지방 공무원의 조직몰입이 직무성과에 미치는 영향 분석
- Author(s)
- 김행중
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- In the era of globalization, informatization and diversification, the government needs to perform a role with high dimension different from the government in the past age. Aiming to successfully perform such new role, it seems that the government will need to change the structure and process in organization into a form corresponding to it.
In this respect, this study aims at determining what factors affect organizational commitment among local civil servants at middle or lower level, at considering how inner attitudes formed in this way affect their job performance, and at presenting a developmental scheme for administrative personnel structure and organizational operation.
This study defined demographic properties, personal factors, and job characteristics as independent variables, normative organizational commitment as parameter, and civil servants' job performance as a consequence. An empirical analysis was carried out with civil servants at the sixth grade or lower from cities and counties in Jeonnam Province; a survey was conducted by mail. The questionnaire consisted of questions about demographic properties, personal factors, job characteristics, normative organizational commitment, and civil servants' job performance. Factor and reliability analyses of these variables were carried out to reconfirm validity and reliability of each item. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the factors on normative organizational commitment; finally, after establishing a causal model among demographic properties, personal factors, job characteristics, normative organizational commitment, and civil servants' job performance, covariance structural equation model analysis was carried out to determine relevance among these factors in an integrative way. These analyses were implemented using statistical analysis programs SPSS Korean 10.1 and AMOS 5.0.
The principal results of this study can be summarized as follows:
First, as for correlation between demographic properties and normative organizational commitment, the longer continuous service, the higher normative organizational commitment; the lower the title, the lower normative organizational commitment.
Second, normative organizational commitment was relatively more affected by job characteristics than by personal factors. Job importance among job characteristics and sincerity among personal factors exerted the greatest influence on normative organizational commitment.
Third, normative organizational commitment together with personal factors and job characteristics may not only have immediate effects on civil servants' job but also play a role of parameter when antecedents act as influential variables on job performance.
On these results, the following schemes were formulated to improve administrative performance through researches in civil servants' working practices and efficient management of human resources and organization.
First, it is necessary to increase concerns about personality and personal attitudes in investigating civil servants' practices. This is because it is most of all necessary to cause public officials to change their inner value system and to encourage them to establish inner attitudes toward the best efforts to improve an organization in order to perform complicated administrative tasks efficiently.
Second, in employing public officials, it is necessary to diversify employment standards by reinforcing aptitude tests, such as personality test considering applicants' character. Rather than placing importance only on the current evaluation of knowledge through selected subjects in civil servant screening test, it is necessary to make institutional improvement to employ those with high sincerity and creativity by performing the combination of personal aptitude and personality tests.
Third, it is necessary to improve the educational and training systems for civil servants at middle or lower level and to reinforce personality education and regular education about values in order for them to be willing to do their best as public officials.
Fourth, it is necessary to increase and ensure autonomy of job performed by civil servants at middle or lower level in order for them to have responsibility and pride in their job and to increase specialty of job in order for them to feel proud of what they do.
As for the current administrative conditions, the combination of democratization, localization, urbanization, and informatization is increasing and diversifying residents' needs qualitatively, with the burdens for the government increasing due to self-governing administration. As a shortcut to solution to a heap of administrative problems, civil servants should most of all accept an organizational goal in performing their job, make organizational commitment devotedly and actively to improve job performance, and thus enhance administrative effectiveness.
It is expected that this study will provide important data in making a scheme to manage an organization and develop human resources efficiently for rapidly-changing current administration and help formulate a scheme to encourage civil servants to promote a desirable attitude and that more in-depth, broader studies will be conducted to overcome the limitations of this study.
- Alternative Title
- An Empirical Study on Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in Korea Local Public Servant
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Haeng jung
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 행정학
- Advisor
- 오을임
- Awarded Date
- 2006-02
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구목적 = 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 = 4
1.연구방법 = 4
2.연구범위 = 5
제2장 이론적 배경 = 7
제1절조직몰입의 개념 = 7
1. 타산적 접근 = 8
2. 행태적 접근 = 11
3. 태도적 접근 = 12
제2절 조직몰입의 유형 = 14
1. 지속적 몰입 = 16
2. 정서적 몰입 = 17
3. 규범적 몰입 = 19
제3절 조직몰입의 영향요인 = 22
1.선행연구 = 22
2. 조직몰입의 영향요인 = 26
제4절 조직몰입과 직무성과 = 29
1.선행연구 = 29
2.조직몰입과 직무성과 = 32
제3장 연구 설계 = 34
제1절변수의 선정 = 34
1.개인특성 변수 = 34
2.직무특성 변수 = 39
3.공무원 직무성과 변수 = 41
제2절분석모형 = 42
제3절조사 설계 = 44
1.조사방법 및 표본구성 = 44
2.설문의 구성 = 48
3.측정도구 = 51
제4장 실증적 분석 = 60
제1절 측정도구의 검증 = 60
1.타당도 분석 = 60
2.신뢰도 분석 = 69
제2절규범적 조직몰입의 영향 요인 = 72
제3절규범적 조직몰입의 효과 분석 = 75
1. 모형의 설정 = 76
2.모형의 적합도 검정 = 80
3.구조방정식 모형의 추정 = 81
제4절분석결과 논의 = 87
제5장 결론 = 89
제1절 요약 = 89
제2절연구의 함의 = 90
제3절연구의 한계 = 92
·표목차 = ⅲ
·그림목차 = ⅳ
·참고문헌 = 94
·부록 : 설문지 = 111
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 김행중. (2006). 지방 공무원의 조직몰입이 직무성과에 미치는 영향 분석.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6253
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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