중요강력범죄의 경찰수사능력 제고방안

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The accidents which are difficult as a kind same by specific criminals or similar crime of violence criminal is recently small crime with abnormal trial rulers solves a back being frequent to general criminal investigation techniques are increasing misgovernment. Therefore, promptness result elasticity is required, and can be desired at the public peace administration section of the police.
Crime of violence guilt is left a serious nightmare or anxiety for people to a life or the body not to mention important infringement. Besides, be given the physical enemy that a recovery is impossible, a mental shock to the family with a victim, and a sound family is dissolved, and be occurring until cases. Currently our police must grope for a change quantitative, to be in quality large while meeting a change of the environment that is an enemy more domestic and foreign than which times, and be facing it in stream of the times. As a serious problem is becoming it as crime of violence guilt be frequent in these changes, and physical infringe property with a human life, and destroy personal is happy home, and is discomposing greatly a national life, devise countermeasure about this, and be urgent, and will do it.
Reviewed crime phenomenon along a social change and the criminal investigation system in the multilateral sides as targeted the rape that included too important crime of violence criminal murder/burglar/sexual violence only, and stated a problem for an improvement reasonable of a crime criminal investigation system about this. Also, tried to treat the cause and an early side view strengthening the preventive activity that was an advance enemy in order to control it what kind of countermeasure we must devise which crime of violence guilt occurred in.
Specially, decide to leave emphasis for it to grope for the plan to solve as problems to be practically important to do how entrances of the criminal investigation police must do it for arrests of the criminal whom crime of violence guilt occurred in than a problem of policy.
It will present a plan it is comprehensive, and to be reasonable for police criminal investigation ability raising about crime of violence guilt under the recognitions that were firstly important to do so as this paper does it from people so as to have wielded damage consciousness about crime of violence guilt, and national each one feels relieved, and to be able to live safely. Must rationalize the first, police criminal investigation organization and personnel management to its concrete plans. The second, a criminal investigation way of the police and a system must be improved. Tthe third, Must establish a system of a science criminal investigation.
Be more efficient by the crime that our society develops, and is increased rapidly, and see scientifically people from crimes that more study and effort are necessary in protecting it.
Alternative Title
A study on Reinforcement of the Police Investigation Capacity against Major Violent Crimes
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 序論 = 1
제1절 硏究의 目的 = 1
제2절 硏究의 方法과 範圍 = 2
제2장 重要强力犯罪의 槪念 및 特徵 = 4
제1절 重要强力犯罪의 槪念 = 4
제2절 重要强力犯罪의 特徵 = 5
1. 生命의 剝奪 = 6
2. 恐怖雰圍氣 造成 = 6
3. 家庭破綻의 招來 = 7
4. 國家機能의 不信 招來 = 9
제3장 重要强力犯罪의 實態 = 10
제1절 發生 및 檢擧現況 = 11
제2절 犯罪行爲의 特徵 = 16
제3절 犯罪者의 特徵 = 21
제4절 被害者의 特徵 = 24
제4장 重要强力犯罪에 대한 警察搜査體制의 問題點 = 27
제1절 無境界時代에 있어서 廣域搜査의 問題點 = 27
1. 無限境界時代의 犯罪 = 27
2. 犯罪의 廣域化 = 29
3. 韓國的 「廣域搜査 System」實態 = 30
4. 廣域搜査力의 不足 = 32
제2절 搜査組織과 人事管理의 問題點 = 33
1. 搜査組織構造 = 34
2. 人事管理 = 34
3. 搜査要員補職·昇進 管理 = 35
4. 敎育課程 및 內容 = 36
제3절 警察 搜査方法과 制度上의 問題點 = 36
1. 初動搜査措置 = 36
2. 搜査資料 管理 = 37
3. 搜査本部 運營 = 38
4. 犯罪統計管理 = 38
제4절 科學搜査體制의 問題點 = 39
1. 우리나라의 科學搜査體系 = 40
2. 科學的 鑑識體制 = 41
3. 遺傳子情報銀行과 遺傳子鑑識의 認定 = 42
4. 거짓말 探知機를 活用 = 44
제5장 警察搜査體制의 提高方案 = 45
제1절 無境界時代에 있어서 廣域搜査力의 强化 = 45
1. 廣域搜査體制의 開發 = 45
2. 情報通信시스템의 廣域化 = 46
3. 廣域搜査專擔機構의 新設 = 47
4. 廣域搜査 System 改善 Model = 48
제2절 搜査人力 管理의 專門化 = 52
1. 新任搜査官 選拔方法의 多樣化 = 52
2. 人力運營 體制의 合理化 = 53
제3절 警察搜査方法과 制度의 改善 = 54
1. 初動措置 體制의 改善 = 54
2. 搜査資料 管理體制의 改善 = 55
3. 搜査本部 運營의 合理化 = 55
4. 犯罪統計 管理의 改善 = 56
5. 수사경과제 도입 = 56
제4절 科學搜査體制의 確立 = 57
1. 鑑識搜査制度의 改善 = 58
2. 遺傳子 鑑識에 대한 法的 認證制度의 設置 = 60
3. 거짓말 探知機 運用上의 改善 = 61
제6장 結論 = 63
參考文獻 = 66
조선대학교 대학원
강칠원. (2006). 중요강력범죄의 경찰수사능력 제고방안.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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