홍삼조성물의 db/db 당뇨모델 마우스에 대한 항당뇨 효과
- Author(s)
- 박희옥
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the red ginseng composite on antidiabetic activities and antioxidative system in the diabetic db/db mice.
The diabetic db/db mice were randomly assigned into control group(Halan diet), red ginseng group(300mg/kg, b.w.), and red ginseng composite(300mg/kg and 600mg/kg, b.w.).
The red ginseng and its composite were administered with diet for 6 weeks on db/db diabetic mice, and its antidiabetic activity was assayed.
The red ginseng composite inhibited the increase of body weight in a dose-dependent manner, but the weights of epidermal fat pad have no significant difference between red ginseng composite groups and control group.
The contents of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in red ginseng and its composite group were lower than that of control group in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the contents of serum HDL-cholesterol in red ginseng composite groups were significantly increased than that of control group.
The contents of serum triglyceride in red ginseng composite groups were significantly lower than that of control group.
The high level of blood glucose in the diabetic db/db mice was significantly decreased by the supplementation of red ginseng composites to the diabetic mice in a dose-dependent manner.
Especially, The contents of total glycated hemoglobin was significantly decreased by red ginseng composite feeding.
The final serum insulin contents were increased in red ginseng composite groups compared with that in control group.
The activities of serum AST and ALT, and contents of creatinine and uric acid were significantly decreased by red ginseng composite feeding whereas serum albumin contents were significantly increased.
The disaccharidse activities, such as maltase, sucrase and lactase in small intestine were inhibited by red ginseng composite feeding.
The activities of SOD and GSHpx in liver were significantly increased by red ginseng composite feeding in a dose-dependent manner.
The contents of lipofuscin and O2- in liver tissue of red ginseng composite groups were significantly decreased compared with control group.
The red ginseng composite developed in this study inhibited the increase of body weight, glucose elevation, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, AST, ALT, creatinine, uric acid in blood whereas increased serum albumin, insulin and HDL-cholesterol.
The red ginseng composite also inhibited the intestinal maltase, sucrase and lactase activites in the diabetic db/db mice.
Also, red ginseng composite regarded to supress lipid peroxidation as an free radical scanvenge system by the inhibition of oxidative stress.
These results suggest that red ginseng composite could be effective on insulin-independent diabetes mellitus type 2.
- Alternative Title
- Antidiabetic Effects of Red Ginseng Composites on db/db Mice
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park, Hee Ok
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품의약학과
- Advisor
- 이명열
- Awarded Date
- 2006-02
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론 = 1
제2장 재료 및 방법 = 12
1. 항당뇨 소재의 선정 = 12
2. 항당뇨 소재의 추출 = 12
3. 홍삼조성물의 조제 = 13
4. 실험동물 = 14
5. 식이조성 = 14
6. 사육환경 = 15
7. 실험동물 및 투여방법 = 17
8. 혈액의 생화학적 검사 = 18
9. 혈중 당화헤모글로빈(hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c) 측정 = 18
10. 소장 점막의 이당류 분해효소 활성 측정 = 19
11. 간 조직중 항산화계 효소활성 측정 = 20
1)시료의 전처리 = 20
2)Superoxidedismutase(SOD)활성 측정 = 20
3)Glutathioneperoxidase(GSHpx)활성 측정 = 21
12. 간 조직중 지질과산화물 측정 = 21
1)간 조직의 과산화지질(thiobarbituricacidreactivesubstances,TBARS) 농도 = 21
2)간 조직 중 lipofuscin농도 = 22
3)간 조직 중 superoxideradical(O2-)농도 = 22
가.시료의 전처리 = 22
나.Superoxideradical생성량 = 23
13. 단백질 정량 = 23
14. 통계처리 = 23
제3장 결과 및 고찰 = 24
1. 동물부검 소견 = 24
2. 체중증가율 = 28
3. 혈액의 생화학적 검사 = 30
1)혈중 aspartateaminotransferase(AST)활성 = 31
2)혈중 alanineaminotransferase(ALT)활성 = 33
3)혈중 gamma-glutamyltransferase(γGT)활성 = 35
4)혈중 totalcholesterol농도 = 37
5)혈중 triglyceride(TG)농도 = 40
6)혈중 HDL-cholesterol농도 = 43
7)혈중 LDL-cholesterol농도 = 46
8)혈당(bloodglucose)농도 = 49
9)혈중 당화헤모글로빈(HbA1c)농도 = 52
10)혈중 creatinine농도 = 55
11)혈중 uricacid 농도 = 57
12)혈중 albumin농도 = 59
13)혈중 totalprotein농도 = 61
4. Steroid hormone 분비능 = 63
1)Insulin농도 = 63
2)ImmunoglobulinG (IgG)농도 66
5. 소장점막의 이당류 분해효소 활성 = 68
6. 간 조직중 항산화 효소 활성 = 71
1)SOD 및 GSHpx활성 = 71
2)Lipofuscin및 O2- 농도 = 74
제4장 요약 = 77
제5장 참고문헌 = 80
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 박희옥. (2006). 홍삼조성물의 db/db 당뇨모델 마우스에 대한 항당뇨 효과.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6301
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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