유동성 레진의 두께가 미세누출에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 송기강
- Issued Date
- 2004
- Keyword
- Ahmed valve|Hypertensive phase|Refractory glaucoma|ParsPlanaVitrectomy
- Abstract
- Purpose:Thisstudywasperformedtoevaluatetheeffectivenessof Ahmed valve implantation for refractory glaucoma following pars planavitrectomy.
Materialand Method :17 eyes of 15 patients suffering from secondary glaucoma following pars plana vitrectomy were treated with Ahmed valve implantation. All the eyes were in critical condition, and the intraocular pressure failed to control with glaucomamedication.Successoftheintraocularpressurecontrolwas definedasarangeofintraocularpressure6to22mmHg regardless ofglaucomamedication.
Result:Mean intraocularpressurewas47.5mmHg (25-66mmHg) preoperatively,13.8 mmHg (3-22 mmHg)6 months postoperatively, and12.9mmHg(hypotony-23mm Hg)atfinalvisit.Postoperative intraocular pressure significantly decreased(p<0.005). Preoperative numbersofglaucomamedication was1.76. Postoperativewere0.35 at6monthsand0.29atfinalvisit. Also,thenumberofmedications decreasedsignificantly(p<0.005).Thetotalsuccessratewas83.4% at 6monthsand76.4% atfinalvisit.
Conclusion :Ahmed valve implantation is a safe and effective methodforrefractoryglaucomafollowingvitrectomy.
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- AuthorizeOpen
- Embargo2005-10-13
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