言論에 의한 名譽毁損에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 申建浩
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- As we know it very well today, Freedom of Speech is not only secured in the constitution law of most nations in the world, but also is declared even in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in U.N. with the universal aspiration of Mankind. That is to say that the legal principle of Freedom of Speech means that the basic human rights is to be secured as the kind of the spiritual freedom in the nation as well as others. Of course, it is very important issue how we secure Freedom of Speech. This Freedom of Speech is getting competitive among Mass?media as DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) is appeared and they are getting various. And these infinitive competitions in the press cause the mal?functional problem such as the disturbance of a person’s privacy with using Freedom of Speech.
Furthermore, there should be more cases that the people’s privacy is getting more disturbed under the pretext of not only being not cleared between the people’s privacy which is the very humble personal life and the public life but also being satisfied with the people’s knowing as the people’s life is becoming developed with the development of High Technology. In the modern IT society, Freedom of Speech is one of the means to come true the self realization(the value of personality) which make the personnel characters through the personnel press activity. In addition, it has the special characters which has the dual characters such as the means that the members of the society as the democratic citizens keep the symbiosis and coexistence relationship with the basic theory of the equal respect and consideration, and participate in the political decision and then realize the self control(the social value).
In the Constitution of Republic Korea, they make a rule this “All Koreans are able to have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press” in Article 21, Paragraph 1, and it is secured for the public profit. They emphasize both Freedom of Speech and Responsibility of Speech simultaneously even in Paragraph 4, “Speech and Press should not intrude others’ reputations and rights, or the public morality and the social ethics. When Speech and Press intrude others’ reputations and rights, the victims are able to sue for indemnity about this damage.”
So, I have studied several cases about Defamation of Character by the mass?media in this paper so as to provide the best solutions; make the fair and reasonable broadcast in order to let people know it through Mass?media though there are co?existing various classes in the society, and solve the matters of Defamation of character caused by the press during the time they have been doing the right function of the press. For those issues, I would like to suggest the disputed points such as the importance of this freedom of speech as well as the activities of defamation of character caused by mass?media in Article 1, and try to make a thesis about the relationship between the press and the defamation of character in Article 2, in order to make a right thesis about the relationship of the personal rights which has a conflict with Freedom of Speech.
In Article 3, I would like to study about the different cases of the relationship between Freedom of Speech in Constitution and the personal rights first, and then, with these cases, consider it whether we are going to ask the criminal liability for the activity of defamation of character against Freedom of Speech and how much criminal liability we are going to ask. By Press Relations Act, we would like to study how they set up the relations between Freedom of Speech and the personal rights, and will consider how we will set them up in the future. Then, we will be seriously considering it how to make a thesis in 21st century so?called the era of IT, and are going to make a right definition about the legal principles of Defamation of Character by Press.
In Article 4, we are going to study the cases of Defamation of Character by Press from other nations such as the United States, England, Germany and Japan.
In Article 5, we will look for the best ways to help about the activity of Defamation of Character by Press with such the method of the damage indemnity, Criminal Law and Media Relations Act.
We would like to suggest the issuing matters and the best ways to be improved after reviewing the thesis and the practical problems in Article 6.
In Article 7, we will finalize these theses and then suggest the several best schemes which will improve the cooperating relations both Freedom of Character and the personal rights without conflicting each other. First, we should find the secure scheme for Freedom of Speech which defines that they allow the exceptional cases additionally which include the cases of others’ defamation of character considering it as the public benefits with the basic activity of allowance if it is true that the fact exposed by Press is true though it is Defamation of Character according to the criminal law Article 307.
Second, we should strengthen PAC’s authority and will introduce the best schemes for PAC(Press Arbitration Commission) to induce the in order to adjust and solve the problems caused by Press before being sued for the personal rights at the court.
Third, there should be more studies about the various expressing methods which is the third person’s point of view, not the pros and the cons about the issues.
Fourth, inducing the punishable compensational indemnity system, we ought to make the press broadcast all the things with sincerity. The more the personal rights is violated by Press, the more we make the amount of the compensational indemnity bigger and bigger, and it makes the press more serious when broadcasting the personal rights.
