온라인 구전정보의 특성차이 분석

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Consumers want to share their purchasing experiences with others. Their assesment of certain products which tells their satisfaction, compliment and complaint will certainly affects other people's attitude toward the products and their credibility. It may also affect the consumers choice of the products and buying option. On-line word of mouth information is different from off-line word of mouth information in that the on-line information is posted in writing and can exceed the limit of the off-line information. So that information is very important for the subject research but there are few studies on the subject. The goal of this study is to analyze the on-line word of mouth communication in Korea.
First I will see if there is any difference in the contents and quantities of the information according to types of products sorted by web sites and search goods and experience goods. And I will see the traits of on-line word of mouth communication to provide the guideline for the research.
Rational buyers usually gather the information of a product before making a decision to buy it. A traditional way of doing this is through the relationship with friends, family members and acquaintances, but today we can get the information using the internet. One of various sources available on the internet is the word of mouth information. Consumers upload their reviews and estimates of the products on the internet forum(such as bulletin board, communities, and review boards in shopping malls)after using them. This information is significantly more reliable than the information provided by companies which is ridden with advertisement and publicity, thus it can bette help consumers to get access to honest overall estimates of the products and to the feelings and preferences of former users toward the products.
This study used the real on-line word of mouth communication data according to the types of the sites and products. Almost all the reviews from internet shopping malls and communities are positive and subjective. But at the same time, there were some differences in the amount and orinetation and contents of the word of mouth communication depending on the sites. For example, complex malls and communities have more information than specialized malls and the information tends to be more positive one. Also, in communities we can find relatively less subjective information. On the other hand, there weren't many differences in the amount and orientation in the types of products and experience goods showed more subjective opinions.
This study can find its importance in collecting the word of mouth communication in Korea and analyzing and accumulainting data for the research
Alternative Title
A Profile Analysis Of Chiacteristics Of On-line WOM
조선대학교 대학원
경영대학원 경영학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = i
표목차 = iii
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 4
1. 온라인 구전의 정의 및 의의 = 4
2. 온라인 구전의 특징 = 5
3. 온라인 구전 경로와 형태 = 6
Ⅲ. 연구모형 및 연구문제 = 9
1. 사이트 유형 = 9
2. 제품유형 = 11
3. 구전정보의 특성 = 12
1) 구전의 양 = 12
2) 구전의 방향성 = 13
3) 구전정보의 평가내용 = 15
Ⅳ. 연구방법 = 19
1. 온라인 소비자 리뷰의 수집절차 = 19
1) 전자상거래 사이트의 선정 = 19
2) 제품유형의 선정 = 20
2. 코딩방법 = 22
3. 코딩자와 신뢰도 = 22
Ⅴ. 분석결과 = 24
1. 빈도분석 결과 = 24
2. 사이트유형별 구전정보 특성의 차이 = 24
1) 온라인 구전의 양 차이 = 24
2) 온라인 구전의 방향성 차이 = 26
3) 온라인 구전내용의 차이 = 27
3. 제품유형별 구전정보 특성의 차이 = 28
1) 온라인 구전의 양 차이 = 28
2) 온라인 구전의 방향성 차이 = 29
3) 온라인 구전내용의 차이 = 29
4. 추가분석 = 31
1) 구전 방향성에 따른 온라인 구전 양의 차이 = 31
2) 온라인 구전내용에 따른 온라인 구전 양의 차이 = 31
Ⅵ. 시사점 및 결론 = 33
참고문헌 = 37
저작물 이용 허락서 = 42
李祥采. (2006). 온라인 구전정보의 특성차이 분석.
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Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-12-10
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