한국 현대소설의 모성성 연구

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A Mother is 'maternal' woman, but she is also maternal 'woman'. But we treat a mother as sexlessness who is the woman before the mother. We hope that the woman as the mother get to be symbols of responsibility or harmony not to wish for right or duty. It could be the maternity experience that shows fatally the alienation between an ideal and an actual, a consciousness and an experience. Being a mother means sufficiency, growth, release in the dimension of the ideal consciousness, it gives women immense pain in that it means lack, survival, repression in the side of realistic experience. For those reasons, maternity could be more exclusive and pure woman experience as to show a woman suppression more general and intensive than anything.
In this point of view, I discuss how maternal image made by patriarchism twist the woman through the maternity appeared to Korean Modern novel in this thesis. I study the common and different features about maternity between Oh Jung-hee's novel in 1970's and Jeon Kyeong-lin's novel in 1990's, and look into that between Park Wan-seo's novel in 1980's and Kong Sun-ok's novel in 1990's. And chapter 4, I analyze out each novel to comparing descriptions of maternal viewpoint with daughter's.
In Modern novels, Mother speaks to represent themselves not other's voices to speaker. In result mother shows the fact that she has variety desire like male or female not being sexless existence neither female or male. Maternity denial is used by one of strategy to refuse the conservative patriarchism and ideology in the maternal description of Oh Jeong-hee and Jeon Kyeong-lin. To their female character, the mother under the patriarchism is the symbol of negative reality to want to refuse not the ideal model to pursue. The intention which mother try to tell into 「An object of sacrifice」 is that needless to say maternal desire even sin consciousness can not control by desire to original productivity if they could be controled by patriarchism and institutionalized. So maternal description of Oh Jeong-hee challenge to patriarchism to dissolve the maternity, after all it revolve to maternity. The maternity denial of Jeon Kyeong-lin is more serious than Oh Jeong-hee's one. Because the character 'I' of 「Nirvana of spring」 to maternal description is absent to maternity. The character 'I' as mother betray that her children don't have any meaning. Because maternity ideology of our society work to yoke and repression for subjective and intellectual woman, they hope to be independent human to refuse maternity and find their identity, they take the strategy to deny patriarchism and ideology.
The maternity in Park Wan-seo's novel and Kong Sun-ok's is accepted too natural situation not to gain to effort. Mothers in novels don't doubt about maternity or suffer from its weight. They are in disorder with feminine desire or other surrounding condition aside maternity. The maternal description of Park Wan-seo, 「A tearful voice」 show recovery of barren maternity by industrialization. Maternity become a support for women to sustain their life richly. So it shows the view to be overcome as long as exist maternity however the world changes. The maternal description of Kong Sun-ok does not appear remarkably to sign of patriarchism. But in that it shows conflict as a woman, it presents a fresh aspect in comparison with other novels which woman problem almost arrive at a conclusion to maternity. For 'Woman' as mother say the fact to have desire by herself, she reveal the frustration and conflict to experience separation between ideal of maternity and human life.
One way of the route for daughter recognizing herself to woman is through the mother. She is the character sacrificing herself for her children and being charged with paternal absence or inability. Therefore she can not reveal human desire, The daughter's description is important because the daughter who grow up with watching such mother imitates her or denies her.
The daughter in 「The night game」 of Oh Jeong-hee regard mother as sacrificed person by patriarchism and is touched with pity. Though for her becoming mother pass by process parting from mother, she does not. It bases on the action which she who realize patriarchal paternal attitude to mother denies entry to paternal world. Oh Jeong-hee keeps hope open about maternity with telling restrained maternal story give her view. We could know in that though she is not free from paternal world she is not subjugate that and frustrate, she expresses her own words even if it is a twisted method.
In the daughter's description of Jeon Kyeong-lin, mother is not described a victim by forced systematic and customary things. On account to take seriously to life method revealed to appearance, the idea which control maternal consciousness and daily without exposing is expressed back, the problem presents to maternal unusual character. The daughter's description of Jeon Kyeong-lin does not lock maternity in her children. As mother is more free from children than other writer, her daughter has wide mind to understand mother. Then she tells mother in woman position not watching mother in daughter place. The writer does not create maternity to identical core of woman. That is, we accept to another meaning than existing maternity owing to expressing positively woman desire not to restore to maternity. In the daughter's description maternity of two writers is similar in warm vision for daughter to understand mother's life but differ from reason not to keep maternity.
