종업원의 경영의사결정 참여가 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향 [조선산업을 중심으로]

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On Employee Participation in Managerial decision marking and It′s Impact on Organization Effectiveness

- A Case of Ship Building Industry -

Kim Dae Uk
Advisor : Prof. Jong-Rok Yoon, Ph.D.
Department of Business Adminstration
Graduate School of Business Adminstration, Chosun University

As a device to enhance corporate competitiveness and l satisfaction as well as their commitment, various forms of employees participation in management have been introduced and implemented in korea. With regret, however, one happens to notice that such participation has not been made to last long, largely because it failed to bring about a positive and substantial outcomes
Employee participation means either individual employee's participation or union participation into the managerial decision-making process The participation, therefore, consequences sharing of managerial prerogatives and responsibilities. In other words, the employee participation means a sort of system that allows the employee to express his/her view and provide them with a voice on the issues related to their works and on managerial issues such as business policy, implementation of the management, hence, leading to a partnership between labor and management, and bring about labor-captial reconciliation
In the Ship Building Industry, the employee participation is quite crucial, for it is the human resource that more or less determines business success. In the Ship Building Industry, therefore, a systematic and positive cooperation of the high potential human resources is an imperative, if the industry is to survive and maintain a continued growth. Largely due to these unique business environment, a new practice that helped to provide the union with a positive role in a business operation has been developed in the Ship Building Industry

It is, however, regretful to notice that most of previous studies on the employee participation, especially on the degree of positive outcome and employees' level of commitment and its effect on organizational efficiency in Korea have been focused largely on micro level, neglecting micro and functional study empirical analysis.
An objective of this study is, therefore, to examine the issues empirically and assess the organizational realities An empirical examination of the employee's and labor union's participation in managerial decision-making process and its impact on the organizational effectiveness and corporate competitiveness il particular, in other words, is the main objective of this thesis.
To accomplish this objective, a comprehensive documentary review was undertaken And based on this documentary survey 12 hypotheses have been developed and statistical testing has been made on these hypotheses Simple regression model formulation has also been employed on 5-6 explanatory variables.
Questionaire survey on the employee participation and its effect on organizational effectiveness was conducted in 10 Ship Building companies. A total of 450 questionaires was sent and collected form among employees in the 10 companies randomly selected. The Total of 391 out of 450 survey questionaires has been processed and analyzed.
SPSS statistics package has been used; frequency test, simple linear regression (correlation) analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
The findings of research may be summarized as follows:
First, the higher the level of employee participation, the more improved the organizational effectiveness and corporate competitiveness;
Second, there exists a strong correlation between the level of labor union's participation and the organizational effectiveness and corporate competitiveness The finding, in a way, explains that when the union participates in the managerial decision making process, it enhance to improve the company's overall productivity, product quality, management assent and capacity, and marketing competence. The union participation also led to employee's job satisfaction and full commitment to the organization. This is contrary to prevailing argument that asserts union's participation consequences negative effect on the management and organizational effectiveness; far from being negative, the finding has proved that the union's participation accompanied with a positive and beneficial on the organizational effectiveness, and hence led to a capital-labor reconciliation;
Third, The examination of intervening effect of employee's and union's participation into managerial decision making on the organizational effectiveness and corporate cometitiveness by individual variable such as sexual, It's goes shown that employee's and union's participation into manatgerial decision making on the organizational effectiveness and corporation competitiveness about sexual was effected only organizational effectiveness.
Fourth, the outcome of test on intervening effect of employee's and union's participation into managerial decision making process upon the labor relation, provided with the evidence that there exists a corporate competitiveness between the employee's direct management participation and organizational effectiveness was affected only by the labor relation atmosphere In other words, the organization with more amicable labor relation has shown the more positive effect on managerial efficiencies.
Fifth, the examination of intervening effect of employee's and union's participation into managerial decision making on the organizational effectiveness and corporate competitiveness by "individual variable such as the educational background", it has been detected that the "educational background" is merely affected by the organizational effectiveness.
sixth, the examination of intervening effect of employee's and union's participation into managerial decision making on the organizational effectiveness and corporate by "individual variable such as the length of service", it has been detected that the "length of service" is merely affected by the organizational effectiveness.
In conclusion, thought it is true that empirical research has rarely been undertaken in Korea, the finding of this research, support the exiting theoretical argument and empirical findings of previous studies on the impact of employee's as well as union's participation into managerial decision making upon organizational effectiveness and corporate competitive edge. In addition, this research has also provided with significant effect of favorable labor relation, specially on organizational effectiveness. The findings of research also suggests that exists positive correlation between "group variables" and "individual variables" of both employee's and union's participation which are all considered as having grave effect on the organizational effectiveness and corporate competitiveness.
Alternative Title
On Employee Participation in Managerial decision marking and It's Impact on Organization Effectiveness [ A Case of Ship Building Industry]
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Dae Uk
경엉대학원 경영학과
경영대학원 경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1.1 문제제기 및 연구 목적 1
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위 2

