장 뒤뷔페의 회화 연구

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Contemporary art exists in the various ways and forms not to be confined to classical expression modes. All kinds of installations and arrangements have been added to such areas as construction, painting, sculpture and print as predicted by the happenings in 1950s.
New approaches of art in the 20th century showed a variety of expressions with new ideas following development of new techniques and materials. Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) advocated opposition to conventional culture in these repeated changes.
Jean Dubuffet was born in France and was known as leading artist of informal movement which was developed centering around western painting circle in 1950s. He concentrated on human and society, object itself and pictorial world in a word.
He broke conventional ideas, introduced his own painting area with materials which were extremely used and isolated and developed a new way of expression.
Methods of expression he suggested were varied and obstacles were disappeared. He gave a form to means of expression and opened ways of connecting existence with an object in time and space. Therefore, I'art without any arbitrary rule extended influence of art and corresponded to complexity of world.
Matissen Henenri (1869-1954)) pointed out influence of consciousness of a period such that art is by-product of a historical situation and people plays a decisive role in the period of changes or important chaos.
All artists' activities are decided by requirement demanded by a moment of history and consciousness of problem suggested by the historical situation and results of these activities settle and change the problems. There was no period of radical changes like the 20th century we live in and aspects of contemporary art also experienced a huge change.
Jean Dubuffet who maintains an independent position in art phenomenon of Europe after war showed object art born in the fever of the first world war and psychological, cultural and realistic devastation and under the influence of existentialists and phenomenologists. It expresses pictorial trend corresponding to spiritual situation of modern times in the 20th century as the expression of concerns on state before cultivation and takes a liberal expression mode.
His painting is research work of "experiment" and develops the world of various works. He was interested in "Hautes Pates" having thick matiere sense mixed with non-artistic material and real property of materials and had the period of exploring matiere like assembliages. After that he turned into mental process of human thinking and pursued his art world with a new possibility from Hourloupe showing appearance of a unity within space without concept of painting and sculpture and perfect abstract painting.
His works have brutal power, liberal expression and madness. Therefore, this study examines his brutal power, liberal expression and harmony with liberal properties and experimental materials and is concerned with his mental movement, art burt. He denied existing aesthetics and system, suggested violent and anti-cultural Art Burt and gave a shock to european art. He approached art filled with brutal satisfaction and barbarian power through intentional and unrealistic distortion.
This study discussed the background that he played a leading part of informal movement, one of European abstract expressionism and his painting and experimental approaches. Jean Dubufet in contemporary art had a powerful influence on young artists of pop art and it aims to examine his independent and original art world.
Alternative Title
Study of Jean Dubuffet's paintings
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Young-Bin
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 순수미술학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
국문초록 = Ⅳ
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구 목적 = 1
2. 연구방법 및 내용 = 2
Ⅱ. 본 론 = 3
1. 장 뒤뷔페의 기본사항 = 3
A. 장 뒤뷔페의 시대적 배경 = 3
B. 장 뒤뷔페의 작가 형성과정 = 7
2. 장 뒤뷔페의 이론적 회화의 특성 = 11
A. 장 뒤뷔페의 추상표현주의 = 11
B. 아르 브뤼트 (Art Brut 1945~) = 12
3. 장 뒤뷔페의 회화와 기법성 = 18
A. 오트 파트 (Hautes Pates, 1943-1952) 시기 = 18
B. 아쌍블라쥬 (Assemblges, 1953-1959) 시기 = 20
C. 우를루프 (Hourloupe, 1960-1974) 시기 = 24
4. 장 뒤뷔페의 회화가 현대미술에 미치는 영향 = 29
Ⅲ. 결론 = 31
작가연보 = 33
참고문헌 = 35
참고도판 = 37
조선대학교 대학원
신영빈. (2006). 장 뒤뷔페의 회화 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-09-01
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