性暴力犯罪의 被害者保護에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 李文姬
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- This essay is to examine the problems of gender in the korean criminal law system. There are many gender-related problems in this area. In Korea, there are established legal regulations concerning, for example, sexual harassment, rape, sexual assaults in the domestic relationship, adultery, abortion, pornography, prostitution and so on. But the basic conception on which these regulations are based is not one and the same, but heterogeneous and even contradictory.
While formerly the de-criminalization movement based on legal liberalism asserted that some immoral behavior done between the consenting adults not be treated as crime, feminist movement reversed this liberal trends and insisted that some behaviors which were not conceived as crimes should be treated as crimes(for example: domestic violence) and that must be enacted by the legislature. Based on the feminist conception of crime, the korean legislature enacted several acts against domestic violence and sexual assault.
In this paper the author examines these gender-related criminal behaviors and the conceptions of regulating those kind of deeds and also the acts enacted against gender-related violence. The author, taking feminist point of view seriously, asserts that some behavior that, even thought formerly not conceived as crime, has harm to the victims, should be treated as crime, but some behaviors that are only morally wrong but has no harm to others should not be treated as crime(i. e. prostitution between the consenting adults).
Rape myths" that abound in society are often adopted by criminal process. Even though they are untrue and are overwhelmingly refuted by the data, they continue to play an important role in criminal process. As a result, women who "cry rape" are not believed. Even women who eschew the cry and calmly report sexual violence are not believed (because they don't behave like real victims). Women are disbelieved because they delay reporting rape. Those who report promptly are suspected of malice or delusion. It may be said that rape is the only crime which involves a role reversal between the accused and the accuser, thereby placing the victim on trial. While undermining the credibility of the victim is a common tactic of defense lawyers in a variety of criminal cases, it is more prevalent in rape trials.
It is necessary to protect rape victims from being victimized in the criminal process. The Act for Punishment of Sexual Assault Crimes and Protection Victims made a significant advancement for the protection of rape victims. However, there are still necessary more actions to take. Irrelevant and repetitive questioning of victims should be prohibited ; new technologies including videotaping and CCTV should be adopted in the questioning the victims ; Counsels should be provided to the victims ; and the admission of evidence concerning the prior sexual conduct of the victims should be restricted.
Since criminal law was enacted in 1953, status of women in Korean society have been dramatically changed, greatly improved compared to the past. As a result of enactment of statute preventing sexual assault and domestic violence, legal protection for women has been increased to a greater degree. These efforts, however, generate difficulty of resulting in changes of public consciousness and awareness because they cannot be preventive measures, but rather, reaction to the seriousness of crimes and invasion of women's right.
For five decades since the enactment, the system of criminal law itself has not been changed and public awareness of women's right has not been improved noticeably, because we, as a society, have neglected the importance of need for protecting women. Therefore, it is inevitable for us to acknowledge women's societal status and roles and protect them in accordance with public awareness.
Moreover, in order to establish adequate measures for crime prevention to protect women in particular, it is necessary for our society to reassure the importance of women's rights and study the special statutes enacted for the purpose of safeguard for women.
In this thesis, I would like to discuss any regulations and statutes related to women by each subject ; parricide, infant murder, abortion, rape, prostitution, sexual assault. There are two main categories, crimes in which women are more likely to commit and crimes in which women are victims. Such recognition of these categories is meaningful in a sense that it helps studying women-focused crimes and extended-crime for both sex based on their characteristics. These concepts have not been developed as an interpretative and analytical theory in general.
Women-focused crimes involves a significant concept in which when both male and female criminals commit a same crime, women are likely to receive special treatment of more lenient punishment and men can be excused from being a subject of the crime. Extended-crime for both sex has a meaning of broadening the boundaries of regulation for women-related crimes, such as rape, by attempting to protect both men and women as victims, instead of limiting them to protect women only.
For example, for the categories of infant murder and abortion, there must be a extension of boundaries for such crimes for protection of women's right by avoiding harshness of punishment and reducing the degree of it or by giving them a choice to decide for themselves. In addition, for rape and prostitution, law should not be limited to protect women only, but it should be generalized by changing a term to apply it to both male and female victims. Hence, such role changes in criminal law due to overly protecting women should be studied more in depth with careful consideration.