- Alternative Title
- The Study on the Defamation of Character by the Press
- Alternative Author(s)
- Shin, Geon-ho
- Affiliation
- 朝鮮大學校 大學院
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 文正珉
- Awarded Date
- 2005-08
- Table Of Contents
- 目次
제 1 장 序論 = 1
제 1 절 硏究의 目的 = 1
제 2 절 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 4
제 2 장 言論과 名譽毁損 = 6
제 1 절 言論과 名譽毁損의 槪念 = 6
1. 言論의 槪念 및 沿革 = 6
가. 言論의 槪念 = 6
나. 言論의 沿革 = 7
2. 名譽槪念과 名譽毁損罪 = 12
가. 名譽槪念 = 12
나. 名譽毁損罪 = 15
3. 言論의 自由와 名譽權 = 18
가. 言論의 自由와 名譽權의 對立 = 20
나. 言論自由와 名譽權의 相關關係 = 22
제 2 절 言論에 의한 名譽毁損의 類型 = 23
1. 表題에 의한 名譽毁損 = 24
2. 報道에 의한 名譽毁損 = 26
가. 事實報道에 의한 名譽毁損 = 27
나. 論評·解說에 의한 名譽毁損 = 35
다. 廣告에 의한 名譽毁損 = 37
라. 肖像權侵害 = 39
제 3 장 言論에 의한 名譽毁損의 法理 = 45
제 1 절 憲法上 言論의 自由와 名譽權 = 45
1. 兩權利의 衝突問題 = 45
가. 私生活의 秘密과 自由 = 45
나. 言論의 自由 = 46
다. 兩權利의 相衝關係 = 47
2. 國民의 알權利 = 47
가. 憲法的 根據 = 48
나. 알權利의 基本的 性格 = 48
다. 言論機關의 接近權 = 50
3. 우리 憲法上의 言論의 自由 = 51
가. 言論自由의 解釋 = 51
나. 憲法 第21條의 解釋 = 53
다. 出版의 自由 = 54
라. 電波媒體에 의한 報道의 自由 = 56
4. 言論의 自由와 名譽權의 關係 = 58
가. 뉴스의 基準 = 59
나. 虛僞事實報道와 名譽權 = 61
제 2 절 言論의 自由와 刑事責任의 限界 = 62
1. 名譽權을 保護하기 위한 刑法의 態度 = 63
2. 言論의 自由를 保護하기 위한 刑法의 態度 = 64
3. 錯誤에 의한 報道의 問題 = 66
가. 違法性阻却事由의 前提事實에 대한 錯誤說 = 66
나. 許容된 危險說 = 67
다. 第15條 第1項의 錯誤說 = 67
라. 小結 = 67
제 3 절 言論關係法上 言論의 自由와 名譽權 = 69
1. 言論法制의 類型 = 69
가. 機能·內容에 따른 分類 = 70
나. 體制·構造에 의한 分類 = 71
2. 우리나라 言論法制 = 72
가. 우리나라 言論法制 實態 = 72
나. 우리나라 言論法制의 整備 = 73
제 4 절 디지털社會에서 言論의 自由와 名譽權 = 74
1. 디지털社會에서 名譽權 = 74
2. 現代社會와 言論自由의 構造變動 = 77
3. 言論自由의 價値 = 79
가. 旣存 言論의 價値 = 79
나. 言論自由價値의 不變性 = 85
다. 言論自由와 基本權葛藤의 解決 = 86
제 4 장 外國의 言論自由와 名譽權 = 90
제 1 절 美國 = 90
1. 名譽毁損의 法理 = 90
가. 虛僞의 事實摘示(false and defamatory statement) = 91
나. 公表(publication) = 91
다. 自己同一視(identification) = 92
라. 言論의 過失(negligence on the part of the media or greater fault) = 92
마. 實質的 損害發生(actural injury) = 92
바. 特權의 排除(lack of Privilege) = 93
2. Actual Malice 法理 = 95
3. 公的 人物과 公的 利益에 관한 報道 = 97
가. 公的 人物 = 97
나. 制限的 公的 人物 = 99
다. 公共利益 = 100
라. 公的關心事(Public concern) = 101
4. 小結 = 101
제 2 절 英國 = 102
1. 名譽毁損行爲의 損害賠償責任 = 102
가. 名譽毁損으로 인한 不法行爲責任의 成立 = 102
나. 名譽毁損의 成立要件 = 105
2. 公共의 利益에 관련된 公正한 論評의 抗辯(Fair Comment on a Matter of Public Interest) = 108
가. 公共의 利益(Public Interest) = 108
나. 事實에 基礎한 意見表現 = 109
