발레 뚜르 앙 레르 동작의 생체역학적 분석

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In this study , for getting overall data to provide base data about Tour en l'air movement and express safe and effective movement through practising correct movement, we analyzed Tour en l'air movement motion dynamically using 3-dimensional image anysis, the surface force plate and electromyogram. As the results of analyzing the data, we got the following conclution
1. When we practice Tour en l'air, at jumping, the 2phase the time for half-turn has to be short and for turing should be long.
2.When we practice Tour en l'air, if we bend the knee too much at plie movement, if wouldn't help to jump and from jumping position, the angle of the knee should be stretched quickly and during turning, the angle should not be changed. When landing, we should make the bending angle large so that it can decrease the impact.
3.When we practice Tour en l'air, for increasing the time of staying in the air during turning we have to maintain angle of the trunk inclination at straight position without leaning forward or backward but in this study we found it is not. So we need some training to complement this.
4.For increasing spinning force at Tour en l'air movement , the role of right fore arm is important. At E2,jumping motion, we need to increase spinning force by beating the right forearm and during turning , we should decrease inertia moment and maintain spinning force by taking right forearm close to the body center. When landing, we have to decrease the spinning force by stretching right forearm.
5. When we practice Tour en l'air, the velocity of the body has to be speed up (fast)at E2, jump position along z axis, so that we can jump much higher.
To help turning, the velocity of the head has to be fast during first turning point and from the second half-turn to landing.
6.When we practice Tour en l'air, the surface GRF of Fx, Fy axis need to be close to 0. When landing after turning, anterior-posterior, left-right movement should be little, then the surface GRF of Fz axis will be little so that there will be less risk of injury.
7.When we practice Tour en l'air, At strart and landing point of turning, the angular momentum of right forearm should be large and during turning , we should make forearm to close to the body to decrease the inertia moment. We need to make the angular momentum of right forearm small.
At turning point(E4,E6), the angular momentum of the head should be close to 0 so that we can turn maintaing vertical balance.
8.When we practice Tour en l'air, the activity of muscles showed following orders.
Left Gastrocnemius, Left Rectus Femoris, Right Gastrocnemius, Right Rectus Femoris, Left Hamstring, Right Hamstring, Left Posterior Deltoid, Right Posterior Deltoid.
At preliminary point of turning, the activity of left musculi extremitatis inferior should be vital to make reaction torque to the opposite direction of turning large for increasing spinning force(turning force).
At progressive point of turning, the activity of muscles showed following orders of vitality. Right Gastrocnemius, Left Rectus Femoris, Left Gastrocnemius, Right Rectus Femoris, Right Hamstring, Left Hamstring, Left Posterior Deltoid, Right Posterior Deltoid. At landing point, the activity of muscles followed Right Gastrocnemius, Left Gastrocnemius,Left Rectus Femoris, Right Rectus Femoris, Right Hamstring, Left Hamstring, Left Posterior Deltoid, Right Posterior Deltoid orders.
Briefly speaking of muscle activity, when we practice Tour en l'air the vitality of muscle activity showed Gastrocnemius, Rectus Femoris, Hamstring, Posterior Deltoid orders and it had a big difference between experts and non-experts. So we need training and practice for non-experts to strengthen the lower limb muscles.
Alternative Title
The biomechanical analysis of Tour en l'air of ballet
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Yang-Hyun
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
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Table Of Contents
I. 서론 = 1
A. 연구의 필요성 = 1
B. 연구의 목적 = 4
C. 연구의 제한점 = 4
D. 용어의 정의 = 5
E. 이벤트 및 국면구분 = 6
1 . 이벤트(EVENT)의 구분 = 7
2 . 국면(Phase)의 구분 = 7
II. 이론적 배경 = 9
A. 발레의 형성 = 9
B. Tour en L'air의 운동학적 특성 = 10
C. 회전의 원리 = 12
D. 각운동량 = 13
E. 근전도(Electro myogrphy) = 14
F. 무용상해 = 15
G. 선행연구 = 17
III. 연구 방법 = 19
A. 연구대상자 선정 = 19
B. 연구 절차 = 20
C. 실험 및 분석장비 = 21
1 . 영상분석 도구 = 21
2 . 자료 분석 도구 = 23
3 . 실험 절차 = 23
D. 자료산출 방법 = 25
1 . 통제점 좌표화와 인체관절 중심점의 좌표화 = 25
2 . 통제점 및 인체관절점의 수치화(digitizing)및 동조화(synchroniza tion) = 26
3 . 3차원 실공간 좌표의 계산 = 27
4 . 운동학적 · 역학적 변인 계산 = 27
5 . 근전도 자료의 분석 = 29
IV. 연구결과 및 논의 = 32
A. 운동학적(Kinematic)적 요인 분석 = 32
1 . 구간별 소요시간 = 32
2 . 각도 = 35
3 . 각속도 = 44
4 . 각운동량 = 49
5 . 속도 = 55
6 . 신체중심 변위 = 69
B . 운동역학(Kinetic)적 분석 = 79
1 . 지면반력 GRF = 79
C . EMG 분석 = 86
1 . 회전 준비기 = 87
2 . 회전 진행기 = 93
3 . 착지기 = 99
V . 결론 및 제언 = 105
A . 결론 = 105
B . 제언 = 107
조선대학교 대학원
박양현. (2006). 발레 뚜르 앙 레르 동작의 생체역학적 분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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