지방자치단체의 TQM에 관한 실증적 연구
- Author(s)
- 유용운
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- This study aims to investigate what the successful executive strategy of local governments about TQM is and whether the local autonomous entity is getting its intended results through introduction of TQM. Of course, our country is also being evaluated to get conditional results by introducing TQM, but the evaluation of results about this is only a voluntary evaluation by government officials, and there is rare result investigation or objective study for TQM execution group. Study has been performed under such problem recognition. Positive study has been performed by questionnaire investigation for the government officials belonging to the basic autonomous entities such as Icheon city of Gyeonggi-do, Chilgok-gun of Gyeongbuk, Gangseo-gu of Seoul city, etc. that show very similar type of TQM introduction purpose, etc., and the content of its analysis result can be summarized as follows.
First, of the TQM activity elements of local government, participation management, focusing on customer, continuous improvement of process, leadership, etc. was being well operated. This shows that the secure will of local government head about quality management and the systematic apparatus for promotion of TQM are importantly acting, and that the continuous improvement of process for customer focusing and quality production to understand and satisfy desire of customer, the participation of all members to utilize member ability of an organization, etc. is acting as an important element.
Secondly, it was found that local government officials do not exactly know who customers are. Generally, although the customer said in TQM is a concept to include external customer and internal customer, the questionnaire response for this shows that only 32.5% of them recognize customer as customer, so it seems that they are substantially not perceiving this exactly. Therefore, the exact understanding of customers by government officials and the clear concept thesis for administration quality should precede so that more customer-oriented administration system may be established through the quality concept of TQM.
Thirdly, it has been shown that there is high correlation between TQM activity and results of local government, it was positively proved that TQM activity not only enhances organizational culture, duty satisfaction, and government official satisfaction level, but has remarkable effect on improvement of productivity as well.
Fourthly, it can be seen that TQM activity has an effect on organizational culture first of all and has an effect on duty satisfaction, internal customer satisfaction, and productivity enhancement indirectly through this.
Such positive analysis has proved that TQM is a new administration management strategy that can establish a customer-oriented and efficient local administration system, so it is being proposed that local autonomous entity need to positively review introduction of TQM.
It is a era request to introduce and apply a management technique in order to enhance efficiency of administration quality and service improvement. In our country, central governmental departments and local autonomous entities are trying to find and promote the introduction of management technique. This study investigated the synthetic quality management that has obtained results by introducing management technique to administration in such situation. Suggestive points of policy based on the study result can be summarized as follows.
First, it is necessary to change consciousness and attitude of government officials in order to improve quality of administration. Success or failure in governmental innovation depends on change of people. Consciousness and ability of government officials who are in charge of administration work determine quality and quantity of administration service finally. Accordingly, innovation of administration and improvement of administrative service should accommodate change of government officials and make them participate actively. Administration should be changed into a paradigm that is not monopolistically possessed by government officials but is commonly possessed by customers and citizens.
Secondly, central government should transfer autonomy resolutely and compose systematic condition so that local governments may introduce new administrative strategy. As local autonomy is executed, local governments are positively introducing new administrative strategy. However, various authorities such as organizational right, personnel right, financial right, etc. are concentrated on central government, so autonom entities are showing limit in introducing new administrative strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to exert a cooperative leadership to transfer authorities concentrated on central government to local governments in large scale in order to establish a competitive local administration system through new administrative innovation.
Thirdly, TQM training program of local government should include TQM expert training program in public area. TQM training in local government is mainly performed by TQM experts from civil area. They are short of enough understanding of administration and use data based on a model of civil enterprises, so government officials cannot understand this enough. Accordingly, it is desirable that TQM training program is performed on the basis of success example of other autonomous entities. And, it is desirable to settle internal training program through self manpower development.
Fourthly, government officials may regard TQM as a temporary administrative innovation that will be disappearing when the office term of the autonomous entity head who introduced TQM ends. Therefore, it is necessary to not only introduce the local government TQM but obtain ISO certification for administration quality as well. Of course, obtaining ISO certification does not mean completion of TQM, but is only a minimum requirement. However, it seems possible to secure continuity of TQM propulsion even though autonomous entity head is replaced by prescribing a manual regarding management system suitably for ISO standard requirements and announcing this to outside.
