to compare whether to improve the sensitivity of the operation frequency and the reader's tag properties and analysis or not, performing of the reader module between the advanced system and the existing systems.
The commercial receive system causes a loss of sensitivity because of using 24 capacitors and 6 inductors. So by using a circulator(it minimizes the interference), Voltage Control Oscillator, Low Noise Amplifier, Surface Acoustic Wave filter(it eliminates the power of noises in the transceiver), we have designed an improved receive system in terms of reducing sensitivity largely.
The advanced system has properties of that;
1. Use a circulator to reduce the interface and a non-wanted cross-modulation
The circulator locates in front of receiver and separates the path of Tx/Rx signals to eliminate interference. Also removing the backward power signals and blocking off a cross-modulation, it improves the receiver's performance in sensitivity largely.
2. Adopt a Low Noise Amplifier to minimize the Noises in received signals and to maximize the signal's gain of amplifying.
3. Use a SAW filter instead of LC resonance filter to make it smaller as possible as. the LC filter has a group delay and a loss of insert occupying a large volume. However, a narrow bandwidth of SAW filter makes it the frequency selectivity better to improve the group delay and the lose of insert specifics. What is better, it also enables a dimension of filter to be smaller and manufacture the receive system to be more smaller.
- Alternative Title
- Sensitivity improvement of the receiver module in the passive tag based RFID reader
- Alternative Author(s)
- Rhee, Seung-Hak
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 정보통신공학과
- Advisor
- 朴鍾安
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
- 그림목차 = iii
표목차 = ⅶ
약어목록 = ⅷ
Abstract = ⅹ
I. 서론 = 1
II. RFID 표준화 동향 = 4
A. RFID 개요 = 4
1. RFID의 개념 = 4
2. 국내외 동향 = 4
3. 무선 주파수 방식 = 8
4. RFID 시스템의 구성 = 9
5. RFID 동작원리 = 10
6. RFID와 기존 시스템의 비교 = 20
7. 리더기 전체 시스템 트랜스폰더 = 21
8. 송·수신 시스템의 에너지 영역 = 23
9. RFID 주파수 사용 범위 = 24
III. ISO, EPC 프로토콜 = 28
A. ISO, EPC, Gen2 = 28
1. 태그의 종류 = 29
B. 국제 표준 규격 = 34
1. 태그와 리더기의 상호간 무선 인터페이스 규격 = 34
C. EPC 글로벌 표준화 = 51
1. EPC Class 송·수신 데이터 방식 = 52
IV. RFID 시스템 설계 = 62
A. 기존 RFID 시스템 구성 = 62
B. 개선된 RFID 시스템 구성 = 64
1. 개선된 수동형 RFID 리더기 전체 구성도 = 64
2. 개선된 RFID 수신부 블록 다이어그램 = 65
3. RFID 시스템 동작 = 75
4. RFID 안테나 = 76
V. 시뮬레이션 및 실험 = 77
A. 실험 환경 구축 = 77
1. RF 전파차단실(Shield Room) 실험환경 = 77
2. ADS(Advanced Design System 2004A) 시뮬레이션 = 78
3. 개발된 RFID 리더기와 기존 제품 리더기 비교 측정 분석 = 81
4. 기존 제품의 RFID 시스템 실험 및 분석 = 84
5. 개발된 RFID 시스템 실험 및 분석 = 96
6. 개발된 RFID 시스템에서 하이퍼터미널 데이터 출력 = 102
VI. 결론 = 104
참고문헌 = 106
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 이승학. (2006). 수동형 태그 기반 RFID 리더기의 수신부 모듈 감도 개선.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6652
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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