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
2.1 종업원의 경영의사결정 참여 4
2.1.1 경영참여의 개념 4
2.1.2 의사결정 참여의 의의와 유형 11
2.1.3 종업원의 경영 의사결정 참여와 조직유효성 18
1) 종업원 의사결정 참여의 특징 18
2) 종업원 의사결정 참여와 조직 유효성 20
3) 경영의사결정참여와 조직유효성간의 관계 22
2.2 조선산업의 현황과 전망 28
2.2.1 조선산업의 특성 28
2.2.2 조선산업의 현황과 전망 29
1) 국 내 29
2) 국 외 31
2.2.3 조선산업의 발전 전략 34
2.3 선행연구고찰 36
2.3.1 경영참여의 영향요인 선행연구 36
2.3.2 경영참여의 경영성과 선행연구 38

Ⅲ. 실증적 연구 46
3.1 연구모형과 가설의 설정 46
3.1.1 연구의 모형 46
3.1.2 가설의 설정 48
3.2 변수의 조직적 정의 49
3.2.1 의사결정 참여변수 49
3.2.2 노동조합의 경영참여 50
3.2.3 조직유효성 및 기업경쟁력 변수 51
3.3 측정 도구 52
3.3.1 설문의 구성 52
3.3.2 설문조사 및 연구방법 53

Ⅳ. 실증 분석 결과 54
4.1 표본의 특성 54
4.2 기초통계분석 55
4.3 가설의 검증 58
4.3.1 가설1의 검증 58
4.3.2 가설2의 검증 59
4.3.3 가설3의 검증: 개인특성변수의 조절 효과 검증 91

Ⅴ. 결 론 70
5.1 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 70
5.1.1 연구결과의 요약 70
5.1.2 연구결과의 시사점 72
5.2 연구의 한계 및 앞으로의 연구과제 72

설 문 지

Odaka의 참여 모형 8
Lakshmann의 참여모형 9
의사결정참여의 수준과 형태에 따른 분류 15
2007년 5대 수출품 현황 29
2007년 세계 조선 산업 물량비교 30
세계 10대 조선소 순위 30
국내 조선업체 현황 31
한국 조선 실적 현황 31
세계 시장 점유율의 국별 비교-건조량 기준 32
조선산업의 경쟁 패러다임 변화요인 및 전망 33
각 기관별 연평균 건조수요 전망 34
가격 경쟁력 평가 34
한국 · 중국 · 일본 경쟁요소 종합평가 (2015) 35
의사결정 참여가 조직유효성에 미치는 영향 45
설문의 구성 52
표본의 인구통계학적 분포 54
측정항목들의 신뢰성 56
상관관계 분석 결과 57
가설 Ⅰ-1의 회귀분석 결과 58
가설 Ⅰ-1의 회귀분석 결과 58
가설 Ⅰ-2의 회귀분석 결과 59
가설 Ⅱ-1의 회귀분석 결과 60
가설 Ⅱ-1의 회귀분석 결과 60
가설 Ⅱ-2의 회귀분석 결과 61
개인적 특성에 따른 집단간 차이분석-기업의 경쟁력 향상 62
개인적 특성에 따른 집단간 차이분석 - 직무만족 62
개인적 특성에 따른 집단간 차이분석 - 조직몰입 63
성별에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 기업의 경쟁력 향상 63
성별에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 직무만족 64
성별에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 조직몰입 64
학력에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 기업의 경쟁력 향상 65
학력에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 직무만족 66
학력에 따른 집단 간 조절효과분석 - 조직몰입 66
임금수준에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 기업 경쟁력 향상 67
임금수준에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 직무만족 68
임금수준에 따른 집단간 조절효과분석 - 조직몰입 68
연구결과의 요약 69

Tannenbaum & Schmidt의 리더십 모형 7
Hersey & Blanchard의 리더십 모형 8
경영참여의 형태 9
의사결정참여의 메커니즘의 효과 23
세계 주요국별 선박 공급 추이 33
연구의 모형 47
김대욱. (2008). 종업원의 경영의사결정 참여가 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향 [조선산업을 중심으로].
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