문신 시술 행위의 합법화 방안에 관한 연구

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Today is a multi-cultural era which has various modes of life and self-expression is commonly accepted by most people. Addition to that, new values got to appear in diversity of fields affected by post-modernism at the end of 20th century. With this social atmosphere, recognition of human body began to change and that helped to give birth to the new genre of body art.
However, body art has been existing through men's history under the name of tattoo which was initially developed for a healing method or a occult art.
Through old times of korea, tattoo was mainly used as a symbol of criminals and especially in Cho-sun dynasty it had negative recognition under the influence of Confucianism.
With changing recognition of tattooing and attitudes towards self-expression, general public's thought about tattoo also has been changed gradually, so it seems to be accepted in a way of beauty culture or art. However, laws and policies are not coping with the situation, which means tattooing in korea is still definite illegal activity. In foreign countries tattooers or similar service providers' treatment is accepted legally.
Checking the issue up on the internet, recognition changing about tattooing seems so obvious that new generation is more likely to approach friendly and express themselves by tattooing more often.
The bottom line is that tattooing is accepted a medical service, not as a beauty art in korea because needles are used for the procedure. Furthermore, medical works are only permitted to doctors. Most countries overseas approve tattooing as a beauty art and tattooing is a legal activity except korea.
The purpose of this study is to find out the possibility of legalizing of tattooing and to propose some alternatives after looking into the general public's understanding of tattoos and examining several cases of foreign countries.
The research about recognition of tattoos may be summarized as follows .
First, while the respondents generally showed negative response about gangsters' tattoo, they answered affirmatively on sports stars or celebrities' tattooing.
Secondly, in question about the reason of tattooing, the answers are like this; In a way of self-expression(53%), to adorn oneself(16%), and to give someone else overbearing looks(12%).
Thirdly, compared to the opposition(19%), 52% of the respondents was in favor of tattoos which are used as a way of expressing one's individuality such as make-up.
Fourthly, 12% of the respondents have experienced tattooing and 46% of the experienced group showed good feelings about their tattoos, whereas, only 19% regretted their decisions.
Lastly, on the issue of legalizing tattooing, 33% went along with the idea and 28% showed negative attitude. About the appropriate way of legalization, 32% of the respondents were in favor of the license system.
Upon the research results, this study puts forward as follows;
First, to draw the general public's understanding and sympathy of beauty tattooing, there should be proper education and public relations.
Second, it is urgent to introduce some legalization plan such as the license system. After accepting public opinions, organize special committee which consists of various stake-holders.
Third, the medical profession and beauty art profession need to cooperate with each other closely in various ways.
Lastly, as the result of the research showed, the younger people are more likely to be on the positive side about tattooing. That shows that there could be some possibility of generalization of tattoo and general public's recognition is changing. There are growing needs for getting tattoo so systematic supports and proper policies need to be arranged and amended as soon as possible.
Alternative Title
A Study on Legalization of Tattooing
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Eun-ju
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 디자인경영학과
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장. 서론 = 1
제1절. 연구의 목적 및 의의 = 1
제2절. 연구의 내용 및 방법 = 3
제 2 장. 문신의 일반적 고찰 = 4
제1절. 문신의 개념과 역사 = 4
1. 문신의 개념과 어원 = 4
2. 문신의 기원과 역사 = 5
가. 문신의 기원 = 5
나. 지역별 문신의 역사 = 6
3. 문신 시술 방법과 유형 = 16
가. 문신 시술 방법 = 16
나. 문신 시술 과정 = 24
다. 문신의 유형별 분류 = 29
제2절. 문신의 영역 = 36
1. 헤너 = 36
가. 헤너의 개념 = 36
나. 헤너의 역사 = 37
다. 헤너의 기능 = 38
라. 헤너의 종류 = 39
2. 반영구 화장 = 40
가. 반영구 화장의 개념 = 40
나. 반영구 화장의 역사 = 41
다. 반영구 화장의 방법 = 42
제 3 장. 문신의 사회적 표현 및 의미 = 45
제1절. 사회성 표현 = 45
제2절. 연정의 표시 = 47
제3절. 범죄자 표시 = 48
제4절. 집단 표시 = 48
제5절. 자아 표현 = 49
제 4 장. 한국 문신의 역사와 현재 = 50
제1절. 한국 문신의 기원과 금기의 역사 = 50
1. 한국 문신의 기원 = 50
2. 금기성(禁忌性)의 역사 = 50
가. 신분 구별과 범죄 표식으로서의 문신의 활용 = 51
나. 유교적인 가치관의 영향 = 52
3. 한국 문신의 현재 = 53
제2절 대중문화로서 문신의 인식변화 = 55
제3절 문신에 대한 일반인들의 인식 조사 분석 = 59
1. 자료 수집 및 분석 방법 = 50
가. 자료 수집 = 59
나. 분석 방법 = 59
다. 설문지 구성 = 60
2. 실증 분석 결과 = 60
가. 표본의 일반적 특성 = 60
나. 빈도 분석 및 교차 분석 = 63
3. 조사 결과의 요약 = 76
제 5 장. 문신에 대한 실정법의 실제와 문신 시술 행위의 합법화 방안 = 84
제1절. 문신의 불법성 = 84
제2절. 문신의 합법화에 대한 전망 = 85
제3절. 미용으로서 문신 시술 행위의 합법화 방안 = 88
1. 문신 시술 행위의 합법화를 위한 보완점 = 88
2. 문신 시술 행위와 관련된 외국 법률 사례 = 90
가. 뉴욕시 행정법상의 문신에 관한 사항 = 90
나. 캘리포니아주의 건강안전규약 = 93
3. 한국 미용 문신 시술 행위 규제법안 제안 = 95
제 6 장. 결론 = 97
참고문헌 = 103
부록 = 108
조선대학교 대학원
강은주. (2006). 문신 시술 행위의 합법화 방안에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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