인체표현을 중심으로 한 도자조형연구

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Pottery is the most fundamental and early started form of plastic arts. Throughout the long history of arts, human beings have felt deep love and familiarity toward earth and used it as an important means of expression in plastic arts. Pottery is often referred to as the art of earth and fire, suggesting a form of art which is made of earth and baked in the fire. To define more scientifically, it refers to tangible works of art in general that are molded in clay, dried and completed by being baked in the fire. Pottery is the most fundamental and early started form of plastic arts. Throughout the long history of arts, human beings have felt deep love and familiarity toward earth and used it as an important means of expression in plastic arts. Pottery is often referred to as the art of earth and fire, suggesting a form of art which is made of earth and baked in the fire. To define more scientifically, it refers to tangible works of art in general that are molded in clay, dried and completed by being baked in the fire. The modern pottery has expanded its boundary to industrial, pictorial and plastic characteristics and sometimes to architecture or environmental art, or even performing arts. It already had sufficient elements of composite arts to be called pottery sculpture or pottery picture which appreciates pictorial and plastic features.
Throughout earth, this study investigated aspects of human beings expressed throughout various emotions. Also, it shaped the form non-figuratively in accordance with the result of investigation, using mixed soils, Sanchung soils, etc. Therefore, by combining active human body shape with inactive vessel, it expressed a form having symbolic meaning along with nature.
In the history of human art culture, the interests in human beings and representation of human body have been shown in diverse ways, regardless of times. From the Old Stone Age, human beings started considering human body as a subject of expression. Primitive men depended on hunting for their survival, so they represented human body exaggeratedly using stone, animal bones and clay, based on their aesthetic standards reflecting their wish for abundance. Since then human beings began to intend to make the most perfect ideal form and to identify with them, not to pray for abundance. Also, human body shape expressed in modern pottery shows inclination to make freer and more humane approach by representing the spiritual image of artists than past representations showing religious aspects. Human body expressed in arts is a material conveying infinite vitality and strong messages as well as ideology or emotions that human beings pursue. It has been expressed freely. In addition, as a means of expressing lives, the images of human body have revealed the nature of times and society and existed constantly as a source of creation.
In 21st century, because of the rapid development of culture and civilization which have become active, our aesthetic sense has changed gradually. Now in way of expression the mainstream is artist-centered focusing on active inner emotions rather than the sense of perfection of ancient times.
The expression of human body contains aspiration for the real existence, desire for nature and direction of life aiming at prosperous mind and body of human beings, alongside lives of present times.
This piece presented the desire for true freedom and luxury in life to modern people who have to live in modern materialism laden with egoism and individualism and shaped unlimited flow of time and agony of life throughout modern human beings into active form with vitality added. Also, this piece was produced focusing on pure formative construction and image, rather than conception, ideology, or expression of way of thinking. In the process of making this piece, it was intended to inject inner spiritual image into the piece naturally and make it into a form through omission and exaggeration, not realistic description or revival of human body. It was based on data researching formative feature of human body and focused on the artistic value of the piece, not the use of it.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Ceramic formating of human body
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyun-A
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 산업공예학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1장. 서론 = 1
제 1절. 연구 목적 = 1
제 2절. 연구 범위 및 방법 = 3
제 2장. 인체표현의 일반적 고찰 = 4
제 1절. 인체표현의 이론적 배경 = 4
제 2절. 도자예술에 나타난 인체의 조형성 = 13
1. 토우 = 13
2. 신라의 토우 = 17
3. 신라토우의 조형과 생활상 = 32
4. 고려시대 · 조선시대 = 32
제 3절. 도자예술에 나타난 인체의 예술성 = 36
1. 국내 작가의 작품 = 37
2. 국외 작가의 작품 = 39
제 3장. 인체표현을 중심으로 한 도자조형의 전개 = 40
제 1절. 작품의 제작배경 = 40
제 2절. 작품의 전개 = 42
1. 제작과정 = 42
2. 작품사진 및 작품설명 = 43
제 4장. 결론 = 63
참고 문헌 = 65
조선대학교 대학원
김현아. (2004). 인체표현을 중심으로 한 도자조형연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2005-11-12
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