3. 名譽毁損에 대한 法的 救濟手段 = 110
가. 損害賠償(Damages) = 110
나. 名譽毁損訴訟에서의 損害賠償 = 114
4. 名譽毁損으로 인한 刑事責任 = 116
가. 名譽毁損罪의 由來 = 116
나. 名譽毁損罪의 要件과 抗辯 = 117
다. 名譽毁損罪의 處罰規定과 批判 = 118
제 3 절 獨逸 = 119
1. 人格權 = 119
2. 人格領域論과 私生活侵害 = 121
가. 意義 = 121
나. 人格領域의 區分 = 121
다. 人格領域에 대한 侵入 = 123
라. 私的 事項의 公開 = 125
3. 刑法 第193條에 따른 解決 = 126
가. 違法性阻却의 成立要素 = 126
나. 一般原則 = 126
4. 獨逸聯邦憲法裁判所 判例 = 127
가. 言論自由와 名譽保護 = 127
나. 交叉作用論 = 128
다. 가장 被害를 적게 주는 手段의 崩壞 = 129
라. 聯邦大法院의 聯邦憲法裁判所判決에의 拘束 = 129
제 4 절 日本 = 130
1. 人格權 = 130
2. 反論報道請求權 = 130
3. 判例의 態度 = 131
제 5 장 言論에 의한 名譽毁損의 救濟 = 136
제 1 절 名譽毁損에 대한 刑事上 保護體系 = 136
1. 名譽毁損에 刑法上의 許容範圍 = 136
가. 言論報道의 眞實性 與否 = 137
나. 言論報道의 相當性 與否 = 137
다. 言論報道의 公共性 與否 = 150
2. 搜査機關의 發表와 그 報道에 대한 法的 責任 = 150
가. 無罪推定의 原則과 被疑事實公表罪 = 150
나. 發表 또는 報道의 禁止規定이 있는 境遇 = 152
다. 發表 또는 報道의 禁止規定이 없는 境遇 = 152
3. 裁判公開主義와 言論報道 = 154
가. 法廷報道의 許容限界 = 155
나. 名譽權 保護와 裁判의 非公開 = 156
다. 被告人의 身元에 관한 法廷報道 = 157
4. 名譽毁損罪 = 160
가. 名譽毁損罪 = 160
나. 刑法體系上 問題點 = 162
제 2 절 言論關係法에 의한 救濟 = 162
1. 訂正報道請求權 = 163
가. 訂正報道請求權의 意義와 法的 性質 = 163
나. 訂正報道請求權의 行使要件 = 164
다. 公的 資料에 의한 報道와 訂正報道請求權의 成立與否 = 164
2. 反論報道請求權 = 166
가. 意義 = 166
나. 法的 根據 = 167
다. 要件 = 167
3. 追後報道請求權 = 170
가. 意義 = 170
나. 要件 = 170
다. 行使方法 = 171
라. 公的 資料에 의한 報道와 追後報道請求權의 成立與否 = 171
4. 調停 = 171
가. 調停權 = 171
나. 協議 = 172
다. 證據調査權 및 決定權 = 174
라. 言論仲裁와 職權調停決定 = 175
4. 訴訟 = 184
5. 是正勸告 = 184
6. 苦衷處理人 = 185
제 3 절 名譽毁損과 損害賠償 = 186
1. 損害賠償節次에 의한 救濟 = 186
가. 民法上 救濟 = 187
나. 事前救濟와 事後救濟 = 188
다. 訴訟에 갈음하는 紛爭解決方案 = 189
2. 損害賠償 請求 = 192
3. 損害賠償額 = 194
가. 損害賠償額의 意味 = 194
나. 損害賠償額의 算定 = 197
4. 名譽回復 處分 = 198
제 4 절 言論의 自律規程에 의한 救濟 = 201
1. 言論報道 및 倫理綱領 = 202
2. 放送審議에 관한 規程 = 204
가. 權利侵害 禁止 = 204
나. 放送의 倫理的 水準 = 206
제 6 장 言論에 의한 名譽毁損의 問題點과 改善方案 = 207
제 1 절 制裁上의 問題點과 改善方案 = 207
1. 言論의 自由와 名譽權의 問題 = 207
2. 立法의 問題 = 210
제 2 절 救濟上의 問題點과 改善方案 = 212
1. 損害賠償額(慰藉料)의 問題 = 212
2. 確實性의 原則 = 214
3. 頻繁한 損害賠償訴訟에 따른 SLAPP의 導入問題 = 216
4. 訂定報道 및 反論報道 · 追後報道의 問題 = 218
제 3 절 政策上의 問題와 改善方案 = 219
1. 活用性(實效性)의 問題 = 219
2. 言論의 自律과 倫理意識의 問題 = 221
3. 디지털社會에 맞는 言論의 自由 = 222
제 7 장 結論 = 224
參考文獻 = 227
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 朝鮮大學校 大學院
- Citation
- 申建浩. (2005). 言論에 의한 名譽毁損에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/5962
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