Streptomyces CS57 균주로부터 신규 Phospholipase D의 생산 분리정제 및 특성분석

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Soil samples were screened for actinomyces strains capable of producing phospholipase D, and a strain, Streptomyces CS57, showing phosphlipase D activity was isolated. Streptomyces SC57 produced the highest phospholipase D when grown in GYT medium(glucose 2%, Yeast extract 1.5%, tryptone 0.5%, calcium carbonate 0.1%) at 28℃. Analysis of the 16S rDNA showed that the strain CS57 was highly homologous to Streptomyces indonesiensis DSM41759 and Streptomyces griseocarneus DSM40004. One form of extracellular phospholipase D was purified through ammonium sulfate fractionation, heat treatment, ultramembrane(YM10) filtration, Sepharose Cl-6B column chromatography, DEAE-Sepharose Cl-6B column chromatography, Sephadex G-75, and CM sephadex C50 column chromatography, which produced a major band of 34kDa on a 12% SDS-PAGE. The optimal temperature for hydrolytic activity was 55℃. About 80% of the enzyme activity remained after being treated at 50℃ for 1 hour. The enzyme showed an optimal pH of 6.5 in hydrolytic reaction and was stable between pH 5-8. Triton X-100 increased enzyme activity, but actvity of enzyme was inhibited by Tween 20 and Tween 80.
Alternative Title
Production, purification and characterization of new phospholipase D from streptomyces CS57
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 약학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = 0
표목차 = 0
도목차 = 0
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법 = 9
Ⅱ-1. 시약 = 9
Ⅱ-2. 분석기기 = 9
Ⅱ-3. Phospholipase D활성을 가지는 토양 방선균의 분리 동정 = 9
Ⅱ-3-1. Phospholipase D활성을 가지는 토양 방선균의 분리 = 9
Ⅱ-3-2. Phospholipase D활성 측정 = 10
Ⅱ-3-3. Phospholipase D 전이활성 측정 = 10
Ⅱ-3-4. 16S rDNA의 염기서열 = 11
Ⅱ-3-5. Streptomyces CS57균주의 배양 = 11
Ⅱ-3-6. 단백질 정량 = 12
Ⅱ-4. Phospholipase D의 정제 = 12
Ⅱ-4-1. 조효소 조제 = 12
Ⅱ-4-2. Ammonium sulfate 분획 = 12
Ⅱ-4-3. Heat Treatment = 13
Ⅱ-4-4. Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography = 13
Ⅱ-4-5. DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography = 13
Ⅱ-4-6. Sephadex G-75 column chromatography = 13
Ⅱ-4-7. CM-Sephadex C50 column chromatography = 14
Ⅱ-4-8. 최적 효소활성도와 안정성에 대한 온도의 영향 = 14
Ⅱ-4-9. 효소활성도와 안정성에 대한 pH의 영향 = 14
Ⅱ-4-10. 효소활성도에 대한 금속이온 및 계면활성제에 대한 영향 = 14
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰 = 16
Ⅲ-1. Streptomyces CS57균주의 동정 = 16
Ⅲ-2. Phospholipase D의 생산 = 17
Ⅲ-3. Streptomyces CS57이 생산하는 Phospholipase D의 분리 정제 = 18
Ⅲ-4. 효소활성도와 안정성에 대한 온도의 영향 = 19
Ⅲ-5. 효소활성도와 안정성에 대한 pH의 영향 = 19
Ⅲ-6. 효소활성도에 대한 계면활성제의 영향 = 20
Ⅲ-7. Phospholipase D의 전이활성 = 20
Ⅳ. 결론 = 21
Ⅴ. 참고문헌 = 37
曺勝植. (2005). Streptomyces CS57 균주로부터 신규 Phospholipase D의 생산 분리정제 및 특성분석.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-12-10
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