운동유형이 비만남성의 건강관련체력과 신체구성변화에 미치는 영향

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This study examined Influences on the changes from Health Related Physical Fitness and Body Composition in the obese Men according to Exercise Types. It selected 30 men in their twenties having over 30% of body fat, residing in G metropolitan city and divided them into 10 in aerobic exercise group, 10 in anaerobic exercise group and 10 in aerobic and anaerobic exercise group and conducted l2-weeks training by exercise types. It obtained the following conclusions.
1. Aerobic exercise group in the changes of body composition by exercise types showed statistically significant differences in weight and body fat as the level of p<.001 and anaerobic exercise group had statistically significant difference as the level of p<.01. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise groups showed statistically significant differences as the level of p<.001.
2. Aerobic exercise group in the changes of health-related Physical Fitness by exercise types showed statistically significant differences in flexibility and cardiopulmonary endurance as the level of p<.001 and anaerobic exercise group had statistically significant difference in muscular strength as the level of p<.05 and in flexibility as p<.01. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise groups showed statistically significant differences in flexibility and cardiopulmonary endurance as the level of p<.01.
3. Aerobic exercise group in the changes of girth of physical parts by exercise types showed statistically significant differences in girth of chest as the level of p<.001 and in girth of abdomen, waist, hip and thigh as the level of p<.01 and anaerobic exercise group had statistically significant difference in girth of thigh as the level of p<.01. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise groups showed statistically significant differences in girth of waist as the level of p<.05 and in that of thigh as the level p<.01.
4. Aerobic exercise group in the changes of thickness of subcutaneous fat by exercise types showed statistically significant differences in triceps, subscapular, armpit, abdomen, Iliaccrest and front thigh as the level of p<.05 and anaerobic exercise group had statistically significant difference in subscapular and front thigh as the level of p<.01 and in abdomen as the level of p<.05.
Alternative Title
Influences on the changes from health related physical fitness and body composition in the obese men according to exercise types
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = i
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
A. 연구의 필요성 = 1
B. 연구목적 = 3
C. 연구가설 = 3
D. 연구의 제한점 = 3
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 4
A. 비만 = 4
1. 비만의 개념과 원인 = 4
2. 비만으로 인한 질병 = 7
B. 운동유형 = 11
1. 유산소성 운동 = 11
2. 무산소성 운동 = 12
3. 유·무산소성 운동 = 12
C. 체성분검사 = 14
1. 체성분 분석 = 14
2. 체성분의 분류 = 15
3. 체성분 분석 방법 = 18
4. 비만도 = 18
D. 피하지방 두께와 신체둘레 측정법(Skinfold thickness and Anthropometry) = 19
1. 생체전기저항분석법(Biolectrical Impedance Analysis) = 20
2. 수중체중측정방법(Hydrostatic weighing or under water weighing) = 21
3. 이미지법(Imaging Method) = 21
4. 희석법(Dilution Method) = 21
5. 초음파법, 근적외선법 (Ultrasound, Near Infrared) = 22
E. 체력검사 = 22
1. 체력 = 22
2. 건강관련 체력(Health Realated Physical Fitness) = 24
Ⅲ. 연구방법 = 26
A. 연구대상 = 26
B. 측정도구 = 26
C. 측정항목 및 방법 = 27
1. 운동프로그램 = 27
2. 신체구성 측정방법 = 30
3. 체력측정 = 31
D. 자료처리 = 32
Ⅳ. 연구결과 = 33
A. 신체구성의 변화 = 33
B. 체력의 변화 = 34
C. 신체둘레의 변화 = 37
D. 피하지방두께의 변화 = 41
Ⅴ. 논의 = 48
A. 신체구성의 변화 = 48
B. 체력의 변화 = 49
C. 신체둘레의 변화 = 50
D. 피하지방 두께의 변화 = 51
Ⅵ. 결론 = 52
참고문헌 = 54
조완주. (2006). 운동유형이 비만남성의 건강관련체력과 신체구성변화에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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