압화(Pressed Flower)를 이용한 목심칠기에 관한 연구

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As industrial products made with chemical materials were produced on a large scale with rapid industrialization and mechanical development, standardized and generalized products have been used rather than product suitable to personal characteristics except for a specific class and then people’s personality has been popularized or universalized.
Therefore, this study is to examine lacquer ware using pressed flower which anybody can use if he or she wants not to aim at a specific class. Lacquer ware using pressed flower is made on lacquer ware which has been used by our ancestors from the past by adding a new decoration of pressed flower.
Pressed flower is one of decorative materials and all plant in nature can be its object. Materials like flowers, leaves, branches, barks, mosses, roots and fallen leaves can be physically pressed, dried and even artificially modulated depending on intended decorative expression.
When more vivid and splendid colors than primary color are desired, flowers and plants are dyed and used as decorative materials.
The research on pressed flower is described with history of pressed flower, process of gathering and drying it and how to keep its materials using theories, diagrams and photographs.
Lacquering is obtained by gathering the sap of lacquer tree and filtering or purifying it. Lacquering has a very strong durability, insulation, adhesion and hardness and can be used as paints of Moksim, Namtae, Watae, Gumtae, Geonchil and Jitae. The Subject of the research is the process of completing lacquer ware and it examined historical background, characteristics and uses of lacquering and it was found that it was frequently used at lacquer ware. Decorations of lacquer ware used mother-of-pearl, golden powder and paint, but natural friendly subjects like pressed flower were also used as decorative materials.
Lacquer ware also has several kinds of vessels and this study used rice bowl, soup bowl and cup as the subjects of research and pressed flower decoration was applied to cover of rice bowl and surface of cup.
As the process of making it, the center of cover of rice bowl was cut to intagliated circle, pressed flower was attached into the center and then coated, but this study used U.V or urethane as decorative paints in order to enhance transparency of pressed flower.
The product finished with the combination of pressed flower and lacquer ware is lacquer ware using pressed flower. The purport of this study is to approach the well-being with existing tablewares, giving a value to natural friendly material.
Since tablewares were made by using the advantages of pressed flower and lacquering, if product satisfying design, functional, aesthetic and well-being requirements will be made, its demanders will be greatly increased compared to traditional lacquer ware.
Alternative Title
A Study on the lacquer ware using pressed flower
조선대학교 대학원
디자인대학원 공예디자인학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = 0
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구 목적 = 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 = 3
제2장 본론 = 4
제1절 압화(Pressed flower)소재 = 4
1. 압화의 정의 = 4
2. 압화의 역사 = 4
3. 압화의 표현 기법 = 7
4. 압화 표현의 국가별 특색 = 9
5. 압화(건조)과정 = 10
가. 식물채집의 준비과정 = 10
나. 계절과 시기에 따른 채집방법 = 11
다. 자연색 압화와 염색 압화의 분류 = 13
라. 염색과정 = 15
마. 염색 후 처리과정 = 20
바. 채집한 꽃과 식물의 압화(건조)과정 = 22
사. 압화 보관 방법 = 26
6. 압화의 응용범위 = 27
제2절 옻칠 = 31
1. 옻칠의 역사적 배경 = 31
2. 옻칠의 특성 = 32
3. 용도에 의한 분류 = 33
가. 도료용 = 33
나. 공업용 = 36
다. 특수 접착제용 = 36
제3절 목심칠기에 접목한 압화 장식 = 38
1. 압화 목심칠기의 제작과정 = 39
가. 아이디어스케치작업 = 39
나. 디자인의 도면 작성 = 40
다. 백골의 선반작업 = 44
라. 백골에 옻칠작업 = 47
마. 칠기에 압화 장식작업 = 52
2. 압화 목심칠기의 장단점 = 56
가. 압화 목심칠기의 장점 = 56
나. 압화 목심 칠기의 단점 = 57
제3장 결론 = 58
참고문헌 = 61
김혜령. (2005). 압화(Pressed Flower)를 이용한 목심칠기에 관한 연구.
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Art, Design, & Physical Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-12-10
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