Purification of fibrinolytic enzyme and biological activities analysis from Fomitella fraxinea mycelium

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Thrombin 분해작용에 의해 fibrin에서 fibrinogen으로 전환되어지면 혈액응고가 일어나며, 심장이나 혈관 등에 용해되지 않는 fibrin 덩어리가 생성된 현상을 혈전이라 한다. thrombolysis와 fibrinolysis는 생체 내에서 균형을 이루고 있으나, 효소작용의 균형이 깨지면 심근경색과 같은 혈전증을 유발한다. 혈전치료에 널리 쓰이고 있는 urokinase(UK), streptokinase(SK) 등의 효소들은 fibrin에 대한 특이성이 낮고, 반감기가 짧으며, 심각한 부작용을 초래하고, 고가의 의약품이다. 따라서 직접 혈전에 작용하고 부작용을 최소화시킬 수 있으며 저렴한 혈전분해제 개발의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 그러므로 임상에 사용되어지는 혈전분해제의 단점을 보완할 수 있으며, 대량생산이 가능한 장수버섯 균사체로부터 혈전분해능을 분석하였다.
F. fraxinea를 다양한 배지에서 배양한 결과, 8일간 배양한 GMEB배지에서 건조중량 1.8 g으로 균사체 생산율이 가장 높았으며, 효소의 생산을 위한 배양온도 25℃와 배지의 pH 5.0에서 효소의 활성이 가장 높았다. fibrinolytic enzyme은 ion-exchange chromatography와 gel-filtration을 수행하여 배양된 장수버섯 균사체로부터 분리?정제하였으며, F. fraxinea protease(FFP)라 명명하였다. 정제된 fibrinolytic enzyme은 SDS-PAGE와 fibrin zymography를 수행하여 분자량이 42 kDa 임을 확인하였고, FFP 활성은 EDTA, EGTA에 저해되는 것으로 보아 이는 metalloprotease임을 알 수 있었다. 최적활성 pH는 5.7, 온도는 35 ~ 40℃이고, Cu^(2+), Fe^(3+) 와 Zn^(2+)에는 현저히 저해되었으나 Mn^(2+), Mg^(2+) 와 Ca^(2+)에는 활성이 촉진되었다. 정제된 fibrinolytic enzyme에 대해 fibrin의 α와 γ-γ chain은 빠르게 가수분해 하였으며, 반면 β chain은 느리게 가수분해하였다. 또한 fibrinogen의 Aα와 γ chain은 매우 빠르게 분해하였으나, Bβ chain은 반응 30분 이후에 분해되었다. 생리활성을 분석한 결과, 장수버섯 ethanol 추출물과 배양여액에서 항산화 활성을 보였으며, 난소암 세포주 SK-OV-3, 폐암 세포주 A549, 대장암 세포주 HCT 116은 배양여액에 대한 항암활성을 보였고, SK-OV-3는 methanol 추출물에서도 활성을 보였다.
따라서, 본 연구에서 장수버섯 균사체로부터 fibrinolytic enzyme의 분리정제 및 특성을 분석한 결과 혈전분해와 생리활성 효과가 우수하므로 분자생물학적 기술을 이용한 대량생산으로 저가의 혈전분해제 및 예방제 개발에 대한 기초자료로 이용할 수 있을 것이라 사료되어진다.|Blood clots are formed through the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin by the proteolytic action of thrombin, and subsequently, insoluble fibrin clots are formed(so called thrombus). The thrombolysis and the fibrinolysis are well balanced in the biological system. However, when the fibrin is not hydrolyzed due to any disorder, thrombosis such as myocardial infarction can occur. Intravenous administration of urokinase(UK) and streptokinase(SK), which are capable of degrading fibrin, has been widely used for this thrombosis therapy. Unfortunately, these enzymes have a low specificity for fibrin and was expensive. Therefore, it has been reported that there are some proteases of mushroom showing fibrinolytic activity.
F. fraxinea was cultured in various media and found the highest production of mycelium dry weight 1.8 g/200 ml culture in germinated malt extracts broth(GMEB) after 8th days of that inoculation. Similarly the production was found to be highest at the temperature 25℃ with pH 5.0. A fibrinolytic enzyme was isolated from the cultured mycelia of F. fraxinea by ion-exchange chromatography followed by gel-filtration and designated F. fraxinea protease(FFP). Molecular weight of purified fibrinolytic enzyme from F. fraxinea was estimated as 42 kDa by SDS-PAGE and fibrin zymography. The FFP activity was potentially inhibited by EDTA and EGTA, indicating that the enzyme in a metalloprotease. The optimum protease activity was found at pH 5.7 and the temperature between 35 ~ 40℃. The activity of enzyme was slightly inhibited by Cu^(2+), Fe^(3+) and Zn^(2+), but enhanced by Mn^(2+), Mg^(2+) and Ca^(2+) ions. A purified enzyme, FFP displayed strong fibrinolytic activity and rapidly hydrolyzed the α and γ-γ chains but slowly hydrolyzed the β chain of fibrin. Also, the purified enzyme showed fibrinogenolytic rapidly hydrolyzed the Aα and γ chains of fibrinogen. Although the Bβ chains of fibrinogen were not hydrolyzed activity and within 30min of incubation with FFP, all chains were completely hydrolyzed in 1 hr by FFP. Physiological activation analysis revealed that ethanol extract and cultured media of F. fraxinea has the antioxidant activity. In addition cultured media of F. fraxinea showed anticancer activity in ovary cancer cell line SK-OV-3, lung cancer cell line A549 and colon cancer cell line HCT 116. Also, methanol extract of F. fraxinea showed anticancer activity in ovary cancer cell line SK-OV-3.
