중국 서피칠(犀皮漆)의 표현 기법을 활용한 조형 디자인 연구

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서피칠(犀皮漆), 우연성(偶然性), 추상성(抽象性), 조형 디자인
Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art is an important branch of Chinese lacquer art. Its flowing lines, mottled colors and changeable textures give viewers a unique sense of visual beauty and display extremely high cultural and artistic value. With a more than 2,000 years history, Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art has undergone tremendous development in terms of its craft techniques, material forms and artistic achievements. However, due to its complicated production process and varied techniques, the surviving literature about Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art is relatively scattered and unsystematic. In addition, some records are not precise and there is even conceptual confusion. In light of this, after having consulted a large amount of literature, we sorted the surviving ancient books and modern documents and carried out a thorough study on the history, development, techniques, and forms of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art and explored systematically the opportunities and challenges the inheritance and development of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art faces through field research and interviews. At last, we will summarize an effective solution to its inheritance and innovation in the context of contemporary society and culture.
The thesis is carried out mainly from the following aspects: firstly, it defines the connotation of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art and traces its origin, analyzes its development history, and explores how to combine the traditional art of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art with modern spirit. Then, it analyzes the material selection and techniques of the patternmaking of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer, the graining method and painting skills of the lacquer painting process, the form and characteristics of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art, the sporadic and abstract characteristics of the texture generation. Through analyzing the expression of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art form in modern design, it focuses on the aesthetic characteristics and artistic expression of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art, such as the beauty of texture, color and craftsmanship. Therefore, this present study has certain theoretical significance and is a theoretical supplement to the academic system of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art.
Combining the research of the specific literature and image data, this dissertation excavates and restores the traditional craft of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer. And on this basis, combining the modern art and the aesthetic taste, it explores the application rules of modern design in Rhinoceros-skin lacquer art and works on the process design of the shape, color and painting on Rhinoceros-skin lacquer. Using modern technologies for 3D modeling, printing model with new soluble materials, and painting it completely, we designed four series of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer: natural forms, bionic abstraction, musical instruments, and cultural products. This study can attest to the diverse variety of appearance designs on the products of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer, which will further expand the cultural industry field of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer. This study innovates and develops the art of Rhinoceros-skin lacquer in the way of active inheritance, which will hopefully make up the defect of traditional Chinese painting techniques. We also analyze systematically and generalize the newly created rhinoceros lacquer and finally propose a theory of process that can be implemented, reproduced, disseminated and developed on the new type of rhinoceros lacquer.

Keywords: Rhinoceros-skin lacquer; contingency; abstraction; appearance design
Alternative Title
A Study on Appearance Design Using the Expression Technique of Chinese Rhinoceros-Skin Lacquer
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 디자인학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 6
제3절 연구의 구성 9

제2장 이론적 고찰 10
제1절 서피칠의 정의 10
제2절 서피칠기가 나타난 시대적 배경 13
제3절 서피칠기의 변천사 15
제4절 서피칠의 기법 및 표현 33
제5절 한·중·일 칠기의 발전 49

제3장 서피칠의 우연적 표현과 추상적 표현 54
제1절 우연성과 추상성의 표현 방법 54
제2절 예술적 의의 62
제3절 서피칠을 이용한 사례분석 64

제4장 서피칠의 표현기법을 활용한 조형 디자인 86
제1절 디자인 방안 86
제2절 서피칠기 작품 제작 과정 96
제3절 작품 종합 분석 109
제4절 작품 종합 분석 133
제5절 작품 전시 분석 140

제5장 결론 146
제1절 연구 결론 146
제2절 연구 전망 149

참고문헌 151
국문초록 159
조선대학교 대학원
신려하. (2023). 중국 서피칠(犀皮漆)의 표현 기법을 활용한 조형 디자인 연구.
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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