영농규모화사업의 경제적 효과와 부동산거래 투명성 확보방안에

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The WTO/DDA negotiations are under way with the aim to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers which obstruct the 「Free Trade」, and on rice, an agreement for additional market opening was reached in a separate negotiation to expand the tariff rate quota(TRQ) from 210,000 tons in 2004 to 410,000 tons in 2010 as had been promised in the 1994 UR negotiations.
Furthermore, various bilateral free trade agreements(FTA) are also being propelled, which will surely expedite the internationalization and openness of the Korean agriculture in the future.
A sense of crisis for the future of Korean agriculture is rising by the influence and impact of the full-scale opening of the agricultural product market. However, if we excessively cling to the external factor of the opening of agricultural market when we attempt to find out the essence of the crisis of Korean agriculture and grope for the survival strategies for Korean agriculture, the only method will be to shut the door to the imported products and in this case we may neglect the recognition of and taking countermeasures for the changes occurring inside the Korean agriculture and farmland.
The realities of our farmland as of 2000 is; 89% of the whole farm households 「have not secured the heir of the farming」, and among the households which responded that they「have the heir of the farming」 36%(about 55,000 households) said the heirs are 「non-resident heir」. So the likelihood of the succession of the farming is not guaranteed. This means that in case the current aged operators of Korean agriculture retire, many farm households may be discontinued as a management enterprise and simply disappear.
This is the reason for the assertions that Korean agriculture and agricultural villages will face difficulties from the interior factors caused by the 「aged farm labor force」and 「shortage in heirs」 before the influence of market opening to imports.
the farming scale improvement project」 has an important meaning for the greatest tasks of the agricultural policy that are; to prevent the deterioration of Korean agriculture and agricultural villages caused by the negligence of the current situation of the acceleration of the phenomenon of aged farmers without securing heirs; and to bring up large-scale, specialized, effective and competitive「Agricultural Enterprises」 which will lead the next generation of Korean agriculture.
This study is mainly aimed to analyze the meaning in policy and economic effects of the farming scale improvement project; to grasp the contents and problems of the recent environmental change around the farming scale improvement project; and prepare methods for future development.
The already analyzed various existing dissertations, books and reports related to the farming scale improvement project were collected and analyzed for this study. In addition, the performance of the farming scale improvement project was processed for statistical analysis and the statistic data from the 「statistics on rice production costs」, 「Statistics on the economy of farming households」, and 「Basic statistics on agriculture」 published annually and the 「General survey of agriculture」 published every 5 years by the Statistics Bureau were collected and analyzed.
The suggestions and tasks for development extracted from the results of this study are as follows:
Firstly, the farming scale improvement project experienced several times of policy changes in the policy implementation process to respond to new environments for agricultural policy and agriculture such as the launching of the WTO system, the IMF incident and the additional expansion of market opening regarding rice and DDA negotiation. However, it can be highly appreciated that the basic policy goal of raising competitiveness through the achievement of large scale and collective farming maintained its consistency.
Secondly, it was found that currently chosen 「farmers specializing in rice」 are playing an essential function and role as the main body of rice production. Another remarkable point is that the farmers specializing in rice residing in rural areas are contributing to the maintenance, development and activation of the local society. So they are faithfully carrying out their role as the leader of the local community in various ways while engaging in rice farming.
Thirdly, the economic effects of the farmland selling program conducted from 1990 through 2003 were calculated to be as much as 2,423.1 billion won.
One of the accompanying effects to the farmland selling program is the increase in farm households' assets, and it was estimated that as of 2003 there has been an increase of asset values worth approximately 2,548 billion won.
In addition, the economic effects of the long-term lease program was estimated to reach 1,416.8 billion won.
Fourthly, there is a widespread anxiety about the future and vision of the rice farming due to the surplus of rice supply and fall of rice price caused by the expanded and substantial market opening with the settlement of the negotiation on rice in 2005 and the decision to put the imported rice on the market. With the rapidly changing environment encompassing the farming scale improvement project, the important themes for reviews for the core policies, the farming scale improvement project and the policy for bringing up rice-specializing farmers, which are intended to raise the competitiveness of domestic rice farming, are as follows:
① Reduce the interest on the repayment of farmland purchase ② Reform the way of contract for lease programs according to the forecast of decrease in rice price ③ Support the expansion of management scale through the activation of interim retaining function to be prepared for the price reduction of rice and farmland. ④ Take countermeasures against the fractionation of farmlands and provide the farmlands that are the objects of the farming scale improvement project with some merits in taxation.
