존재 위백규의 시문학 연구

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The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the poetic literature of Jonjae, Wee Baek-gyu, based on changes at the bottom of the poetic arena in the 18th century.
Wee Baek-gyu was a writer who had a very unique career. Unlike other literary men who composed verses and studied while keeping a large circle of companies, he wrote so many books, read many books while farming for himself, and expressed the common people's feelings in poetry about living and Chinese poetry by his great poetic way, based on his practical experiences. These points are more remarkable than any other realists whom we've examined.
Pomes in Jonjaejib and Jonjaejeonseo is worth discussing the distinctive current and achievement of the literary world in the 18th century. His poetic attraction is found in the continuous experimentalism and in the process of self-exploration.
The arguments in this dissertation can be summarized as follows:
In the introduction, I raise a question why Wee Baek-gyu attracted attention in the poetic arena of the 18th century. And then, by showing an argument course, I reveal that I intend to highlight the specific value which the poetic literature of Wee has.
In the second chapter as the background where his poetic literature is formed, I consider him as a new model who came into being in 18th century through investigating his direction after he took the state examination and his frustration, his estrangement and self-consciousness, and the process of his absorption in poetry.
In the third chapter. I examine his poetic viewpoint and his prosody. I point out that his literary point of view began from the thorough position of Jaedo doctrine.
In the fourth chapter, I consider how his poetic literature changed in both externals and quality. As he became older, he accomplished the versification which was suitable for his poetic viewpoint and his desire for expression. When I consider some developing changes in his poetic literature, I find out that Wee's poetry reached the peak in the latter part of his life.
In the fifth chapter, I study his sense of crisis and spatial characteristics exposed in his literature.
I review the arguments of this dissertation in the sixth chapter. I classify the significance which his poetic literature can have in the Korean poetic history into these followings: diversification of writing groups and the appearance of new image as a writer, renewal from a model and self-awareness, rediscovering everyday life and practicing Chosun poetry.
Finally, I expect to revaluate Wee Baek-gyu as the man in question at the poetic arena of the 18th century and as the poet who opened up a original world of poetry through this dissertation.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Poetry of Jonjae Wi Baek-Gyu
Alternative Author(s)
Wee, Hong-hwan
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 문제제기 = 1
2. 연구사 및 논의방향 = 5
3. 연구 자료 = 9
Ⅱ. 시문학 형성배경 = 16
1. 가계와 생애 = 16
2. 학풍과 교유관계 = 26
1) 학풍 = 26
2) 교유관계 = 37
Ⅲ. 문학관 = 49
1. 재도론적 효용성의 추구 = 49
2. 자득적 문학관 = 55
Ⅳ. 시문학의 형식과 언어 = 60
1. 근체시의 지속과 질적변화 = 60
2. 잡영연작의 활용과 외연확대 = 76
3. 일상어의 포용과 작법의 변화 = 86
Ⅴ. 시문학의 공간적 특성과 주제의식 = 92
1. 공간적 특성 = 92
2. 주제 의식 = 98
Ⅵ. 문학사적 의의 = 106
1. 소재의 다양화 = 106
2. 전범의 탈피와 개아의 자각 = 110
3. 일상생활의 재발견과 조선시의 실천 = 112
Ⅶ. 결론 = 115
참고문헌 = 119
Abstract = 123
조선대학교 대학원
위홍환. (2005). 존재 위백규의 시문학 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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