地下鐵驛 콘코스(Concourse)의 色彩에 관한 硏究

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This study analyzes color environments of subway concourse in Seoul, Busan and Gwangju opened since 2000 based on theoretical examination of chromatics and is to give the basic materials of color environment.
Measuring colors at field survey were indicated by Munsell's Color Order System using Chroma Meter (CR-200).
Side colors of subway concourse were measured on wall, pillar, ceiling and floor respectively. As a result of examining current colors, 37 colors of subway concourse were mostly 5Y, 5GY, 10GY and 10BG and showed high value of 8 and 9 and low chroma distribution of 1 and 2.
Pillars were mostly 10GY, 10G, 5GY and 5BG and showed high value of 8 and low chroma distribution of 1.
Ceilings were mostly 5Y and 5GY and showed high value of 8 and 9 and low chroma distribution of 1. Floors were 5GY and 5Y and showed middle value of 6 and low chroma distribution of 1 and 2.
Representative colors of wall, pillar, ceiling and floor in subways of Seoul, Busan and Gwangju were sampled and mixed to three color types through current color surveys of subway concourse, nine image evaluation types were presented on the basis of visual differences with their projection into screen using LCD project.
As a result of analyzing preference by each type, those in Seoul and Busan were evaluated positively, but that of Gwangju had strong colors and was evaluated to be rustic and unsatisfactory.
As a result of correlation analysis by types of each major variable, major variables affecting satisfaction included 'familiar-strange', 'refined-rustic' and 'wonderful-not wonderful'. But there was a difference in the degree of influences.
As a result of factor analysis through major component analysis, eight factors which can evaluate the color environment effects of subway concourse included 'beauty of color', 'intimacy of color', 'stability of color', 'expression of color', 'strength and weakness of color', 'motions of color', 'color modes', and 'color temperature', and among these, the beauty of color was most important factor.
As a result of inducing the factors affecting preference of each type through multiple linear regressive analysis, there was a difference by types, but 'beauty of color', 'intimacy of color', 'stability of color', 'motin of color' and 'vividness of color' affected preference.
This study was conducted to examine the factors affecting the preference of colors in subway concourse. But factors affecting the environment of concourse were varied and it is considered that future researches on more multiple sides including finish materials and lighting in subway concourse are needed.
Alternative Title
A Study on color in a subway concourse
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 건축공학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = i
Abstract = vi
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 = 2
제2장 색채이론 = 4
제1절 색채지각의 특성과 시지각 이론 = 4
1. 색채의 지각과정 = 4
2. 시 지각 경험으로서의 색채 = 5
3. 환경색채 지각의 생태적 변수 = 8
제2절 건축공간의 환경색채계획 = 8
1. 환경색채의 기능과 색상 효과 = 8
2. 환경색채의 심리적인 영향 = 14
3. 감정효과 = 19
제3장 지하철의 환경적 특성 및 색채적용 = 23
제1절 도시 지하철역의 환경·심리적 특성 = 23
1. 도시환경으로서 지하철역의 특성 = 24
2. 도시환경으로서 지하철역의 환경·심리적 특성 = 25
제2절 지하철역의 공간별 특성과 색채 = 26
1. 지하철역의 공간별 특성 = 26
2. 지하철역의 공간별 색채 적용 = 29
제4장 지하철역 콘코스 조사현황 및 유형분류 = 31
제1절 조사현황 = 31
1. 조사대상 = 31
2. 조사기간 및 조사방법 = 31
제2절 색채현황 및 결과분석 = 34
1. 서울 지하철(7호선, 분당선) = 34
2. 부산지하철(2호선, 장산~광안) = 36
3. 광주 지하철(상무~소태) = 37
제5장 이미지 평가 실험 = 44
제1절 실험개요 = 44
제2절 형용사 쌍의 추출 = 45
제3절 실험대상에 대한 분석 = 47
1. 이미지 평가 및 선호도 분석 = 47
2. 상관분석 = 50
3. 요인분석 = 51
4. 다중선형 회귀분석 = 59
제6장 결론 = 63
참고문헌 = 65
이창재. (2005). 地下鐵驛 콘코스(Concourse)의 色彩에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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