1827년 純祖의 尊號儀禮 진행과 그 의미 : 지식 활용을 통해 본 명분론 강화 양상

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순조 순원왕후 효명세자 존호의례 지식 유교경전 Sunjo Queen Sunwon Crown Prince Hyomyung eulogistic title offering ritual knowledge Confucian scriptures
본고는 1827년(순조 27) 9월 9일에 진행된 純祖와 純元王后의 尊號儀禮 절차와 그 의미를 분석하기 위해 작성되었다. 이번 의례는 代理聽政 중인 孝明世子의 주도로 진행되었으며, 이례적으로 순조와 순원왕후가 慈慶殿에서 함께 존호를 받음으로써 의식의 형태는 內宴에 가깝게 되었다. 이러한 변화는 이후 高宗代에도 그대로 이어졌다. 효명세자가 순조와 순원왕후에게 존호를 올린 대외적 명분은 元孫의 탄생이었고, 다른 한편으로는 1776년(영조 52) 대리청정을 시작하며 정조가 영조에게 존호를 올린 사례를 근거로 삼은 것이었다. 효명세자는 원손이 탄생한 공로를 순조와 순원왕후에게 돌리며 󰡔中庸󰡕․󰡔書經󰡕․󰡔詩經󰡕 등에 나오는 堯舜을 비롯한 고대 帝王의 치세와 비교하며 순조의 업적을 높였다. 순원왕후에 대해서도 太任․太姒 비교하며 존호에 대한 명분을 강화했다. 또한 효명세자는 世子侍講院에서 英․正祖代 편찬 된 帝王學 교재들로 교육을 받았다. 효명세자는 존호의례 역시 역대 선왕들이 존호를 받았던 예에 따라 순조가 존호를 받는 것은 선왕의 사업을 잇는 것이라고 강조하였다. 이는 존호를 올려 순조의 권위도 높이면서 효명세자 역시 후계자로서의 입지를 견고하게 할 수 있는 명분도 될 수 있었으며, 이러한 명분의 근거는 조선시대 지식을 대표하는 유교경전에서 찾았다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the procedure and meaning for the bestowment of honorable titles done by King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon in September 9, 1827 (27th year of King Sunjo). The ritual was led by Prince Hyomyeong who was managing the state affairs on behalf of the king. Exceptionally, King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon got Eulogistic Title Offering Ritual together in Jagyeongjeon and the form of ritual became more similar to palace banquet. Such changes continued in King Gojong times. Prince Hyomyeong’s bestowment of honorable titles to King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon was justified by the birth of his son. Also, the bestowment was supported by the case where King Jeongjo Eulogistic Title Offering Ritual to King Youngjo as he started state affairs in behalf of King Youngjo in 1776 (52th year of King Youngjo). King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon were credited for the birth of Prince Hyomyeong’s son. Prince Hyomyeong also praised the achievements of King Sunjo by referring to the peaceful reign of ancient kings including King Yo, King Sun in 󰡔The Mean󰡕․󰡔Book of Documents󰡕․󰡔Book of Songs󰡕. Prince Hyomyeong also justified eulogistic title offering ritual to Queen Sunwon by comparing her with King Wen of Chu’s mother and wife. In addition, Prince Hyomyeong was educated in the special institute for prince with the leadership textbooks written during King Youngjo and King Jeongjo times. Prince Hyomyeong emphasized that the preceding king was eulogistic title offering ritual and his eulogistic title offering ritual to King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon is inherited from such case. Through the eulogistic title offering ritual, King Sunjo raised his and Prince Hyomyeong established a solid foothold. The evidences can be found in Confucian scriptures representing the knowledge during the Joseon Dynasty.
Alternative Title
The Progression and Its Meaning ofEulogistic Title Offering Ritual in 1827 : Examining the Strengthening of Justification by Applying Knowledge
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Na-yeon
조선대학교 인문학연구원
Research Laboratory
Appears in Collections:
2018 > No 56
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