Optimization of erection network for pre-erection load management

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조선 산업에서 경쟁력을 유지하기 위하여 첨단 정보기술의 적용을 통하여 새로운 시장 환경에 적응할 수 있는 최적화된 일정계획의 수립이 요구된다. 조선 산업에서 일정계획은 계획 기간이 길고 일정계획 수립의 대상이 되는 작업들의 종류가 다양한 관계로 매우 어려운 문제로 인식되고 있다. 조선 산업에서 수행되는 일정계획의 수립과정을 살펴보면 우선 가장 중요한 자원인 도크에서의 일정계획 즉 선각 조립과 관련된 '탑재일정계획'을 수립하고 이 결과를 바탕으로 선행탑재일정과 도크 및 안벽에서 의장일정을 결정한 뒤 선행도장 및 의장일정 가공 및 조립공장에 대한 일정계획등이 차례로 수립된다. (김기동 등,2001). 본 연구에서는 선행탑재장 에서의 일정문제를 Looking-Forward Algorithms (미리보기 알고리즘)의 일정계획과 여유일기반의 탑재일정 결정을 통한 선행탑재장의 가용능력을 최대한 이용하면서 일정계획상에서 부하평준화가 이루어질 수 있는 시스템을 제시한다. 본 연구에서는 선행탑재장의 일정계획에서 부하평준화를 고려한 Looking-forward Algorithms 를 사용하였으며 탑재일자 결정에 있어서 여유일기반의 탑재일자결정방법론을 사용하였다.|In the ship building industry various problems of erection are merged due to formation of bottlenecks in the block erection flow pattern. This kind of problems gets accumulated problems in real-time erection at the pre-erection area.
When such a problem is encountered, a support data of the entire erection sequence should be available. Here planning is done by reasoning about the future events in order to verifies the existence of a reasonable series of actions to accomplish a goal. This technique helps in achieving benefits like handling search complications, in resolving goal conflicts and anticipation of bottleneck formation well in advance so as to take necessary countermeasures and boosts the decision support system. The data is being evaluated and an anticipatory function is developed. This function is quite relevant in day-to-day planning operation. The system updates database with rearrangement of off-critical blocks in the erection sequence diagram. As a result of such a system, planners can foresee months ahead and can effectively make decisions regarding the control of loads on the man, machine and work flow pattern, culminating to an efficient load management. Such a foreseeing concept helps us in eliminating backtracking related adjustment, which is less efficient compared to the looking-Forward concept.
An attempt is made to develop a computer program to update the database of block arrangement pattern based on heuristic formulation.
Alternative Author(s)
Baek, Dong Sik
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 선박해양공학과
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Table Of Contents
Contents = i
List of Figures = iii
List of Tables = iv
초록 = v
Chapter 1 Introduction = 1
1.1 Background of Research = 1
1-2 Previous Research = 2
1.3 Research objective and Contributions = 4
1.4 Paper Organization = 6
Chapter 2 Pre-Erection Area Process Scheduling = 8
2.1 Overview of Shipbuilding Process = 8
2.2 The status of shipbuilding planning. = 15
2.3 Pre-Erection Process and Activity = 18
2.4 Block Erection Network method = 23
Chapter 3 Background of Pre-Erection Area Scheduling Algorithms = 28
3.1 Modern Heuristic Scheduling Method = 28
3.2 Development of Looking-Forward Scheduling = 35
3.3 Probability based on Fixation technique of Off-Critical Block = 39
Chapter 4 Float time based Erection Day and Looking-Forward Algorithm Calculation Program. = 42
4.1 P.E Area Scheduling Progam Flow Diagram = 42
4.2 P.E Area Scheduling Program Chart = 44
4.3 P.E Area Scheduling Program Description. = 45
Chapter 5 Simulation Results = 47
5.1 P.E Area Scheduling Program Flow Diagram = 47
5.2 Result Process and Compare graph = 48
Reference = 56
〈Appendix〉 = 0
Acknowledgements = 0
백동식. (2006). Optimization of erection network for pre-erection load management.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-12-10
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