주역(周易)이 차문화(茶文化)에 끼친 영향 연구

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The Book of Tea, The Book of Changes, tea drinking, LuYu, tea ceremony, five elements, Hwa(neutralization).
As the processes of LuYu's growth and learning showed, he was not guided by any one thought. When he was a boy, he focused on the Confucian thought, but later he completed the various ideas through exchanges with the Confucian writers and bureaucrats. His various ideas were applied to the process of writing 「The Book of Tea(茶經)」. His application of 「The Book of Changes(周易)」 to the production of tea-tools such as chauffer or quoting 「The Book of Changes」 when tasting tea was to emphasize the importance and meaning of tea. This is because LuYu intended to elevate the ‘tea’ that was developed to the level for drinking from medicinal use into the stage of mental and tea culture. In this process, he intended to take advantage of 「The Book of Changes」 which had a great influence on the general public as well as the intellectuals and apply it to the act of drinking tea.
LuYu learned the Buddhism-related knowledge and also 「The Book of Changes」 in the process of studying the Confucian thoughts. His emphasis of the Confucian value like ‘Jeong(精)・Haeng(行)・Geom(儉)・Deok(德)’ suggested that he was influenced by the Confucian thought including 「The Book of Changes」. He advocated key word and idea of tea manner, ‘Jeong・Haeng・Geom・Deok’ first. He employed the basic Gwe(卦) of 「The Book of Changes」 in making chauffer. It is another evidence that he learned and applied 「The Book of Changes」. There was no clear evidence that he learned 「The Book of Changes」 or the Five Books of Confucianism, but the investigation of 「The Book of Tea」 confirmed that he was much influenced by 「The Book of Changes」.
In conclusion, the results of this study can be summarized as folows.
First, the key ideas of ‘tea culture and tea ceremony’ were defined as Hwa(和)・Gyeong(敬)・Cheong(淸)・Jeok(寂)・Jin(眞) and Yi(怡), the various interpretations of 「The Book of Changes」 were reestablished and explained with concrete concepts. This study described the effects and correlations of 「The Book of Changes」 on the idea of tea ceremony.
Second, while tea culture or tea drinkers mentioned tea ceremony and 「The Book of Changes」 through writings or poems, they were not concrete in explaining the associations between tea ceremony and 「The Book of Changes」. This study explained the correlations concretely between tea ceremony and 「The Book of Changes」 through various cases.
Third, the element which has the closest relevance with 「The Book of Tea」 and the five elements of 「The Book of Changes」 was color and it was found that it was applied as Cheongcha [木], Jeokcha [火], Hwangcha [土], Baekcha [金] and Heukcha [水].
It is considered that the research on the influence of 「The Book of Changes」 on tea culture and tea ceremony thought should be performed in various areas. But, there have not been enough studies and materials related to this, so to solve this problem, gathering DB of related materials and papers is needed. As the material culture is developed more, the concerns on mental culture will be greater. Therefore, academic concerns and studies on tea culture, tea ceremony and 「The Book of Changes」 will be extended more.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Influence of The Book of Changes on the Tea Culture
Alternative Author(s)
Bae Jin-yeon
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국제티앤커피문화학과
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Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구현황과 연구방법 4
1. 연구현황 4
2. 연구내용과 방법 7

제2장 「다경」에 나타난 차문화의 양상 9
제1절 육우의 생애와 시대적 상황 9
1. 육우의 생애 9
2. 시대적 상황과 차문화 11
제2절 「다경」에 나타난 차문화와 「주역」의 상관성 13
1. 정행검덕(精行儉德) 13
2. 풍로(風爐) 18
3. 음지시(飮之時) 21
제3절 차문화의 정신적 측면 22
1. 차문화의 핵심 용어 22
2. 차문화의 사상적 특징 30

제3장 차문화와 「주역」의 상관성 36
제1절 다구(茶具)와 「주역」의 상관성 36
1. 다호(茶壺)와 천택리괘(天澤履卦) 36
2. 다배(茶杯)와 택지췌괘(澤地萃卦) 38
3. 다선(茶船)과 풍수환괘(風水渙卦) 39
4. 다해(茶海)와 지수사괘(地水師卦) 41
5. 다반(茶盤)과 풍천소축괘(風天小畜卦) 42
6. 다건(茶巾)과 산화비괘(山火賁卦) 43
7. 다칙(茶則)과 수택절괘(水澤節卦) 45
제2절 음다(飮茶)와 「주역」의 상관성 48
1. 차 감상과 풍지관괘(風地觀卦) 48
2. 다관 데우기와 화지진괘(火地晋卦) 49
3. 찻잎 넣기와 풍산점괘(風山漸卦) 51
4. 찻잎 씻기와 택화혁괘(澤火革卦) 52
5. 차 우려내기와 풍택중부괘(風澤中孚卦) 54
6. 차 따르기, 차 권하기, 차 평하기와 산뢰이괘(山雷頤卦) 56
7. 찻잎 모양 관찰하기와 풍지관괘(風地觀卦) 58
8. 다구 정리하기와 화수미제괘(火水未濟卦) 58

제4장 「주역」 오행론(五行論)이 차문화에 끼친 영향 60
제1절 「주역」 오행론의 특징 62
1. 목(木)과 중풍손괘(重風巽卦) 62
2. 화(火)와 중화이괘(重火離卦) 63
3. 토(土)와 중지곤괘(重地坤卦) 65
4. 금(金)과 화풍정괘(火風鼎卦) 67
5. 수(水)와 중수감괘(重水坎卦) 69
제2절 오행론이 「다경」에 끼친 영향 71
1. 목(木) : 차나무 71
2. 화(火) : 물 끓이기 72
3. 토(土) : 차의 재배 72
4. 금(金) : 솥 제조 73
5. 수(水) : 물의 분류 74

제5장 조선 후기 다인(茶人)과 「주역」 76
제1절 다산 정약용(茶山 丁若鏞)과 「주역」 76
1. 다산과 연파 혜장(蓮坡 惠藏) 77
2. 혜장과 지산겸괘(地山謙卦) 78
제2절 초의 의순(草衣 意恂)과 풍택중부괘(風澤中孚卦) 81
1. 자(字) ‘중부(中孚)’의 의미 81
2. 법호(法號) ‘초의(草衣)’의 유래 82
제3절 이덕리(李德履)의 「동다기(東茶記)」와 중뢰진괘(重雷震卦) 83

제6장 결론 86

참고문헌 89

부록 <64괘조견표> 93
조선대학교 대학원
배진연. (2021). 주역(周易)이 차문화(茶文化)에 끼친 영향 연구.
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