거주자 의식과 요구에 대응한 노후 아파트 리모델링 계획 방향

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These days, domestic apartment remodelling has been mainly progressed in our capital region, but as it is in the beginning, it has not been organized yet and most of the remodelling focused on small buildings or units because it is difficult to obtain resident's agreement. Though local areas having physically aged-apartments as many as the capital region need to improve their residential environment, little remodelling has been found. In particular, as Gwangju area has lower economic value, it has no attempt to intend remodelling at all.
As most of the previous studies focused on expansion of individual unit in the capital region which has higher economic value, they can not be applied for the apartments with lower economic value. And there are no studies on improvement of residential environment that fits for basic intent of remodelling or complex-focused remodelling plans to realize consistent residential complex. In particular, as aged-apartments have different classes of residents along with time lapse, we need to have complex-focused remodelling plans that can be practically applied through specific analysis of resident's intention and needs.
Therefore, this study aims at presenting complex-focused remodelling that meets the characteristics, intention and needs of aged-apartment residents in Gwangju. For the purpose, first, it analysed characteristics and intention of aged-apartment residents, and physical characteristics of residential environment and satisfaction to identify basic background of remodelling plans. Second, it analysed intention and needs of residents that are important influential factors in plans of remodelling to prepare the direction of apartment remodelling plans. Third, it summed up basic background of remodelling plans, remodelling intention and analysed needs to suggest complex-focused remodeling plans.
For this study, we observed the current status and residents of aged -apartments and interviewed with them instead of being dependent on previous domestic or foreign case studies. For the field study, we used ethno-graphical interview of participating and observation methods based on cultural anthropology. Next, we interviewed residents using a questionnaire and 273 copies of the answers were statistically analysed with SPSS. This study targeted more than 10-year-old seven apartment complexes which had above 10 stories and lasted from August. 2004 to November. 2006.
The results, conclusion and suggestions are presented as follows:
First, this study analysed characteristics and intention of residents, physical characteristics of residential environment and satisfaction and the results are presented as follows:
1. As apartments get aged, they have more elderly people who earned lower-income and were culturally-deprived. Ten or fifteen years after apartments were built, moving-out increased. However, the residents who intended to reside for more than ten years were 40-70%, and the intention of longer residence was higher as apartments were aged, residents were older and area was larger. The residents who wanted to reside longer after remodeling were 65-90%, which was very high. In particular, as the elderly were interested in strong neighborhood and wanted to settle where they lived until they died, remodelling for longer residence was necessary.
2. As apartments get aged, investment value was lower and many low-income residents lived there because of low price of apartments. So, remodelling for creation of economic profit was difficult and remodelling which required low expense was avaliable.
3. As most of the aged-apartments were located in towns, the neighborhood was usually good. However, environment was poorly managed or much space was changed into parking lots to accommodate increased cars. Building environment which had aged appearance or facilities was temporarily renovated by decision of the self- management committee, but it was not up-dated. In particular, the management led by management committee composing of the elderly was not very positive. In the unit environment, the house aged more than 10 years, walls and flooring were aged. When they aged more than 15 years, as equipment such as electricity, heating and sewage pipes aged, they were individually renovated with small expense. However, individual unit remodelling has a limitation in terms of characteristics of apartment houses, selection of companies, design and management after construction were difficult.
Residents were satisfied with their neighborhood, but only satisfaction with landscape in complex and building environment was high while satisfaction with composition and internal furnishing in unit environment was very low. To decrease efforts or economic loss of residents, we have to prepare and implement complex-focused remodelling plans before individual remodelling is activated.
Second, this study analysed remodelling intention and needs and the following results were obtained :
1. The young and the middle-aged showed higher remodeling intention, responsibility for financial-burden and needs while the elderly who had actual management authorities were very negative in remodelling and it was very hard to obtain their agreement. As more than 10-year-old apartments needed partial remodelling of each unit and more than 15- or 20- year old apartments needed complex-focused remodelling, we have to prepare remodelling directions which are differently organized according to time lapse.
2. As a result of analysing the needs of remodelling, the need of house environment improvement was the highest (58.3%), followed by equipment exchange of building (57%), plan change of complex (56%), complex environment improvement (56%) and equipment exchange of house (52%). The need of building environment improvement was the lowest (38.5%), followed by plan change of unit (35.2%) and plan change of building( 35.5%). That the need of space expansion through building plan change was lowest and the need of equipment replacement of buildings and houses was highest means that residents needed remodelling for improvement of residential environment rather than expecting improvement of economic or investment values through remodelling.
