한국 몽유소설의 문학적 환상기법 연구
- Author(s)
- 김미령
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- This study aims at speculation of 'Fantasy' and 'Fantastic Techniques' shown in Mong-yu-soseol of the literary works whose material is dream in classic epic literature.
Fantasticality is very frequently taken care of as a main institutive mechanism by researchers and may be multi-vocally understood in history of Korean classic literature.
Fantasticality exists in chains of classic novel history such as Mong-yu-soseol in the 16th century and 19th century and long and heroic novels, followed by Jeonki soseol in late Shilla and early Gokurye period and Gum-o-shin-hwa in the medieval period. It exists even in other categories. Authors have used it frequently in modern literature even though its style is changed. Therefore, fantasticality can be interpreted as a positive action of imagination whose origin is derived from the beginning of literature and as another product of dynamic creation that newly recognized the world.
Research on fantasticality is to merge the past and the present and to have entire prospects of literary history as a beginning of understanding.
This study examines a definition of fantasticality, targeting Mong-yu-soseol among classic epic literature, literary functions of dream and fantasticality and aspects that fantasticality is accepted in literary works. Therefore, it is to speculate literary reproduction techniques and internal consciousness of authors and readers as an energy that can create fantasticality in literature.
So, it considers theories on fantasticality and categorizes it as it is configured in literature as follows:
First, it is a concept that reality is used as a proposition.
Second, it is used as a parodic technique that represents consideration of real thoughts.
Third, as it uses the existing awful concepts to fantastic space or fantastic objects for literature, it is changed so that it can be familiar to readers and has creative power that secures curiosity and popularity.
Fourth, it is used to show authors' intention of struggle against the world who are not satisfied with absurd reality or works as an exit for utopia pursuit.
Fantasticality in literature examined in such four aspects does satisfy needs of authors and readers, and continuously represents popularity and criticism from classic literature to modern. It demonstrates that is an energetic action of imagination that has worked from the beginning of literature and another product of dynamic creation that newly recognized the world.
Therefore, fantasticality in epic literature can be understood as one of novel techniques that reproduce reality, rather than a product of specific age, and Kathryn Hume accepted it as one of essential impulses of literature, which has a strong persuasive power.
Thus, the main function of fantasticality in this work does not pursue only for surreal world in an aspect of a technique that is connected to a theme of the work. Rather, it is suggested that it has a close correlation with reality because its function as surreal is considered as more important as society is more repressed and intervened. In other word, fantasticality is a historical creature produced by reality of the time and desires of authors and readers.
When it is suggested Mong-yu-so-seol was considered as an exit of discussion for intellectuals who had conflicts with medieval order and ideology, we can realize that fantasticality in this kind of work is a parodic literature that forms theme consciousness under the recognition that fantasy is reality. And it underlies that consciousness of the people at that time, expansion of spacial thoughts to huge nature, expanded eyesight and mental horizon of literary people, and religious and cultural nature of the world where variety is accepted and the earth and the heaven are integrated work importantly.
Artistic activity including literature begins from man's desires. It may be a desire that can not be satisfied and a need of change. People attempt to find the ways to satisfy such desires. It is found that fantasticality studied in this study is a historical product that works as an exit for such need. That is, it was a literary reproduction presented with society and political history authors at that time considered reality as deficit. Fantasticality is still an effective literary technique and an artistic device in current society.
All the areas called fantasy in current literary world - Korean fantasy literature such as Toimarok by Lee Woo-hyuk, Dragon Laja by Lee Young-do, Dragons' Sinjin by Kim Ye-ri and foreign fantasy literature such as Harry Porter and Emperor of Ring - may have close correlations with man's inside. Korean classics have also relations with such aspect and recognition on fantasy in our classic literature has been accepted as a natural literary code for such a long time.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the literary fantastic techniques of the Korean classic Mong-yu-soseol
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 국어국문학과
- Awarded Date
- 2005-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목차 = i
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구목적 = 1
2. 선행연구 = 4
3. 연구대상 및 방법 = 12
Ⅱ. 환상성에 관한 문학적 접근 및 이해 = 27
1. 환상성의 개념 및 정의 = 28
2. 환상성의 존재와 기능 = 39
Ⅲ. 환상성의 수용양상과 그 기법 = 45
1. 초월적 공간과 현실적 공간의 수평적 기법 = 46
2. 초월적 시간과 현실적 시간의 충격적 기법 = 81
3. 현실적 인간계와 초월적 선계의 경계 허물기 기법 = 92
Ⅳ. 환상성을 통해 본 작가와 독자의 내재적 의식체계 = 121
1. 욕망과 세계와의 갈등 해소를 위한 작가 의식체계 = 122
2. 욕망과 세계와의 보상 심리를 위한 독자 의식체계 = 136
Ⅴ. 환상적 모티프의 문학사적 기여도 = 143
Ⅵ. 결론 = 154
參考文獻 = 160
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 김미령. (2005). 한국 몽유소설의 문학적 환상기법 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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