한국 地方自治團體長의 리더십 啓發에 관한 硏究

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In respect to leadership of the incumbent executive required in the era of local governments under the rapidly changing international political conditions, it is thought that its functions to activate and promote reform and changes in relationship between three areas of local governments is more important. As the executive who is popularly elected is seldom pressed by the superior power because of his determined terms of office. As he has a new environment different from the past, he must exercise his leadership in facilitation of voluntary service of organization members, reasonable management of the organization, acquisition of agreement, coordination and acquisition of support, which can encourage the public to participate in regional development.
Studies and research on leadership variably defined it according to purposes leadership is used for and environments it is applied. Leadership is categorized as follows: transactional leadership as traditional leadership, charismatic leadership and transformational leadership as a new trend of leadership and super leadership in knowledge and information society. The marked characteristic of the new leadership is that it focuses on functions of organization members and self-leadership that leaders voluntarily take the initiative while existing leadership focused on leaders or the relationship between leaders and subordinates.
This study is to speculate characteristics and types of leadership in the knowledge and information era in such terms, introductory background of local government system through development of Korean local governments, legal status, nature, power and functions of executives of local governments, leadership types, judicial corruption, authoritative self-importance and failures of local government management through negative leadership status.
The executive of local governments is stuck between federal governments and the public. He receives criticism from the public and moreover is controlled by the federal governments and superior local governments. So there are many difficulties in exercising leadership as the executive.
This study presents alternatives of leadership development to overcome the difficult conditions and exercise proper leadership. The executive of local governments who leads localized generation should be active in transition of analogue age to the digital age through strict self-reform. He has to have challenging mind which responds to quality reform and changes for the best-quality administrative service to become a new leader, and have the following abilities: to present vision, manage organizations reasonably, induce and coordinate agreements and acquire support, and prepare simplified delivery system of local administration, social, political and administrative network including strict personal management, obsession with his mission, open mind, and exact undertaking and hand-over of office.
For independent finance of local governments which is considered as a success requirement of local governments and improved living quality of the public by the executive of local governments, he should have reformed consciousness of mind. Any reform is categorized into two : First, mind should be changed. Second, institutions and systems should be reformed. As the basic purpose of local governments as service managers is to provide more satisfaction and convenience for the public, leadership is urgently required to have reformed mind of the organization members and induce quality reform.
As discussed earlier, to perform political, administrative and managerial functions of the executives properly, they must have trust from the local people and organization members. For this, they should exercise proper leadership in maintaining moral integrity through strict personal management, cooperation with the federal government with responsibility to solve local problems, and convergence of the needs of the local people.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Leadership Enhancement to the Incumbent Executive of the Local Governments
Alternative Author(s)
kim, Kwang-soo
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 정치외교학과
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론
제 1 절 문제의 제기 및 연구목적 = 1
제 2 절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 3
제 2 장 리더십에 관한 이론
제 1 절 리더십의 정의와 특징
1. 리더십의 정의 = 6
2. 리더십의 특징 = 7
제 2 절 리더십 연구의 접근방법과 변화과정
1. 리더십 연구의 접근방법 = 8
2. 리더십 연구의 변화과정 = 12
제 3 절 지식· 정보화 시대의 리더십
1. 지식· 정보화 시대의 리더십 특징 = 28
2. 지식· 정보화 시대의 리더십 유형 = 30
제 3 장 한국지방자치단체의 발전과 자치단체장의 부정적 리더십 실태
제 1 절 지방자치제의 도입과 발전
1. 한국의 지방자치제 도입배경 = 36
2. 지방자치단체의 자치권 확대 = 37
3. 주민참여제도 확대 = 42
제 2 절 지방자치단체장의 법률적 지위와 권한
1. 지방자치단체장의 법률적 지위 및 특성 = 43
2. 지방자치단체장의 권한 및 역할 = 45
제 3 절 지방자치단체장의 리더십 유형과 실태
1. 지방자치단체장 리더십의 유형 = 56
2. 지방자치단체장의 비리와 사법처리 현황 = 60
3. 지방자치단체장의 독선과 지방경영실패 = 62
제 4 장 지방자치단체장의 리더십 계발의 대안
제 1 절 지식· 정보화 시대 지방자치단체장의 리더십 요건
1. 경영마인드 제고를 위한 의식개혁 = 70
2. 최고의 행정서비스를 위한 품질혁신 = 71
3. 변화에 능동적으로 대응하는 진취적인 사고 = 73
제 2 절 지방자치단체장의 자질과 능력
1. 미래의 비전제시 능력 = 74
2. 전문성과 소양 = 75
3. 경영인으로서의 마인드 = 76
4. 소명의식과 열린 마인드 = 77
5. 엄격한 사생활 관리 = 78
제 3 절 지방자치단체장의 조직 장악 능력
1. 지방자치단체의 정책관리팀 운영 = 78
2. 합리적인 조직관리 = 능력79
3. 합의 도출 및 조정 능력과 지지획득 능력 = 80
4. 지방행정 전달체계 간소화 = 80
제 4 절 지방자치단체장의 네트워크 구축 및 인수인계
1. 사회적 네트워크 구축 = 81
2. 정치· 행정적 네트워크 구축 = 82
3. 지방자치단체장직의 정확한 인수인계 = 86
제 5 장 결론 = 94
참고문헌 = 94
표 목차 = ⅴ
그림 목차 = ⅵ
조선대학교 대학원
김광수. (2006). 한국 地方自治團體長의 리더십 啓發에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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