블록디자인에 의한 cDNA Microarray 실험에 관한 연구

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We need more efficient designs when block design is not efficient. In general , Latin square and Youden square designs many times are not suitable because they require more replications which is expensive. If we do not need to estimate some interactions then we can confound them and lose all information on those interactions (many times high order interactions are zero so we don't need to estimate them). By losing information on some interactions, we gain on the information (or better precision) on main effects, two-factor interactions etc. So, single replication is good for economy and confounded row-column design is good for improving precision. Also, balanced factorial designs are introduced for cDNA microarray experiments. Single replicate designs obtained using the classical method of confounding are shown to be particularly useful for deriving suitable balanced designs for cDNA microarrays. Classical factorial designs obtained using methods other than the method of confounding are also shown to be useful. The paper provides a systematic method of deriving designs for microarray experiments as opposed to algorithmic and ad-hoc methods, and generalizes several of the microarray designs given recently in literature. Also designs for factorial cDNA microarrays realized by programing.
Alternative Title
cDNA Microarray Experimental Design based on Block Designs
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Seung Woo
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 전산통계학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ 서론 = 1
1.1 개요 = 1
Ⅱ 교락 디자인 = 4
2.1 수준이 2인 교락 디자인 = 4
Ⅲ 요인실험법 = 6
3.1 완전확률화계획에 의한 요인실험 = 6
3.1.1 일원배치법 = 6
3.1.2 이원배치법 = 6
3.1.3. 3요인 실험법 = 8
3.1.4 다요인 실험법 = 9
3.2 요인 실험법 = 11
3.2.1 2²-요인 실험 = 12
3.2.2 2³-요인 실험 = 14
3.2.3 2k-요인 실험 = 15
3.2.4 Sk-요인실험법 = 17
3.3 교락법 = 20
3.3.1 2³ 요인실험 = 21
3.3.2 2⁴ 요인실험 = 22
3.4 일부실시법 = 25
3.4.1 2ⁿ형의 실시법 = 26
3.4.2 2ⁿ형의 실시법(실험) = 27
3.4.3 3ⁿ형의 일부실시법 = 28
Ⅳ 요인 Microarrays = 31
4.1 요인 Microarrays 실험 = 31
4.1.1 2ⁿ 요인실험 = 31
4.1.2 2³ 요인실험 = 33
4.1.3 2⁴ 요인실험 = 35
4.1.4 3×2 요인 Microarrays = 37
4.2 Visual C++를 이용한 프로그램 예제 = 38
Ⅴ 결론 및 토론 = 45
조선대학교 대학원
이승우. (2006). 블록디자인에 의한 cDNA Microarray 실험에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-09-01
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