WTO 체제하의 한국과 중국의 농산물무역의 현황과 증대방안

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China which was placed to the center of international economy at the time of globalization has executed economic reform and opening policy since 1978 under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping from the impoverished and backward economic reconstruction due to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
During the period, there was up and down in economy in executing its economic reform and opening, but at present China becomes the first economic country un the growing rate of economy by accomplishing economic growth of more than 7~8% a year.
Since China put its high target to the economic construction, it has reformed economic structure domestically and has kept open-door policy externally. China's reorganization of economic structure is that all the economy systems are changed to the most suitable economic development, and the direction is the invitation of market economy.
In view of this, this thesis aims at presenting a way of successful entry into China and offering the good information for the Korean enterprises in China and expecting companies.
Under the circumstance, the way of trade strategy and promotion are presented as follows : First, Korean enterprises should set up systems to cope with the market environment, the level of technology and market prices in China.
Second, Korea enterprises should expand R&D and use intellectual property. And further, they should strength the competitive power of intangible property and should center on the joint trade with those of China. With this, it is necessary for Korean enterprises to consider M&A for the invitation of foreign trade.
Third, with the pace of sudden trade circumstance and uncertainty, Korean enterprises should make thoroughly prior preparation and adaptability research to China for their successful trade, and securing good labor forces. Above all this, it is necessary to make use of 'GuanXi' for the broad understanding of Chinese culture and formation of human relations.
Forth, Korean government should strengthen the economic relations with China for the new formation of the two countries, and also make countermeasures. On the other side, Korean government should promote corelations with China through the better understanding and the expansion of tour exchange. Besides, it is important for Chinese to understand Korea through the Korean Wave.
Since the China's entry into the WTO system, the foreign trade have increased and it is expected to make severe competition in China. Accordingly, it is also expected to make large trade of Korean enterprises to China. And so Korean government should make a way to enter into China for the Win-Win relations rather than competitive relations.
Alternative Title
The Present Situation and the Promotion Plans of Farm Products Trade between Korea and China under WTO
Alternative Author(s)
Li, Xin
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 = 1
제 1 절 연구의 필요성 = 1
제 2 절 연구 목적 = 3
제 3 절 선행 연구 검토 = 4
1 중국의 WTO 가입 관련 연구 = 4
2 중국에 대한 농산물 교역 관련 연구 = 5
3 중국 농산물 시장 조사 = 6
4 중국의 식품 소비 패턴 연구 = 7
제 2 장 한·중간의 농업협상에 관한 고찰 = 8
제 1 절 WTO/DDA 농업협상에서의 한국의 입장 = 8
1 협상의 지침(Guideline) = 9
2 시장접근 = 9
3 국내보조 = 10
4 수출경쟁 = 11
5 개도국 우대조치 중국농업의 전망과 농업정책 = 11
6 새로운 잇슈(New lssues) = 12
제 2 절 농업협상에서의 한국과 중국의 협력 방안 = 12
1 중국농업의 전망과 농업정책 = 12
2 중국의 WTO 제안서 = 15
3 한국과 중국의 입장 비교분석 = 17
4 한국과 중국의 WTO/DDA 농업협상 협력방안 = 23
제 3 장 한·중간의 농산물 무역현황 = 26
제 1 절 한국농업 개황 = 26
제 2 절 한국의 농산물 무역 = 29
제 3 절 한·중간의 농산물무역 = 33
제 4 절 몇 가지 견해 = 40
제 4 장 한·중간의 농산물 무역마찰 = 42
제 1 절 마늘 SG 발동의 효과와 마늘분쟁 쟁점 분석 = 42
1 한국의 SG 발동 효과 = 42
2 한·중간 무역마찰의 쟁점분석 = 43
제 2 절 한·중간 교역관계 전망과 협력방안 = 48
1 한·중 농업부분 교류 협력 증진 = 49
2 한·중 2국간 무역마찰 예방시스템 구축으로 질서있고 지속적인 교역관계 형성 = 49
제 5 장 한·중간의 농산물 무역증대방안 = 50
제 1 절 한·중 역내 농산물 교역 동향과 전망 = 50
제 2 절 한·중 지역무역협정 체결의 파급 효과 비교 = 53
제 3 절 한·중 2국의 농산물 특화 실태 = 62
제 4 절 농업의 역내 분업 가능성과 전망 = 65
제 6 장 요약 및 결론 = 68
참고문헌 = 74
조선대학교 대학원
이훈. (2006). WTO 체제하의 한국과 중국의 농산물무역의 현황과 증대방안.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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