파워스티어링용 베인펌프의 성능특성에 관한 해석적 연구

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김진현 신윤찬 함정균 조홍현
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Cavitation Volumetric efficiency Vain pump Torque efficiency
The performance of a vane pump in the power steering system is directly connected to the variations of pressure change in the chamber, driving torque, volume flow rate and cavitation generation. In this study, the numerical analysis on the performance of the vane pump was carried out in order to investigate the characteristics of the vane pump in a power steering system. For the rotation speed of 3000 RPM, the highest volumetric efficiency of the vane pump is 0.957 for the 10-Vane and the lowest one is 0.916 for the 8-Vane. The torque efficiency of the vane pump for the rotation speed of 1000 RPM is over 0.9. Besides, the highest torque efficiency is 0.65 for the cases of 3000 RPM and 10-Vane. However, the torque efficiency decreases with increasing of rotation speed. The cavitation rate of the vane pump increases significantly with increasing of rotation speed regardless of number of vane. Cavitation rate is under the 10% for 2000 RPM and it increases up to 20% for 3000 RPM.
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