Fifthly, it is necessary to spread voluntary service activity in order to increase satisfaction of administrative service for customers. In United States, service activities by general residents, religious associations, charity associations, various foundations, universities, expert groups, etc. are becoming the basis of administrative service. We also need to positively introduce the use of civil groups and volunteer service organizations rather than to use only administrative organization in order to provide administrative service.
This study can be an important data for local autonomous entities that have currently introduced TQM or will be introducing TQM in the future by searching a TQM execution plan of successful local autonomous entity and proving the results of TQM although it is restrictive through positive analysis.
- Alternative Title
- An Empirical Study of TQM in Korean Local Governments
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yoo, Yong-Woon
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 행정학
- Advisor
- 강인호
- Awarded Date
- 2006-08
- Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구목적 = 1
제2절 연구내용 = 6
제3절 연구방법 = 8
제2장 TQM의 이론적 고찰 = 10
제1절 TQM의 의의 및 등장배경 = 10
1. TQM의 개념 = 10
2. TQM의 등장배경 및 발전과정 = 21
3. TQM의 구성요소 및 ISO 9000시리즈 = 30
4. 전통적 관리와 TQM의 비교 = 40
제2절 지방정부혁신과 TQM = 46
1. 지방정부혁신과 환경변화 = 46
2. 지방정부의 TQM 적용 및 문제점 = 51
3. 각국 지방정부의 TQM 도입현황 = 58
4. TQM의 도입효과 = 68
제3절 지방정부의 TQM 집행 = 70
1. 일반적인 TQM 집행과정 = 70
2. 지속적인 품질개선 노력 = 72
3. 품질분임조 활동 = 74
4. TQM의 집행전략 = 79
제4절 지방정부의 TQM 성과 = 85
1. TQM 평가기준 및 선행연구의 지방정부 TQM 성과 = 85
2. 지방정부의 TQM 성과 유형 = 89
3. 지방정부의 TQM과 성과간의 관계 = 98
제3장 분석모형과 조사설계 = 105
제1절 분석모형 정립과 가설 설정 = 105
1. 분석모형의 정립 = 105
2. 가설의 설정 = 107
제2절 조사설계 및 분석방법 = 111
1. 변수의 선정과 조작적 정의 = 111
2. 설문지의 구성 = 114
3. 분석과정 및 방법 = 115
제4장 지방정부의 TQM 활동의 성과분석 = 117
제1절 표본의 특성과 연구변수의 검정 = 117
1. 표본의 선정 및 인구통계학적 특성 = 117
2. 연구변수의 기초 통계분석 = 120
3. 연구변수의 검정 = 124
제2절 지방정부 TQM 활동의 성과에 관한 실증분석 = 134
1. TQM이 조직 생산성에 미치는 영향분석 = 134
2. 조직문화가 조직의 생산성에 미치는 영향분석 = 140
3. 직무만족이 조직의 생산성에 미치는 영향분석 = 145
4. 내부고객 만족이 조직의 생산성에 미치는 영향분석 = 147
5. 연구모형의 검증 = 147
제3절 분석결과 및 시사점 = 152
1. 분석결과의 요약 = 152
2. 분석결과의 시사점 = 156
제5장 지방정부 TQM의 발전방안 = 158
제1절 지방정부 TQM의 도입 제약점 = 158
1. 전통적 TQM의 한계 = 158
2. 한국 지방정부 행정관리상의 특징 = 160
제2절 지방정부 TQM의 발전방안 = 163
1. 행정 환경적 요인 = 163
2. 조직 문화적 요인 = 165
3. 행태적 요인 = 167
4. 제도적 요인 = 168
제6장 결론 = 171
제1절 연구결과의 요약 = 171
제2절 정책적 함의 = 175
제3절 연구의 한계와 연구과제 = 179
참고문헌 = 181
설문지 = 195
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 유용운. (2006). 지방자치단체의 TQM에 관한 실증적 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6421
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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