株式會社의 社外理事에 관한 硏究

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The purpose of this study is to study the improvement of outside directors.
A company is social being and especially, the corporation is in charge of considerably important functions in nations and national economic life.
After the monetary crisis in 1977, Korea has made an effort to reform corporate governance of stock corporation. The outside directors and audit committee have been introduced into Korean Commercial Code. Securities Exchange Act and Acts regarding finance in order to make the decision making functions of the board. But outside directors do not play a part adequately because ouyside directors have been under the influence of dominant shareholders and chief executive officers up to now.
The Contents are as follow;
In chapter 1, the object and means of this study are prescribed.
In chapter 2, a general discussion of outside directors is reviewed.
In chapter 3, the notion and function of outside directors is summarized and the legislations of foreign country are investigated.
In chapter 4, several ways to make outside directors independent and professional are mainly proposed.
In chapter 5, as a conclusion, these contents will be summarized synthetically.
In order to obtain these results, we are not able to ameliorate our corporate governance in a short time only by outside director. Therefore we must activate other checking system such as stock market, shareholder suits and compensation program.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Outside Director in Corporation
Alternative Author(s)
Jo, Young-Nam
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
第1章 序論 = 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 2
第2章 社外理事制度 一般論 = 4
第1節 業務執行機關과 業務執行監督 = 5
1. 業務執行機關 = 6
2. 業務執行監督 = 9
3. 社外理事制度를 통한 監視機能 = 12
第2節 社外理事制度 = 17
1. 社外理事의 槪念 = 17
2. 社外理事制度의 導入經過 = 20
3. 理事會의 構成員으로서 社外理事 = 22
第3章 社外理事의 職務와 權限 = 29
第1節 社外理事의 役割 = 29
1. 一般的인 역할 = 30
2. 具體的 監視者로서의 保護 = 33
第2節 社外理事의 責任 = 35
1. 差別責任理論 = 35
2. 經營判斷原則 = 35
3. 任員責任保險 = 36
第3節 外國의 立法例 = 37
1. 美國 = 37
2. 프랑스 = 40
3. 獨逸 = 41
4. 日本 = 43
第4章 社外理事制度의 活性化 方案 = 45
第1節 制度上의 問題點과 改善方案 = 46
1. 社外理事候補 推薦方法의 개선 = 46
2. 社外理事 數의 확대 = 50
3. 社外理事 資格(缺格)要件의 합리적 개선 = 50
4. 集中投票制의 권장 = 51
第2節 運營上의 問題點과 改善方案 = 52
1. 社外理事의 獨立性 强化 = 52
2. 社外理事에 대한 情報提供 = 52
3. 報酬의 現實化 = 53
4. 社外理事의 責任免除 및 責任制限의 개선 = 54
5. 理事賠償責任保險 加入의 권장 = 56
第5章 結論 = 57
參考文獻 = 58
조선대학교 대학원
조영남. (2006). 株式會社의 社外理事에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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