3. There were type of remodelling which was needed by all the residents and the one that had lower needs of remodelling. Most of the needs were different. In particular, as needs were different according to age or areas in terms of the plan change of units, an individual plan for each house was needed. In respect to different needs of remodelling, it was very difficult to obtain uniform remodelling on which the whole residents agreed.
Third, as aged-apartment could not be remodeled uniformly, remodeling types should be specified according to different complexes, buildings and units. Joint plans should be prepared for buildings or common space according to different steps of ageing before joint remodelling and houses should be individually or jointly remodelled after joint plan is prepared. The remodelling plan directions for units, buildings and complexes are presented as follows:
1. Space of house should be jointly remodelled after partial expansion or reorganization, joint remodelling and functional improvement should be jointly or individually conducted after joint planning in the level of building, design should be jointly or individually remodelled after design systems are constructed in the level of apartments.
2. For structural change of buildings, hall-type should be maintained for neighborhood rather than step-type. Their functional improvement is connected to that of units. For up-dating and high-functionality of apartments, they should be jointly remodelled after joint plan is prepared. In respect to design improvement, as residents' needs were lower, the least remodelling was needed. However, as design is important for fine view, design plans by professionals is needed.
3. The first thing to be dealt with in external equipment was parking lot. For larger parking lot, basement should be used, and for lounge, sports and health centers, the rooftop is available. For improvement of environment, specified and differentiated remodelling for consistent management is necessary and in particular, landscape as an advantage of aged apartment needs an effective management.
Current apartment remodelling is designed to increase economic values through expansion of space, but remodelling is more necessary for the residents with low-income and low economic value apartments. So, financial burden should be minimized and step-by-step remodelling for improvement of residential environment to be loved by residents is more desirable.
Alternative Title
The Guidelines of Aged-Apartment Remodeling for Resident's Intention and Needs
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hyang-mi
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 건축공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
1.1 연구의 필요성과 목적 = 1
1.2 연구의 방법과 범위 = 2
1.3 연구의 구성 = 4
제2장 아파트 리모델링 이론 분석과 현황 = 6
2.1 아파트 리모델링 이론 = 6
2.1.1 아파트 리모델링 정의 = 6
2.1.2 아파트 리모델링의 필요성과 기대효과 = 9
2.1.3 아파트 리모델링 관련 제도 = 11
2.2 선행 연구 분석 = 15
2.2.1 선행 연구 검토 = 15
2.2.2 선행 연구 종합 = 19
2.3 아파트 리모델링 현황 = 20
2.4 아파트 리모델링 계획 유형 분류 = 32
2.4.1 주호 리모델링 = 32
2.4.2 주동 리모델링 = 36
2.4.3 단지 리모델링 = 39
제3장 조사대상 아파트 특성과 현황 분석 = 41
3.1 거주자 사회 경제적 특성과 주거의식 = 41
3.1.1 사회 경제적 특성 = 41
3.1.2 거주자 주거 의식 = 46
3.2 주거 환경 물리적 특성과 만족도 = 51
3.2.1 주거 환경 물리적 특성 = 51
3.2.2 주거 환경 만족도 = 64
3.3 소결 = 75
제4장 아파트 리모델링 의식과 요구 분석 = 77
4.1 아파트 리모델링 의식 분석 = 77
4.1.1 리모델링 시행 의지와 진행방향 = 77
4.1.2 리모델링 인지도와 부담인식 = 78
4.1.3 자금부담 유무와 투자가능비용 = 80
4.2 아파트 리모델링 요구 분석 = 81
4.2.1 주호 리모델링 = 81
4.2.2 주동 리모델링 = 94
4.2.3 단지 리모델링 = 102
4.2.4 종합 = 108
4.3 소결 = 112
제5장 아파트 리모델링 계획 방향 제안 = 113
5.1 주호 리모델링 = 113
5.1.1 공간 구조 변경 = 113
5.1.2 시설 교체 = 114
5.1.3 환경 개선 = 115
5.2 주동 리모델링 = 116
5.2.1 공간 구조 변경 = 116
5.2.2 시설 교체 = 117
5.2.3 환경 개선 = 118
5.3 단지 리모델링 = 119
5.3.1 공간 구조 변경 = 120
5.3.2 환경 개선 = 121
5.4 소결 = 121
제6장 결론 = 123
조선대학교 대학원
이향미. (2006). 거주자 의식과 요구에 대응한 노후 아파트 리모델링 계획 방향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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