- Alternative Title
- The Study on the sexual-crime victim assistance
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Awarded Date
- 2005-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目次 = i
제1장 序論 = 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 3
제2장 性暴力犯罪와 刑法政策 = 5
제1절 性暴力犯罪에 대한 刑法의 態度 = 6
Ⅰ. 序 = 7
Ⅱ. 刑事法에서 性의 意味 = 9
Ⅲ. 刑事法上 性問題에 관한 態度 = 10
1. 刑事法上 性差가 反影되는 範疇 = 10
2. 性差와 관련된 犯罪類型 = 12
3. 刑法의 性正體性에 관한 態度 = 12
Ⅳ. 性과 관련된 犯罪에 관한 考察 = 13
1. 性戱弄 = 13
2. 强姦 = 14
3. 姦通罪 = 16
4. 落胎罪 = 17
5. 淫亂物 = 17
Ⅴ. 小結 = 18
제2절 現行 性暴力關聯特別法의 態度 = 19
Ⅰ. 性暴力犯罪의 法的 槪念規定上에 問題 = 19
Ⅱ. 性暴力犯罪의 範疇와 法的 體系上 問題 = 20
1. 性暴力犯罪의 構成要件上에 問題 = 21
2. 親告罪 規定上에 問題 = 22
3. 性暴力犯罪의 量刑上에 問題 = 23
Ⅲ. 性賣買斡旋등行爲의處罰에관한法律 = 25
Ⅳ. 靑少年의 性을 사는 行爲 = 28
제3절 性暴力犯罪의 刑事司法機關의 對應問題 = 29
Ⅰ. 證據優先의 原則과 관련된 問題 = 29
Ⅱ. 性暴力犯罪被害女性 救濟에 관한 問題 = 30
Ⅲ. 國家의 性暴力犯罪 豫防政策 = 30
제3장 性暴力犯罪의 被害者保護의 必要性 = 32
제1절 性暴力犯罪에 관한 原因과 被害 = 32
Ⅰ. 性暴力犯罪의 原因 = 32
1. 醫學的 모델 = 32
2. 認知的 行爲모델 = 32
Ⅱ. 性暴力犯罪의 被害 = 34
1. 直接的 被害 = 34
2. 間接的 被害 = 39
3. 被害者化 = 41
제2절 性暴力犯罪의 通念과 그 影響 = 43
Ⅰ. 性暴力犯罪 通念의 虛構性 = 43
Ⅱ. 性暴力 通念이 被害者에 미치는 影響 = 45
1. 法的 處理 關係者 = 46
2. 加害者 = 46
3. 被害者 = 47
Ⅲ. 性暴力 被害類型 및 後遺症 = 48
1. 性暴力被害의 類型 = 48
2. 性暴力 被害後遺症 = 50
제4장 犯罪被害者 保護制度 = 52
제1절 犯罪被害者 保護制度의 沿革과 種類 = 52
Ⅰ. 犯罪被害者 保護制度의 治革 = 52
Ⅱ. 犯罪被害者 保護制度의 種類 = 54
1. 賠償命令制度 = 54
2. 國家補償制度 = 55
3. 犯罪被害者에 대한 支援活動 = 55
Ⅲ. 犯罪被害者 補償制度의 必要性과 理論的 根據 = 55
1. 犯罪被害者補償制度의 必要性 = 56
2. 理論的 根據 = 56
제2절 犯罪被害者保護에 관한 外國의 動向 = 58
Ⅰ. 캐나다 = 58
1. 證人으로서 被害者保護 = 58
2. 訊問時 他人의 同席許容 = 59
3. 反復訊問의 回避 = 60
4. 被告人과의 直接 對面回避 = 60
5. 身邊保護 및 便宜提供 = 61
Ⅱ. 日本 = 61
1. 犯罪被害者保護 = 61
2. 性暴力犯罪 告訴其間의 廢止 = 62
3. 被害者의 意見陳述權 = 62
4. 證人審問方式의 改善 = 63
Ⅱ. 中國 = 65
1. 中國刑法의 槪況 = 65
2. 中國刑事訴訟法의 槪況 = 66
3. 中國刑事節次에서 被害者에 대한 保護 = 66
제3절 우리나라의 被害者保護制度 = 71
Ⅰ. 刑事訴訟法上 被害者保護 = 71
1. 搜査節次에서의 被害者保護 = 71
2. 公判節次에서의 被害者保護 = 72
Ⅱ. 特別法上 被害者保護 = 72
1. 性暴力特別法上 被害者保護 = 73
2. 家庭暴力特例法上 被害者保護 = 74
3. 特强法上 被害者保護 = 76
제5장 性暴力犯罪 被害者의 保護方案 = 78
제1절 性暴力犯罪에 관한 刑事節次上의 保護方案 = 78
Ⅰ. 被害者의 權利保護 = 78
1. 被害陳述의 信憑性確保 = 78
2. 被害者의 權利와 被疑者의 權利 = 79
3. 否定的 言論報道 = 80
Ⅱ. 性暴力犯罪에 대한 搜査機關의 對應 = 81
1. 女性搜査官의 確保 = 81
2. 被害者陳述 聽取方法의 改善 = 82
3. 性暴力犯罪의 證據確保方案 = 83
제2절 犯罪被害者保護支援시스템 構築 = 88
Ⅰ. 被害者支援시스템 構築 = 88
Ⅱ. 犯罪被害陳述聽取室 設置·活用 = 89
제4절 性暴力犯罪 關聯 爭點事項에 대한 立法論的 考察 = 90
Ⅰ. 强姦罪 成立範圍의 擴大 = 90
Ⅱ. 新犯罪化 = 92
1. 非同意 姦淫罪 = 92
2. 性戱弄의 刑事犯罪化 = 94
3. 夫婦間 强姦의 處罰問題 = 95
Ⅲ. 性暴力犯罪의 全面的 非親告罪化의 必要性 = 96
Ⅳ. 性暴力特別法의 特別節次 規定 = 99
1. 撮影에 대한 不願意思 認定 = 99
2. 證據能力의 附與 = 100
3. 調書寫本의 交付 = 101
4. 信賴關係에 있는 者의 同席義務化 = 101
제5장 結論 = 103
參考文獻 = 105
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 李文姬. (2005). 性暴力犯罪의 被害者保護에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/5846
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