우리나라 企業의 電子貿易 活性化 方案

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The competitive environments of the 2000's appear to demand not only information technology but also practice use of internet network in all business areas. Accordingly, Chief Information Officers are recognizing that these objectives can only be achieved through conscious mind in digital management.
This Paper aims at providing the innovation strategy of electronic trade in the age of digital management thus, this study has suggested that needs cyber trade in global management as an innovation strategy of electronic trade. This paper also examins the new trend and the future prospect of electronic trade in global management.
Main concerns of this study are to compare traditional trade with electronic trade through literature review and case study in internet environment. Therefore, this study focuses on the activated program of electronic trade.
Our problem about the electronic trade is divided into infrastructure of the electronic trade and electronic trade system. First, our government should show the measurement to support the electronic trade. So government should alter the local related law by comparing with the electronic trade law of several country, for this problem can not be solved by setting up the system. And we should not only construct information infrastructure and set up the system to share the meaningful information but also make a strategy to grow up the expert of electronic trade.
Second, distrust on the system of electronic trade have interrupted the revitalization of electronic trade. Therefore, to revitalize the electronic trade, we should solve these problems.
To solve the technical problems, first, we should make a countermeasure to secure the security. Second, we should solve the problems of the connection of communication network and speed.
Third, we should solve the problems of the trade cheating. To solve this problem, we should introduce the international certification system to examine the confidence. Fourth, we should solve the problem of technical standard which was different from every country. Fifth, the security of provider is one of the causes to interrupt the advance of electronic trade.
To solve the problems of infrastructure, we should consolidate the electronic trade law. Second, we should revitalize the trade automation system and introduce the electronic payment system, logistics network, electronic trade certification system. Third, to solve the information infrastructure, we should grown up the expert of electronic trade.
Fifth, we should enhance the R&D infrastructure.
In the new paradigm called electronic trade, most of companies can run there companies which never use electronic trade system, but if they want be more compatible company, they have to use electronic trade system to the exporters and importers.
Alternative Title
A study on the Plans to raise Utilization of Electronic trade in Korea enterprise
Alternative Author(s)
Ju, Hyun Yong
朝鮮大學校 經營大學院
경영대학원 국제통상학과
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目 次
제 Ⅰ 장 서론 = 1
제 1 절 연구의 목적 = 1
제 2 절 연구방법 및 구성 = 2
제 Ⅱ 장 전자무역의 개관 = 4
제 1 절 전자무역의 개념 및 특성 = 4
1. 전자무역의 개념 = 4
2. 전자무역의 특성 = 8
3. 기존무역과 전자무역의 비교 = 15
제 2 절 전자무역의 대두와 중요성 = 17
1. 전자무역의 등장배경 = 17
2. 전자무역의 중요성 = 20
제 Ⅲ 장 국내·외 전자무역의 추진동향 = 22
제 1 절 국내 전자무역 추진 동향 = 22
1. 대외 무역법 주요 개정내용 = 22
2. 국내 전자무역 추진 동향 = 24
제 2 절 세계 전자무역의 동향 = 29
1. 국제기구의 전자무역 추진 동향 = 30
2. 주요국별 추진 동향 = 34
제 Ⅳ 장 전자무역 활용상의 문제점 = 40
제 1 절 제반 인프라 문제점 = 40
1. 전자무역 인프라의 문제점 = 40
2. 전자무역 중개기관의 문제점 = 46
제 2 절 법·제도상의 문제점 = 47
1. 법률적 문제 = 47
2. 조세제도 및 지적재산권 문제 = 49
3. 국제전자 결제제도 문제 = 51
제 Ⅴ 장 전자무역의 활용성 제고 방안 = 55
제 1 절 제반 인프라 활용성 제고 방안 = 55
1. 정보화 인프라 방안 = 55
2. 전자무역 전문인력 양성방안 = 56
3. 물류·유통 인프라 방안 = 58
4. R&D 인프라 방안 = 58
제 2 절 전자무역 중개기관의 활용성 제고 방안 = 59
1. 산업별 전문화 서비스 제공 = 59
2. 서비스 및 비즈니스 모델의 경쟁력 확보 = 59
3. 중개기관간의 연계체계 구축 = 60
제 3 절 전자결제시스템의 활용성 제고 방안 = 60
1. 전자결제시스템의 일반적 운영방향 = 60
2. 전자무역 결제시스템 유형별 활성화 방향 = 66
제 4 절 법·제도상의 활용성 제고 방안 = 69
1. 법률적 문제 해결방안 = 69
2. 조세제도 해결방안 = 70
3. 지적재산권 보호 해결방안 = 71
제 Ⅵ 장 결론 = 72
參考 文獻 = 74
朝鮮大學校 經營大學院
朱泫勇. (2004). 우리나라 企業의 電子貿易 活性化 方案.
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Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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