株式會社의 監査制度에 관한 法的 硏究

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A corporation is as the representative one of company on property which is made by capital combination and the main constituent of current complex economy activity, a form of an enterprise which plays on important role leading national economy.
Supervision of corporation is carried out by auditor, bodirectors, shareholders and investigators, according to the Co Code.
Audit committee system supervise companies which they can be changed clear management to the unclear management. Korea Audit committee have outside director which supervise the management of business employee by insider company system and board of directors. In addition it have Audit committee system that organised board of directors constitutent which introduce revision commercial law in 1999 and rules audit committee system not board of directors constitutent but independent superintendence organ.
Accordingly the monograph look at principle nations of enterprise government on structure to solve Korea enterprise management of clarity problems. Futhermore, it present the direction of improvement about Audit committee system especially focus on studying Audit committee system to establish enterprise management of clarity.
Audit system and audit committee system, each one of them has merits & demerits. So, it is difficult to conclude which system is better than other. I think it needs the widely study and continuous discussion for better the audit system in Korea and I sincerely expect that the discussion mentioned above will serve as ㅁ good reference for Korean corporation audit system to have realistic effectiveness and propriety and to be a cornerstone in foundation of national development and an enterprise growth.
The structure of this paper, we look into the an instance legislation of every country with the first chapter and the second chapter, and find out Audit committee system under the law in third chapter, in the fourth chapter we look into all of problem of Audit committee system and find out the improvement plan with the problem of incorporate, the last, we do the review to be the generalization in the fifth chapter conclusion.
Alternative Title
A Legal Study on the Audit System in Corporation
Alternative Author(s)
Li, Yong Nan
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
第1章 序論 = 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第2節 硏究範圍와 方法 = 3
第2章 外國의 立法例 = 4
第1節 美國 = 6
第2節 獨逸 = 11
第3節 日本 = 17
第3章 現行法上의 監査制度 = 23
第1節 監査制度의 變遷 = 23
第2節 商法上의 監査制度 = 27
1 監査制度 = 27
2 監事委員會制度 = 43
第3節 特別法上의 監査制度 = 46
1 證券去來法上의 監査委員會의 構成 = 46
2 外監法上의 監査制度 = 52
第4章 株式會社監査制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 58
第1節 問題點 = 58
1 監事를 두는 경우 = 58
2 監査委員會制度의 問題點 = 61
第2節 改善方案 = 64
1 監事制度의 改善方案 = 64
2 監査委員會制度의 改善方案 = 67
第5章 結論 = 75
참고문헌 = 79
조선대학교 대학원
이용남. (2006). 株式會社의 監査制度에 관한 法的 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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