부부재산제에 관한 연구

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The purpose of this study is to seek ideal matrimonial property system.
Married couple presents itself as a unit, but the unit consists of two persons. In property matters, to what extent and in which way shall the two person treat as a unit and the separate personalities of the couple be emphasized? In separate property systems, the separate personality of the married couple is emphasized, but common life of the couple is disregarded, which is felt to be unjust in those frequent cases where the parties enter marriage without owning any property where the husband is a sole breadwinner and thus practically everything belongs to the husband when the marriage comes to an end. Under the community property system, the asset such as acquired during marriage by the gainful activity of one spouse, or the other, or both, consists of common asset of married couple and divides into equally when the marriage breaks down or one of them died. But when the management of the common fund belongs to the husband who are though efficient, to avoid confusion in transaction, husband and wife is not equal. If the management of common property belongs to the couple, it probably brings confusion in the practice of the transaction.
Now, we have to know and learn their experience. Forthermore we have to make their effort ours. Matrimonial property regimes require comparative study to make up ideal of regime which emphasizes separate personality and substantial equality.
When marriage lasts, husband and wife keep and control their own separate property, therefore it secures nominal equality of the married couple.
Alternative Title
A study of Matrimonial Property System
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyun-Ju
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 序論 = 1
제1절 硏究의 目的 = 1
제2절 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 = 3
제2장 夫婦財産關係의 變遷過程 = 5
제1절 傳統的 制度의 一般的 特性 = 5
제2절 우리나라 夫婦財産制度의 變遷過程 = 7
제3절 外國의 夫婦財産制度의 變遷過程 = 10
제4절 夫婦財産制의 類型 = 13
제3장 各國의 夫婦財産制度 = 18
제1절 獨 逸 = 18
1. 夫婦財産契約 = 18
2. 法定財産制 = 20
제2절 프랑스 = 23
1. 夫婦財産契約 = 24
2. 法定財産制度 = 27
제3절 英 國 = 31
1. 明示的 財産契約 = 32
2. 夫婦財産에 대한 制定法 = 34
3. 夫婦間의 財産權 紛爭에 관한 決定의 基準 = 36
4. 婚姻住宅 = 37
5. 家事勞動의 經濟的 評價 = 39
제4절 美 國 = 40
1. 共同財産制度 = 40
2. 別産制 = 43
제5절 스칸디나비아 제국 = 45
제4장 우리나라의 夫婦財産制度 = 47
제1절 夫婦財産契約 = 47
1. 夫婦財産契約의 締結 = 47
2. 夫婦財産契約의 登記 = 49
3. 夫婦財産契約의 變更 = 50
4. 夫婦財産契約의 內容 = 52
5. 夫婦財産契約의 終了 = 56
6. 다양한 夫婦財産約定모델의 제시 = 57
제2절 法定財産制 = 57
1. 財産의 歸屬關係 = 57
2. 日常家事債務에 대한 連帶責任과 生活費用의 負擔 = 62
3. 法定財産制의 問題點 및 改善方案 = 64
제3절 離婚時 財産分割請求權 = 68
1. 財産分割請求權의 意義 = 68
2. 財産分割請求權의 內容 = 70
3. 財産分割請求權과 扶養請求權 = 72
4. 財産分割請求權과 夫婦財産制의 關係 = 75
제5장 結論 = 79
參考文獻 = 81
조선대학교 대학원
김현주. (2006). 부부재산제에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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