The daughter's description of Park Wan-seo and Kong Sun-ok does not turn away or blame about false dualism of mother or feminine pain. The mother of 「The maternal post 1」 recognizes the change of age and shows even her shameful face for her children. Her daughter grows up judging such maternity of mother but the daughter understand her and affirm. The daughter of 「The life」 is brought up suffering from mother far from love, but she does not feel shame at mother or feel bitter. That is the possible thing when she recognizes her mother to individual woman without limiting her own world. Thus the daughter's description starts to regard mother to concrete woman, and does not think shamefully maternal fault or hide it. We could know that she see her mother with have solidarity in same woman as herself, that she understand life lined from mother to daughter on extension as same woman. So to speak, she begin to treat mother in human face not to restrict mother within woman or mother.
Because maternity and woman are entangled so closely, it is difficult to distinguish clearly these two ideas. But we may understand for woman becoming a grown-up person into be back in condition of maternity. Being mother for woman is deeply united with maternity inhered to own the moment it is seperated from mother. That is the thing to arrive at deep apprehension about mother at the same time it is an degenerative aspiration to revolve to mother. So maternity which mother and daughter say has meaning.
In this way we look into aspects of maternity in Modern novels, but I think it is not enough. Now the recognition about woman wrapping the myth of maternity. Nowadays mother does not try to be compensated for life through her daughter, daughter also does not intend not to live her mother like old times. I find the significance to discuss maternity problem in the age when I don't think all the more keenly the recognition that the core of good mother is sending to leave well her children.
Alternative Title
A Study on the maternity in Korean modern novels
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = 1
Ⅰ. 서론 = 8
1. 연구 목적과 의의 = 8
2. 연구사 검토 및 과제 설정 = 13
3. 연구방법 및 대상 작품의 선정 = 18
Ⅱ. 모성성 연구의 이론적 담론 = 25
1. 모성성의 개념과 모성 이데올로기 = 25
2. 페미니즘 비평의 이론적 담론 = 29
Ⅲ. 한국 현대소설에 표현된 모성의 양상 = 36
1. 사회 제도와 모성 간의 갈등 = 36
1) 제도화된 모성의 거부와 주체 의식 - 오정희 = 38
(1) 모성 해체에서 회귀로 …… 「번제」 = 38
(2) 훼손된 모성, 억압된 자아의 해체 …… 「저녁의 게임」 = 46
2) 자아찾기와 소외로부터의 탈주 - 전경린 = 58
(1) 광기의 모성, 부재하는 어머니 …… 「봄 피안」 = 62
(2) 다중적 정체성의 한 부분으로서의 모성 …… 「밤의 나선형 계단」 = 74
2. 현실인식 주체로서의 모성 = 83
1) 인간성 회복 지향의 모성 - 박완서 = 83
(1) 인간성 회복을 위한 모성 …… 「울음소리」 = 85
(2) 근대성의 주체로서의 모성 …… 「엄마의 말뚝1」 = 92
2) 빈곤의 굴레와 모성 고착중 - 공선옥 = 102
(1) 일탈과 귀환의 변증법적 모성 …… 「우리 생애의 꽃」 = 105
(2) 정체성 환원의 모성 …… 「목숨」 = 115
Ⅳ. 현대 소설에서의 모성의 의의 = 128
1. 어머니 관점의 서사 = 129
1) 오정희, 전경린 …… 「번제」,「봄 피안」 = 130
2) 박완서, 공선옥 …… 「울음소리」,「우리 생애의 꽃」 = 133
2. 딸 관점의 서사 = 136
1) 오정희, 전경린 …… 「저녁의 게임」,「밤의 나선형 계단」 = 137
2) 박완서, 공선옥 …… 「엄마의 말뚝1」,「목숨」 = 139
Ⅴ. 결론 = 144
참고문헌 = 153
김경희. (2005). 한국 현대소설의 모성성 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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