파노라마방사선사진에서 구획별 교합면 기준선에 대한 치아근원심경사
- Author(s)
- 유충현
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- Mesiodistal tooth angulation to segmental
occlusal plane in panoramic radiography
Choong Hyun You D.D.S., M.S.D.
Director Jae Duk Kim Ph.D.
Dept. of Dentistry, Graduate School,
Chosun University
This study was performed to evaluate the stability of the segmental occlusal plane and anatomical line as the reference line for measuring the mesiodistal tooth angulation in panoramic radiography and to determine the mean angle and the range of the mesiodistal tooth angulation in Korean with normal occlusions.
Twenty nine subjects(15 males, 14 females) having untreated normal occlusion were selected. A total of 29 panoramic radiograms were taken at normal head position and then 10 images of 5 subjects selected were repeatedly taken with repositioning 2 times at each of the head down(V-shaped occlusion) and up(horizontal occlusion) for evaluation of stability of adopted reference lines by using PM2002CC (Planmeca, Finland). The images were traced with adoption of two test reference lines and the long axes of the teeth. The mesial angles formed by each reference line and the long axes of the teeth were measured and analyzed.
The obtained results were as follows:
1. With anatomical reference line, the mesiodistal tooth angulations of the molars showed the significant difference by over 5 degree between the normal and each changed head position.
2.With segmented occlusal reference line, the changed amounts of mesiodistal tooth angulations by the two changed head positions were less than 1 degree.
3.The means, standard deviations, and maximum and minimum values of mesiodistal tooth angulations to segmental occlusal reference line on panoramic radiography were determined.
It would appear that mesiodistal tooth angulations to segmental occlusal plane as reference line in panograms are predictable as standards of normal occlusions and useful for evaluation of tooth arrangement between adjacent teeth.
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- Embargo2008-05-19
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