미술심리치료 기법을 활용한 유아미술교육과정 활동이 유아의 자아존중감과 정서발달에 미치는 효과

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The purpose of this study was to examine whether a feasible early childhood art curriculum could be developed by applying art psychotherapy that was used as a therapeutic medium for psychotherapy, and to explore the educational effect of it both in quality and quantity.
The research questions were posed as below
First, what should make up the scope and content system of an early childhood art curriculum to which art psychotherapy is applied? Second, What kinds of instrument and activities of art psychotherapy could be applicable to the development of an early childhood art curriculum? Third, what effect does an early childhood art curriculum grounded in art psychotherapy have on the self-esteem of young children? Fourth, what effect does an early childhood art curriculum grounded in art psychotherapy have on the emotional development of young children? Fifth, what is the qualitative effect of an early childhood art curriculum grounded in art psychotherapy?
To address the research questions, relevant literature was reviewed, and experts and children were interviewed. After a survey was conducted, five young children were selected to make a case study to see how an early childhood art curriculum based on art psychotherapy affected the emotional development and self-esteem of children in quality.
The subjects in this study were 224 young children who were four and five years old in Western age and attended two different daycare centers and a kindergarten in the city of Gwangju. After an experimental group and a control group were organized with 112 children each, an early childhood art curriculum was applied. The experiment was conducted in 16 sessions from March through July 2006, once a week. The instruments used in the study were Kim Gyeong-hoi's Preschooler Emotional Intelligence Rating Scale for Teacher and Kim Yeoung-suk's revised version of Preschooler Self-Esteem Scale. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS Windows 10.0 program, and t-test and ANCOVA were employed.
The findings of the study were as follows.
First, in order to facilitate the self-esteem growth and emotional development of the young children, an early childhood art curriculum was prepared after confirming whether the art expression category of the 6th national kindergarten curriculum was in line with the general life theme segment of an yearly curriculum.
Second, in order to strike a balance between the physical, emotional and cognitive development of the young children, a wide array of art psychotherapy instruments and activities were incorporated into the early childhood art curriculum. The art psychotherapy instruments and activities were selected from a standpoint of psychoanalysis, cognitivism, developmental psychology, phenomenology, Gestalt and behaviorism.
Third, the activities of the early childhood art curriculum that applied art psychotherapy had a favorable impact on the self-esteem of the young children. The experimental group scored better than the control group in all the sub-areas of self-esteem, which included cognitive ability, peer reception, physical ability, mother reception and self-acceptance. When the two groups were compared by gender and age, there was a significant gap between the two according to their gender and age.
Fourth, the activities of the early childhood art curriculum that capitalized on art psychotherapy exerted a positive influence on the emotional development of the preschoolers as well. The collective averages of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group in every area except emotional control and oppression of impulsiveness. By age, that affected the emotional development of the five-year-olds in a favorable manner, but didn't impact on that of the four-year-olds.
Fifth, a qualitative case study was implemented by selecting five young children who lagged behind in emotional intelligence and self- esteem, and it is found that the early childhood art curriculum had a good effect on letting them build a self-image and on expediting their balanced emotional development. To track any qualitative change, Kinetic House-Tree-Person test was carried out before and after the experiment, and their emotional intelligence and self-esteem were tested as well. And they scored higher in post-test than in pre-test, which proved the qualitative and quantitative effect of the early childhood art curriculum.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Art Educational Program developed for Infants on Self Esteem and Emotional Development
Alternative Author(s)
You, Bong-Ja
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 교육학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
A. 연구의 필요성과 목적 = 1
B. 연구 문제 = 5
C. 연구의 제한점과 한계점 = 6
Ⅱ. 미술심리치료 기법과 유아미술교육과정 구안 = 7
A. 미술교육과 미술치료 = 7
B. 유치원 교육과정의 구성과 유아미술교육과정 내용체계 및 교사의 역할 = 40
C. 유아미술교육에 적합한 미술심리치료 기법 선정기준과 유아미술교육과정 구안 = 46
D. 미술교육의 교육적 효과 = 58
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 = 65
A. 분석 절차 모형 = 65
B. 연구 대상과 연구 기간 = 66
C. 연구 도구 = 70
D. 연구 방법과 자료 처리 = 72
Ⅳ. 결과와 논의 = 74
A. 자아존중감에 대한 효과 분석 = 74
B. 정서발달에 대한 효과 분석 = 79
C. 질적 사례 연구 분석 = 86
Ⅴ. 요약과 결론 = 128
A. 요약 = 128
B. 결론 = 133
C. 제언 = 137
참고문헌 = 140
교사용 유아 정서지능 평정 척도 = 146
유아 자아존중감 그림 척도 = 154
유아 자아존중감 기록지 = 169
동적 집·나무·사람 그리기 검사 해석기준 = 170
아동 N의 교사의 질적 관찰 면담 기록지 = 171
교사의 질적 관찰 면담 기록 전사 = 175
미술심리치료 기법을 활용한 유아미술교육과정의 예비적용에 대한 집단별 교사의 인식 = 176
조선대학교 대학원
유봉자. (2006). 미술심리치료 기법을 활용한 유아미술교육과정 활동이 유아의 자아존중감과 정서발달에 미치는 효과.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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