광주·전남기업의 수출보험활용에 관한 실증연구

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With little natural resources, Korea has strongly driven the export-oriented growing policies and the trade promotion strategies to develop national economy.
And to keep with these aims of Korean government, Korean export enterprises have actively taken part in the international trade.
After the IMF foreign exchange in Korea, it is keenly desired to promote foreign trade, but with the recent diversification of the trade types, non L/C transactions which are not based on bank's guaranty have been increased and that made it difficult to receive payment from the foreign importers.
In additions to this, Korean export firms have increased export not only to the developing countries but also to the socialist countries for the diversification fo the markets.
These countries have many risks in credit and so it has become necessary to cover these risks by the export insurance.
As an export support policy, the export insurance system will play important rules in view of its function.
In the WTO system, it is prohibited to directly support the trade firms from government concerned.
Under this circumstance, Korea with heavy dependency on the foreign tradeWith little natural resources, Korea has strongly driven the export-oriented growing policies and the trade promotion strategies to develop national economy.
And to keep with these aims of Korean government, Korean export enterprises have actively taken part in the international trade.
After the IMF foreign exchange in Korea, it is keenly desired to promote foreign trade, but with the recent diversification of the trade types, non L/C transactions which are not based on bank's guaranty have been increased and that made it difficult to receive payment from the foreign importers.
In additions to this, Korean export firms have increased export not only to the developing countries but also to the socialist countries for the diversification fo the markets.
These countries have many risks in credit and so it has become necessary to cover these risks by the export insurance.
As an export support policy, the export insurance system will play important rules in view of its function.
In the WTO system, it is prohibited to directly support the trade firms from government concerned.
Under this circumstance, Korea with heavy dependency on the foreign trade must set up the trade advance policies to promote the foreign trade by effectively utilizing the export insurance system.
So, in this theses, the present situation and problems of the export insurance of the Gwangju-Jeonnam trade firms are investigated in order to establish strategies to meet this trade environment.
And further, the promotion measures for the export insurance policies after the WTO system are also studied.
The decisive measures of the insurance policies in Gwangju-Jeonnam firms can be summarized as follows :
First, Management systems against the export risks should be established.
Establishment of the export risk systems will contribute not only to the promotion of the trade transaction with the import countries but also to the continuous growth of the Gwangju-Jeonnam export firms by preventing against the loss of the firms.
Second, export managers should fully make use of the strong points of the export insurance system in foreign trade.
The system was made for the support of inroads of Korean firms into foreign markets, but the export managers have not aggressively utilized the system.
Third, Collection of information for the export risks should be strengthened.
Trade is based on credit in domestic and abroad but many firms in Korea have not made effort to collect this information.
And also, for the activation of the export insurance system, advertisement and education from the export insurance companies and authorities concerned are much beneficial to the Gwangju-Jeonnam export firms for the continuous and safe international trade.
Alternative Title
An Empirical Study on the Utilization of Export Insurance in Gwangju-Jeonnam Enterprises
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Yong-Hee
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
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Table Of Contents
제Ⅰ장 서론 = 6
제1절 연구의 목적 = 6
제2절 연구방법 및 구성 = 7
제3절 기존연구의 검토 = 8
1. 국내연구 = 8
2. 국외연구 = 12
제Ⅱ장 수출기업의 위험관리 = 16
제1절 수출기업의 위험 관리 = 16
1. 기업의 위험 = 16
2. 수출기업의 위험관리 = 22
3. 수출위험의 관리 = 29
제2절 수출보험의 이론적 고찰 = 32
1. 수출보험제도의 개념 = 32
2. 수출보험의 특징 및 기능 = 32
3. 수출보험의 계약체결방식 = 35
4. 수출보험의 종류 = 36
5. 수출보험과 보조금과의 관계 = 38
제Ⅲ장 광주·전남지역 수출입 현황과 수출보험 이용실태 = 41
제1절 우리나라의 수출보험 현황과 문제점 = 41
1. 수출보험제도의 발전과정 = 41
2. 수출보험 운영실적 = 41
3. 수출보험기금 = 42
4. 수출보험제도의 문제점 = 43
제2절 광주·전남지역 수출입 현황 = 46
1. 전남지역 수출입 현황 = 46
2. 광주지역 수출입현황 = 52
제3절 광주·전남지역 수출보험 이용 실태 = 54
제Ⅳ장 광주·전남기업의 수출보험활용에 관한 실증분석 = 56
제1절 연구 모형과 가설 = 56
1. 연구모형 = 56
2. 연구가설 = 57
제2절 분석방법 = 66
1. 설문지 구성 = 66
2. 신뢰성 검증 = 66
3. 표본선정 = 67
4. 자료의 모집과 분석 = 67
제3절 분석결과 = 69
1. 기업의 일반적 특성 = 69
2. 가설의 검증 = 69
3. 결과 분석 = 78
제Ⅴ장 요약 및 결론 = 86
제1절 연구결과의 요약 = 86
제2절 시사점 및 향후 연구과제 = 88
1. 시사점 = 88
2. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 = 90
참고문헌 = 92
조선대학교 대학원
박용희. (2006). 광주·전남기업의 수출보험활용에 관한 실증연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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