Alternative Title
A study on the Economic effect and Development plan of the Farming Scale Improvement Project
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, myung-sik
조선대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 경영학과
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 = 1
제 1 절 연구목적 = 1
제 2 절 연구방법 및 범위 = 3
제 2 장 영농규모화사업의 의의와 필요성 = 5
제 1 절 사업내용 및 실적 = 5
1. 영농규모화사업 내용 = 5
2. 사업실적 분석 = 7
제 2 절 영농규모화사업의 정책적 필요성 = 14
1. 농업노동력 부족·농업경영주 고령화·후계자 부족문제에 대처 = 14
2. WTO에서 허용하는 농정수단의 활용 = 15
3. 경영규모 확대의 경제성 = 16
제 3 절 영농규모화사업의 경제적 필요성 = 17
1. 농작업의 외부화·소규모 고령 농가층의 대농층에의 의존 심화 = 18
2. 농지 유동화의 실적과 방향 = 22
제 3 장 영농규모화사업의 경제적 효과 = 26
제 1 절 농지매매사업의 경제적 효과 분석 = 26
1. 농지매매사업의 경제적 효과 = 26
2. 농지매입에 따른 농가자산 증대효과 분석 = 31
제 2 절 농지 임대차사업의 경제적 효과 분석 = 33
제 4 장 일본의「인정농업자」제도와 시사점 = 36
제 1 절 일본「인정농업자」제도의 등장배경·목적 = 36
제 2 절 인정농업자에 대한 지원조치 = 39
1. 농업위원회 등에 의한 농지 이용집적 지원 = 39
2. 과세상의 특례 = 39
3. 금융상의 지원 = 40
4. 인정농업자의 경영개선지원 = 40
제 3 절 인정농업자 제도의 추진상황 = 41
1. 도도부현「기본방침」운영현황 = 41
2. 시정촌「기본구상」운영현황 = 42
3. 인정농업자제도의 최근 동향 = 45
4. 인정농업자의 농지이용 집적 상황 = 46
제 4 절 한국농업에의 시사점 = 47
1.『농업경영기반강화촉진법』제정을 통해 경영체 육성을 법적으로 명확히 뒷받침 = 47
2. 지역의 농업여건과 특성을 반영한 경영체 육성 모델 제시 = 48
3. 탄력적이고 신축적인 제도의 운영 = 48
4. 효율적이고 안정적인 경영체 육성을 위한 체계적이고 종합적인 지원대책 = 49
5.「인정농업자」에 대한 쌀소득보전 조치 강화 = 49
제 5 장 영농규모화사업의 문제점과 발전방안 = 51
제 1 절 영농규모화사업을 둘러싼 환경의 변화 = 51
1. 제반 변수가 규모화에 유리하게 작용한 1990년대 = 51
2. 2005년 쌀협상 이후 = 52
제 2 절 영농규모화사업의 문제점과 발전방안 = 53
1. 농지매입 상환금리 인하 = 53
2. 영농규모화 사업비 집행·운영방식 개선 : 지역의 농업여건과 특성 적극 반영 = 54
3. 쌀가격 하락전망에 따른 임대차사업 계약방식 개선 = 55
4. 경영이양직불제도 개선 = 56
5. 지역의 농업여건과 특성을 반영한 경영체 육성 모델 제시 필요 = 59
6. 쌀가격, 농지가격하락에 대비 농지의 중간보유기능 활성화를 통해 경영규모확대 지원 = 60
7.「쌀전업농」명칭의 변경 = 60
8. 농지 세분화 대책 및 규모화사업 대상농지에 대한 세제상의 메리트 부여 = 61
9. 쌀농업구조개선 특구제 도입 = 63
제 6 장 요약 및 결론 = 64
참고문헌 = 67
조선대학교 경영대학원
장명식. (2006). 영농규모화사업의 경제적 효과와 부동산거래 투명성 확보방안에.
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