Ras 과발현 세포의 이동 기작에 관련된 미세구조적인 변화와 dynamin II의 기능분석
- Author(s)
- 이철우
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- Functional and fine structural analysis of the dynamin II during Ras overexpressed cell migration
Lee, Chul Woo
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Su-Kwan, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Department of Dentistry,
Graduate School of Chosun University
Dynamin has been implicated in the formation of nascent vesicles in both the endocytic and secretory pathways. However, recent reports suggested that dynamin has been implicated in altering cell membrane shape during cell migration associated with cytoskeleton related proteins. Myosin II has been reported that its function was implicated in maintaining the cell morphology and cellular movement. To identify potential association with between dynamin II and myosin II, we carried out reciprocal immunoprecipitateion (IP). Dynamin II was more largely expressed with myosin II in NIH3T3 (ras, ras transformed cell) than that of NIH3T3. We also confirmed that interaction of these two proteins was observed in confocal microscopy analysis. Interestingly, interaction and localization of these proteins were changed by PDGF-stimulated NIH3T3 cells. Upon treatment with PDGF to induce the lamellarpodian and cell migration, dynamin II became markedly associated with myosin II. Grb2 (Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2), 24-kD an adaptor protein, is known as an essential element of the Ras signaling pathway. We further identified Grb2 associated dynamin II and myosin II in Ras transformed NIH3T3 cells. The present results suggested that dynamin II may involve the intermediate messenger in Ras signaling transduction pathway leading to membrane ruffling and cell migration
Key words: Dynamin II, NIH3T3, NIH3T3 (ras), Myosin, Migration
- Alternative Title
- Functional and fine structural analysis of the dynamin II during Ras overexpressed cell migration
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee, Chul-Woo
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 치의학과
- Awarded Date
- 2005-02
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 실험재료 및 방법 6
1. 세포배양 및 PDGF 처리 6
2. 단백질의 도메인에 대한 융합단백질 제작과 분리 정제 6
3. Immunoprecipitation (IP)과 Western blot 7
4. 공초점레이저현미경분석 7
5. 투과 및 주사전자현미경분석 8
6. 통계처리 9
Ⅲ. 실험결과 10
1. 라스 과발현 세포주와 정상 세포중의 형태학적 차이 규명 10
2. 라스 과발현 세포주와 정상 세포의 dynamin II의 분포 규명 13
3. NIH3T3 와 NIH3T3(ras)에서의 dynamin II 발현의 차이 분석14
4. NIH3T3 세포내에서 dynamin II와 actin의 다른 colocalization 15
5. NIH3T3(ras) 세포에서의 dynamin II와 myosin II의 결합분석 17
6. 동일한 세포내에서 dynamin II와 myosin II의 colocalization 19
7. PDGF 처리 후 세포내에서 dynamin II와 myosin II의 colocalization 20
8. PDGF 처리 후 세포내에서 dynamin II와 myosin II의 결합분석 22
9. NIH3T3(ras) 세포내에서 dynamin II와 myosin II의 결합에 따른 Grb2의 분석 24
Ⅳ. 총괄 및 고안 26
Ⅴ. 결 론 30
참고문헌 31
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 이철우. (2005). Ras 과발현 세포의 이동 기작에 관련된 미세구조적인 변화와 dynamin II의 기능분석.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/5814
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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