Alternative Title
장수버섯균사체로부터 혈전분해효소정제 및 생리활성분석
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Ji-Eun
朝鮮大學校 大學院
일반대학원 유전자과학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅱ-1. Screening of cultured condition for F. fraxinea mycelium = 4
Ⅱ-1-1. Materials = 4
Ⅱ-1-2. F. fraxinea mycelium culture = 4
Ⅱ-2. Screening of protease activity and fibrinolytic activity = 6
Ⅱ-2-1. Preparation of protease form mycelium = 6
Ⅱ-2-2. Protease activity assay = 6
Ⅱ-2-3. Fibrinolytic activity assay = 7
Ⅱ-3. Purification of fibrinolytic enzyme = 7
Ⅱ-3-1. Concentration of crude extract protein = 7
Ⅱ-3-2. Protein measurement = 8
Ⅱ-3-3. Ion-exchange column chromatography = 8
Ⅱ-3-3-1. Cation-exchange column chromatography = 8
Ⅱ-3-3-2. Anion-exchange column chromatography = 8
Ⅱ-3-4. Separation of protease activity fraction = 9
Ⅱ-3-5. Gel-filtration = 9
Ⅱ-3-6. Fast performance liquid chromatography(FPLC) = 9
Ⅱ-4. Molecular weight determination = 10
Ⅱ-4-1. SDS-PAGE = 10
Ⅱ-4-2. Fibrin-zymography = 10
Ⅱ-5. Amino acid sequence analysis = 11
Ⅱ-6. Characterization of purified enzyme = 11
Ⅱ-6-1. Effect of pH on the fibrinolytic activity = 11
Ⅱ-6-2. Effect of temperature on the fibrinolytic activity = 11
Ⅱ-6-3. Effect of metal ions on the fibrinolytic activity = 12
Ⅱ-6-4. Effect of protease inhibitors on the fibrinolytic activity = 12
Ⅱ-6-5. Analysis of fibrinolysis and fibrinogenolysis on time-dependent = 12
Ⅱ-7. Biological activities analysis = 13
Ⅱ-7-1. Preparation of various samples = 13
Ⅱ-7-2. Analysis of antioxidant activity = 14
Ⅱ-7-3. Analysis of anticancer activity = 14
Ⅱ-7-3-1. Culture of normal and cancer cell line = 14
Ⅱ-7-3-2. MTT assay = 14
Ⅲ-1. Screening of cultured media = 16
Ⅲ-1-1. Optimum cultured media = 16
Ⅲ-1-2. Fibrinolytic activity according to incubating time = 16
Ⅲ-1-3. Determination of optimum temperature and pH = 16
Ⅲ-2. Proteolytic and fibrinolytic activity = 16
Ⅲ-3. Purification of fibrinolytic enzyme = 20
Ⅲ-3-1. Concentration of fibrinolytic enzyme by ethanol precipitation = 20
Ⅲ-3-2. Ion-exchange column chromatography = 20
Ⅲ-3-2-1. Cation-exchange column chromatography = 20
Ⅲ-3-2-2. Anion-exchange column chromatography = 23
Ⅲ-3-3. Gel-filtration = 23
Ⅲ-3-4. Fast performance liquid chromatography(FPLC) = 23
Ⅲ-4. Molecular weight of fibrinolyltic enzyme = 28
Ⅲ-5. N-terminal sequence analysis = 31
Ⅲ-6. Characterization of purified enzyme = 31
Ⅲ-6-1. Effect of pH on the fibrinolytic activity = 31
Ⅲ-6-2. Effect of temperature on the fibrinolytic activity = 31
Ⅲ-6-3. Effect of metal ions on the fibrinolytic activity = 34
Ⅲ-6-4. Effect of protease inhibitors on the fibrinolytic activity = 34
Ⅲ-6-5. Analysis pattern of fibrinolysis and fibrinogenolysis = 35
Ⅲ-7. Analysis of biological activity = 39
Ⅲ-7-1. Antioxidant activity = 39
Ⅲ-7-2. Anticancer activity = 39
Ⅳ. 적요 = 42
朝鮮大學校 大學院
金志恩. (2004). Purification of fibrinolytic enzyme and biological activities analysis from Fomitella fraxinea mycelium.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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