EVA의 시장효과에 대한 실증연구

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Exact estimation of the values of corporations is very important, but very hard because the value of corporations is constantly changing according to future conditions. In the past, corporations used accounting profits which was a traditional achievement measurement to asses their management achievement and values. However, these days, as they turned their attention to quality of management beyond quantitative growth, they are more interested in economic added values.
The reason they are interested in the added value focusing on value management is that the traditional assessment method that uses accounting profits as a measurement standard can not evaluate the added value that shows real achievement of corporations appropriately. However, most of the Korean corporations still evaluate their values based on traditional accounting profits.
As the variables such as short-term net profit that has been used as a measurement variable of corporation value have conceptional limits, they are not enough to be used as a single variable to measure profits. However, as the Economic Value Added is a standard to establish goals to create values for the management, investors can effectively use it as an index to measure the achievement of corporations properly.
Therefore, this study examined the market effects of Economic Value Added focusing on information effects on Economic Value Added in addition to theoretical review on Economic Value Added that has been highly approved of the management achievement indexes. It used Cumulative average residual as a value index and Gross Margin, Operating Profit, Ordinary Profit and Economic Value Added as traditional achievement indexes.
This study conducted a regression analysis with Cumulative average residual as sub-variable and Gross Margin, Operating Profit, Ordinary Profit as independent variables and found that all the variables had negative regression coefficients.
And, it used a stepwise method to identify relative significance of Economic Value Added compared to traditional achievement measurements and as a result, produced a total of three regression models by adding variables of Cumulative average residual one-by-one. However, as the expected variables such as Economic Value Added and △Economic Value Added were eliminated, Cumulative average residual was not explained significantly.
The limit of this study is that it used numbers and concepts published by the Korea Exchange. As the Economic Value Added of the Korea Exchange includes only profit and loss through sales as investment and post-tax new sale profit while excluding profit and loss by investment and financial activities, it is different from the Economic Value Added of Stern Stewart Co. which considers investment and financial activities as activities for corporations to create Economic Value Added and so it can not be considered as exact assessment of the Economic Value Added. To overcome the problem in measurement, we need further studies on assessment of exact Economic Value Added.
Alternative Title
An Empirical Study on Market Impact of Economic Value Added
Alternative Author(s)
Im, Jeong-Gi
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 회계학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 동기와 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법과 범위 = 3
제2장 경제적 부가가치의 이론적 고찰 = 4
제1절 경영의 인식체계 변화 = 4
1. 외형성장의 타파 = 4
2. 가치경영 = 5
3. 대리인 문제와 기업가치 극대화 = 7
제2절 경제적 부가가치의 개념 = 8
1. 경제적 부가가치의 의의 = 8
2. EVA와 기존의 성과지표의 비교 = 9
3. EVA의 특징 = 11
제3절 경제적 부가가치의 계산방법 = 13
1. 영업용 투자자본 = 14
2. 세후순영업이익(NOPAT) = 15
3. 투자자본수익률 = 16
4. 자본비용 = 16
제4절 선행연구의 검토 = 19
1. 국외 연구 = 19
2. 국내 연구 = 23
제3장 실증연구의 설계 = 34
제1절 연구가설 및 표본의 선정 = 34
1. 연구가설 = 34
2. 표본의 선정 = 34
제2절 모형의 설계 = 37
1. 종속변수 = 37
2. 독립변수 = 38
3. 모형의 설계 = 38
제4장 실증분석 결과 = 40
제1절 기술적 통계 = 40
1. 기술통계치 = 40
2. 상관관계 분석 = 41
제2절 회귀분석 = 42
1. 단순회귀분석 = 42
2. 다중회귀분석 = 49
제5장 결론 = 52
참고문헌 = 55
조선대학교 대학원
임정기. (2006). EVA의 시장효과에 대한 실증연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2008-09-10
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